GameSpot interviewed Charles Bellfield of Sega of America today. When asked if PSO Ep: 1 & 2 will be pay-to-play Bellfield replied, "Yes, there will be a subscription service for PSO Episode I & II. Of course, that may change--it may be free." In addition the same interview states, that Mr. Bellfield killed the idea for cross platform online PSO. When asked if the idea was feaseable, he said no, citing the reason as the fact X-box live will be a closed system, but said that in the future Gamecube and PS2 should have no problem connecting. You can view the whole article here. Lastly, there seems to be screenshots of a ruins level, which is speculated as being a Pioneer 1 level! You can check the screens for yourself at New Technix (Not English) Many thanks to Blueblur, tst-leader, and King_Neo_X for this information!