Quote Originally Posted by Anduril View Post
I personally have no problems with skin on Caseal parts, though I guess it is really a difference between wanting something akin to mecha-musume/cyborgs versus fully robotic characters.
Personally, my major beef with a lot of the Caseal parts, particularly those post-Ep.3, is that they don't really seem to morph along with the body proportions, particularly the Body Parts; so many just seem to stay as straight cylinders rather than properly adjusting to changes in waist size/depth/thickness.
A lot of parts do have weird base proportions, so that might be why, but I haven't really had any problems with that since they made it so you can save your cast proportions seperately.

Quote Originally Posted by Enforcer MKV View Post
I can neither confirm nor deny those allegations.

But in all seriousness, last time I was happy with a new caseal part set; it was Alnar. That was July of 2016.

I don't ignore individual parts outright, but at the same time it's been a real long time since I was actually happy with a caseal set they released.
It just seems so weird to me that people focus on the "showing skin" part. If you just don't like the style that's one thing, but the last two scratches had no "skin" either, so acting like it hasn't happened in a long time is weird to me.