An old building is before you. A faded, brown brick husk that stands alone among the rotting garbage heaps in the ghost town of FKL. Its design is simple and rectangular. A solid wooden door marks the entrance, black paint chipping off its surface to reveal the old and battered surface underneath. There's a square window on each side of the door, but you can't even see through them on account of the layers of dust that have caked their surface over the years. Flickering, red neon letters are mounted to the brick wall above the door. They simply read "B4R." Even when the light of the sign manages to stay on for a few seconds, it's a dull memory of what it once was. Here too, dust has made a home. It suffocates the light, stopping it from pushing through the cold still night around you. Opening the door and stepping through, you find yourself in a dimly lit, wooden affair. Soft yellow light washes over empty tables and chairs, devoid of any cushions. If you look closely you can see all their varnish has been rubbed thin or is gone completely in spots. Many tabletops are etched with graffiti or plain old scratches. At the far end is a bar with a row of stools in front of it, and countless bottles of spirits behind it. It is there I stand, in a faded black vest and tie over a yellowing once-white shirt. My hair has grown out, along with a goatee. The skin around my eyes is dark, giving the appearance my eyes have sunken in over the years as time, substances, and the trials of life took their toll on my body. I'm a rather sullen face if you go by the fact a smile doesn't seem like it'd fit on my lips, but otherwise it gives away little more than a poker-face. When I speak, my voice is deep, tired, and sounds as if I am being perpetually annoyed by something that never ends.

"Come in, come in. Have a drink. But I don't do cocktails, and we sure as hell don't serve milk. Simple, neat, and strong is the name of the game now. Whether you're an old soul coming back to relive memories or a curious newcomer, I don't care. I serve all, as long as you got the @s. But if you're gonna vomit or spill someone's blood, do it outside. Nitro and his buggit aren't around much anymore to clean the place up, and I don't much care for cleanin' up after you. So, what'll it be?"