Well, my not-at-all beloved half-broken comp Dork Boy X finally got completely broken(Mmm, fried processor) the other day, so to get revenge for all the crap it gave me in it's three or four years or so, I got out a screwdriver and ripped it completely apart and made sure stuff got broken.

I've learned a new-found hatred for Hewlett-Packard computers ripping one apart like that. Everything was nice and crammed in so tight you couldn't see the motherboard taking off the side panel, and no matter what the hell you tried, you couldn't remove the boxy thing the drives sat in to actually remove the frigging things... Stupid case design, I can open up Vol Opt and get that out immediately from him without any hassle whatsoever)

Finally got the floppy, CD-RW and DVD-ROM drives out, but I got the freaking motherboard out before the damned hard drive, which was finally accomplished by ripping off the front of the case and managing to slide the thing it sat in foward enough to reach the last screw(It had four, the other drives had three, the fourth wasn't acessable without, you guessed it, getting the drive bays out.)

LOL, it probably doesn't work anymore after that, which is a shame because I had some files on there I never got a chance to back them up because X couldn't successfully burn CDs anymore, and e-mailing multiple 50meg .psd files to yourself over dialup just doesn't work(Especially when the comp won't stay up long enough to actually send the damn things. >P). I'll have to see if Calus has room for another HD and try to slave it and see if it still works. Not holding my breath, though.

I don't regret anything else except the possible loss of the HD's data. I'm glad to see the miserable bastard die. And it's dead, alright, the case is destroyed, I broke the graphics card, lost half the screws and even managed to break something on the motherboard. Now for completeness I should just break everything to little bits and stomp on it and set it on fire. >P

I feel much better now. O_o;