Hey guys, I have a question about whether anyone else is having problems with their patches or if it's just my terrible laptop. The last few days, Tweaker has given me a few updates to the story patch. I always check if it's compatible before I install it and Tweaker said they were so I installed them. But on Saturday when I did that, none of the ships would show up when I started the game. I had to check for Missing files and reinstall all the patches, which takes at least an hour on my laptop because it's a piece of garbage, and then yesterday it did the same thing. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the story patch itself yesterday but that didn't work either so I had to check for Missing files again and reinstall everything, again. Basically, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this issue? My laptop is severely beginning to kick the bucket and I'm getting a new one for Christmas, so it's entirely possible my laptop is screwing something up in the update process, but I wanted to check if it's just me or if others are having a problem.