i just copied and pasted this from a post i made in a topic on ragolian vehicles, ive just got in from work and its 01:10 on my clock, i just suffered from a bad fsodx, so ill edit the whole post tomorow to increase legibility a bit, so check up on it, if your gonna just write pointless flamings then i appologise for wasting your time, but if we could get like a draft for the game up, ill glady e-mail it to sonic team, or infultrate there headquaters disguised as a small dog (im too tired to be sensible=) ) id jsut like to get more action from the game that i spend my time on =) (and get rid of FSODX!!!!)

anyway draft one:

ive had an idea to totally eveolve pso, with keeping to the same sorta style of melee/guns/spells


HUnters instead of atk, str atk and ext atk imagine vertical weak, vert strong, hori weak, hori strong (only one extra, but make it cooler) to mix up the combo's, and extra animations specific to class

RAngers: RAnewm enough said..........

but imagine a sorta cross hair thing on rifles, not completely fps (might as well port whole thing to pc if that happens) but with some sniper rifles on fps' you get a zoomed soight whilst the rest of the background remains in normal focus, there could be kinda hit boxes etc, the buttons (b, a and x on gc) would controll level of zoom/shoot, this would involve being able to hold L and use b,a,x aswell as R and b,a,x for 9 custom buttons rather than 6, this ofcourse applies for all classes

sick of fire, ice and lightning (and light/dark) well how aboot extra water, nature (kinda like big barbed poison vines, rather than little leaves) and not just __, Gi or Ra, what if with the higher level spell, the more "options" you get about how you use it, for example if you could throw a ball of barta (foie style) at level 5ish barta, or you could do an allround deband, or make a super strong 1 sided one (sorta of like a deband wall working at 120% rather than 100 but leaving your sides, back vunerable)

these are only ideas, im gonna post them in a new post (copy and paste) but i think with the same sort of cartoony graphics (kinda) but more in depth strategy and gameplay, (and a way to stop bl**dy fsodx and hacking weapons and fsod) wouldn't pso be more enjoyable, the RAngers sniping, the HUnters doing impressive god/battle induced combo's that beat cr*p outta booma's, etc, whilst FOrces run about using slow, paralysis, poison (nature), water techs in which ever way they like (with water there would be some sort of tsunami wave, now imagine a foie tsunami, with lava pouring down on all that stand in your way

all in a different storyline/time, perhaps making a new race or 2? (HUgol (gol as in ragol, kinda like a human/booma splice) or a FOgol (you know you want the sourcerors diamonds) or even a RAgol (lol, just seen spelling, as a little rappy/man with a gun =D )

anyway ive rambled on enough, im gonna post this in the same forum, might even edit it when it isnt 1 in the morning tomorow or something