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    Default Never been more pissed off by a PvE game in my entire life

    PSO2 is so bad that it genuinely infuriates me. Saying that it's much worse than PSU is a gross understatement. I have to vent or my tumor will explode.

    Ultimately, the game's combat is just so damned inferior. The biggest problem is that there's zero pacing against bosses whatsoever. You're either facerolling them into submission so hard that they can't even move and die within 5-10 secs (guess they don't know what "bosses" are supposed to be), or you yourself get stunlocked (aka juggled) right back until you're dead, and SEGA LOVES to throw 2-4 bosses at you at the same fucking time. It's completely broken. You can't even fucking move, use mates, or any abilities unless you happen to use massive hunter, and usually with massive hunter you just die immediately anyway because of no recovery frames. I just can't emphasize enough how utterly broken this bullshit is. You had the potential to solo pretty much anything in PSU as a ranged class because you were never put in these kind of ridiculous situations, but with this game it's the complete opposite.

    My guess is that because they gave you the option to super leet Dark Souls roll/step spam, they made some of the bosses' attacks completely unavoidable, and I swear most of them just endlessly spam attacks as much as they possibly can like they're Pontiff Sulyvahn or something. You NEED the invincibility frames or you WILL get hit, no exceptions (unless you're blocking, but we're not all hunters). Some of the worst offenders would be the four-legged Anga Fundarge and reskinned Banthers (Falka Leonne or whatever the hell it is). Against those assholes I'm pretty much mashing the "evade" button THE ENTIRE FIGHT or I instantly get hit/flung into the air and usually stunlocked to death. Even trying to gain distance against ONE certain boss is nearly impossible, but when it's 2-4 just forget about even moving. I can't imagine how anyone can even attempt to stay sane by soloing as a non-melee class. It's actually giving me fucking cancer.

    While the piece of shit broken combat is this game's biggest flaw, the second would hands down be the absolutely pathetic mob spawning/density. Oh you're running through this mission trying to get mobs to spawn? Here's some a mile fucking behind you, have fun turning the fuck around asshole, or go ahead and lose that precious S/A-rank for the featured gift, bitch. WHY IS THIS OK? If that wasn't bad enough, sometimes when they do spawn it's either they spawn ONE BY FUCKING ONE or they're SOOOO spread out that even massive aoe's like divine launcher won't hit them. Gee, thanks for spawning four yedes one by one in a row; I'm having SO MUCH FUN. I was mad when I first got this game because it didn't have things like slicers or laser cannons for lining up targets and destroying them, but with this kind of sad spawning system, I now see that there's absolutely no point for them.

    Aside from that, they turned a completely unique game into fucking World of Wacraft by adding quests (client orders). They turned a loot-hunting game into a quest-completing game. FUCK client orders. Client orders pretty much ruined whatever hope this game had. Every time I return to this shit game from a rage-induced "break" I find myself with a GIANT FUCKING MOUND OF EXPIRED BONUS KEYS. STUPID AS FUCK CONCEPT. Getting off topic, anyway, I come back and want to actually play the game, BUT OH WAIT, before I can efficiently grind levels, I have to go out of my fucking way to do the stupid ass daily quests for the 50% triboost bonus. It takes FOUR DAYS to reach 50%. FOUR. THEN WHAT? In order to efficiently make money, I have to yet again go out of my fucking way and do all of the stupid ass time attack/extreme quests (aka "tacos"). THEN WHAT? I better get my ass mining for Yerkes' free fucking 600k and fishing for the sometimes daily 100k quests! Just like in shitty WoW, the game itself pretty much TELLS you what to do with quests. Without quests, you could essentially do whatever the hell you want, just like in PSU. You could just log on and instantly do anything you felt like doing... and I know what some of you are thinking, "Derr I'd just spam White Beast or whatever the best mission was for exp anyway." Well guess what jackass? In this shit game you're either spamming the ONE featured level-up quest that changes once a day (to another mission you've already done; they CYCLE) or the SAME advance quest to make the best use of capsules. They dropped the ball there. All they had to do was just balance the missions better in PSU, problem solved.

    Sometimes keeping it simple is just better. Fuck the retarded crafting in this game. What kind of stupid idea was timed abilities? And fuck affixing equipment. NO ONE likes RNG. NO ONE. Money is literally everything in this game, and where does it all come from? Solely from client orders. Oh, and one more thing. The spookyish/dark atmosphere that PSO had and PSU kind of had is completely shattered in this game by absolutely faggy bullshit like that faggot ass Nyau bitch thing. I bet the same person who added that thing in the game is the same one who made episode 4. What an asshole. Herrderr teenage bath scenes. Fuck you.

    Alright I feel better. Feel free to argue with me if you think this shit game is better than PSU and I'll enjoy telling you that you're wrong.
    Last edited by Maximillian.; Jul 30, 2017 at 11:38 AM.

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