Quote Originally Posted by Breadsticks View Post
Well for techer I imagine it doesn't matter since it probably takes you two minutes and more to charge either way

They wont get nerfed actually one is getting buffed

they are just getting a 2min cooldown
I have to disagree with this. It just makes TE better comparatively because it hits FO much harder, but on a lot of content you can already get one compound every minute as TE/FI or TE/BR, and it's your main source of damage for bosses

To elaborate a bit, compound rate depends on damage dealt, number of hits, and content played. while the change is not noticeable in mpa for TE because 12 people content makes compounds longer to charge, 4 man and solo quests (Gracia excluded because damage being halved here means slower compound charge), the compound can actually charge blazingly fast.