hello again everyone. i know i probably should have posted in the open thread, but i couldn't help myself. also, i didn't know if doing so would be considered derailing since i'm not really complaining about anything. i think this may be the first thread i've created here (second?), if so, i'd certainly like it to be concerning the following! i have some ideas for the enquete, but i cannot translate them. and they probably suck anyway. in any case, i'm bored and wanted to borrow your beautiful eyes. have fun or not

these are what i want :3

in no particular order...

1.) new scratch category.
cut in faces; cut in backgrounds
we've had the same ones since the game opened as far as i know. it would be fun to have some new ones to go with the graphics update! maybe some puffy cheeks, or a single raised eyebrow, or ducklips for twitter selfies. backgrounds could included galaxy twilight, forest trees, diagonally scrolling patterns like leaves or flowers or chibi raptors.
maybe this could be done at the expense of all the recolors and revivals in normie scratch.

2.) pudding world.
franka got an area. sega should give pudding and her glorious, but dreadfully underutilized VR area a lot more presence in arks' life. i think it would be fun if extreme passes could be exchanged for arks medallions to buy access to various VR minigames. maybe.
i hope the changes coming 4/20 include tutorials on weapon switching in mid air or some such.

maybe even let characters participate as pieces in arks chess among friends? too boring?? oh, okay...

3.) noemi world. on a fashion block.
noemi definitely needs her own area. this game is about fashion shush, you know it is, stop lying to yourself so why not caterdra'n to that demographic! i think it would be nice to actually be able to go into an area whose walls are (for a fortnight) adorned with displays of costumes and cosmetics and hair and flowing mantles and all the este stuff for that scratch period. maybe even an dressing room where one can preview and run round in items not yet purchased to one's account (it's too hard to see potential eyes in the visiphone!!!). but i think the real draw could be a fashion runway where people could go to show off their style in front of friends. people can vote for several weekly winners who would then go on to fashion battle in the shop area. people can vote, once per account, via area chat in fashion similar to that of the encore system. winners can receive fun prizes sent to the visiphone. and the chance to design their own fashion accessory.

4.) piloting.
we've all seen the crashes; wouldn't it be fun to cause one for a change? i know it would never happen, but i think it would be fun to earn a pilot pass to participate in an mpa as a pilot and shoot things with a finite amount of ammo. once the ammo runs out, the ship will crash and must be defended. a super tough boss will appear after a few waves and if the ship remains intact, another person can pilot it. lather, rinse, repeat. also, earn star gems when the ship corrupts and everyone in the mpa nearby is warped to darker's den for a "final showdown"

bonus: random opportunity to actually pilot the campship to a planet. dodge debris, beat time records, etc for various boosts during quest. maybe not during EQ. or maybe pilot just before EQ in preparation.

5.) transcendence tickets.
oh yes. i really want this to happen. there could be a 1/10,000 silver (1/4,000 gold) chance ("expect sega to sega") to obtain a transcendence ticket. this ticket could be used to link all of an arbitrary character's character bound ac items to its account so that ALL characters on that account can use those items in este. transcendence would take effect the maintenance after ticket usage, cannot be used more than once every three months (per character), and only binds tickets unlocked at the time the servers go down for that maintenance period (so ac tickets used after bind request [transcendence ticket use], but before that particular maintenance period begins, would still be eligible for transcendence).

6.) tekking bonus.
rare chance of a useful item (star gem, lambda, bonus quest pass, etc.) being sent to storage on successful item tekking.

7.) elemental charm: melee.
zieg quest. all melee character classes lv75 (or current level cap lol), story board unlocked, both other charms acquired. show zieg a rainbow set of melee weapons and 33 craftman something or others and he will give you an elemental charm. this causes any weapon in one's inventory with corresponding weapons of the same name and grind, but different elements to share each others element upon equip. any monster will be hit with its weak element (or second, on resist) as long as the charm is an event item and the character has a weapon of corresponding element in inventory.

8.) premium set bonuses:
item stacks in premium storage can go to some really useful number between 999 and 65,536 because as it is now? no.
costumes/parts do not count to item limit.
random chance of complete stamina refill (to make crafting continue to be as bearable in later levels as it is in earlier levels when level ups are more common).
can mimic the dance of any person in friend-list, regardless of dance possession.
photon jukebox.
listen to music from jukebox anytime, anywhere.
photon ESC-A ether stuff music disc.
buy photon ether music discs for ac or some game currency relevant to plot. put a mp3 in a specified folder via launcher to hear it in jukebox. let your earth music cross over into the game world! plot twist we can all enjoy! don't forget, photon jukebox :3

9.) log-in to my room.

10.) secret phrases.
every maintenance, sega sets a secret phrase when, once said, sends items to visiphone. no hints. why not ; ;

11.) never a time with no bingo.
even when i don't want to play, bingo makes me play. no bingo, no life. item bonuses (multiplier??) for completing consecutive bingo cards.

12.) poverty strike.
option menu. the ability to set an option that would cause the character to perform a normal attack when pp impoverished instead of doing absolutely nothing and causing me to fall from epic heights into the vengeful arms of all the za oodan i was terrorizing shooting from safety.

13.) unlucky number 13 because it will never happen: deferred eq passes and block.
if a character is logged in during an eq, but does not participate, an EQ pass for that event will be sent to the visiphone. the player can use passes with friends or with randoms to arbitrarily participate in the missed EQ provided each has a pass. no more than three EQ passes can be used per maintenance period, per account (sorry, multiship masterminds). sega can spitefully hategate the EQs continue to extend the life of the game by requiring accompanying items such as XQ passes, casino coin passes, lambda grinders, random casino triggers, the sound of cat's footfall, the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, the spittle of a bird, etc.

14.) oh, i like this one, myself. mascot pedometer!
players are given mascot pedometers for their characters, an event item that shows a cute picture of the mascot instead of in addition to some boring text in a menu item that absolutely no one visits, ever. any and every action thence taken on a planet accumulates mascot pedometer points. defeat bosses, succeed in trials, etc for more points. these points can be exchanged at the mascot shop for star gems, lambda grinders, and other useful items. this should not be used to introduce a stamina aspect to normal game play, however. this is not mobage. i cannot keep up with that life.

15.) a day in the life of a mag.
pso2es minigames to play, and read the journal of your mag's adventures when you are away from the game. journal entry composition can be outsourced to the player base via regular competition. or hodgepodge twitter bot text. or a starving artist story teller. occasionally journal entries have items attached. that's right: star gems. in my world, you get a star gem, and YOU get a star gem, and YOOOU get a star gem!

16.) ticket icon above hp flickers before expiring.

17.) the option to bind custom tech discs only to particular skill trees.

18.) further zoom out. more zoom. like zoomy zoom zoom. new game perspective reborn.

19.) buy back/undo skill point placement for star gems, 50 ac.

20.) exchange triboosts for star gems and vice versa.

21.) earn star gems and triboosts for watching commercials on the screen in shop area.

22.) not sure about this one, but add a tiny cool-down to restoration item animation, but allow the animation to be cancelled.

23.) please please please:
JA circle on just recovery from knockdowns.

24.) fewer bitter players.

25.) quna world peace.