Quote Originally Posted by AIDA View Post
In your documents\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2 folder, there's a file called "item_name_cache.dat". It used to be deleted in old versions of the Tweaker - Update yours and see if it still is being deleted/overwritten. I literally just took a look at the code and we don't even touch that file anymore, as AFAIK that's what the game uses.

Alright followup report then, I have once again reinstalled tweaker from scratch and fiddle with it before running the game, when trying to setup OverParse it told me about the Plugin menu in tweaker (which I have not noticed before) where by default was Item Translation enabled - this was probably the cause of the item cache erasing, however no items were actually translated which is why I thought I have no options enabled.
In order to disable this plugin (Item Translation), I actually couldn't just uncheck it as that crashed the tweaker, what I had to do was go to plugin settings, there set a hotkey and only then I was able to disable it.

So after that I proceeded to run the game again with tweaker and nothing but the Damage Parser plugin enabled and my item cache remained unchanged. (so for people with this problem who want to just use tweaker for the DPS thing, make sure to go to all settings and disable all possible things tweaker does by default).
Overparse is working flawlessly (although technique names are in English, I can get over it since for techs and PAs the translations are good [not like オフスティア = austere... what? where did the fu go, i think devs meant it as Off Steer and maybe Ofus Tear would be acceptable TL interpretation too, but w/e xD] )

Btw unrelated to this topic but when I run the tweaker on the latest pso2 version, it says there is pso2 update available, I always click no and the launch works anyways but it keeps announcing an update even though there is none available, is there a way to disable update checks since I update through the default launcher?