I have an idea for the team to. You'll have to have skype/whatever we use for voice chat.

Here's my idea. We'll have 4 groups of 3. Each group will have their captain. We'll also name the groups things like TA or something easy to say. Each member will have a code name; they'll put that on their online status. (purely for things like "P1 droping Zanba") So players can find you. Group members won't need mics though. Group Captains will require mics tho. They'll be the main ones talking. Then have someone who makes all the calls of where each squad goes after they figure out their gear and talk it over with the group captains.

There is still more to add to the idea though. This is just a rough explanation of it.

Who'd be interested? Add me on skype(Lostbob117) if you're interested. I'll make a group there.