yup, ive been gone for about two weeks. if you cant figure out where ive been, youre just stupid.

anyway, our family went on some tours which were good, and some that completley sucked. what REALLY got me mad, is that i never saw a wild moose. we did go to this animal refuge camp where i saw a couple of moose (mooses? meese? ::head explodes:: ) and some baby moose. then comes the good part. the cruise. its like having your ass wiped for you every day. just let me tell you now, if you go on a cruise, you simply WONT find better food anywhere else. aside from that, i met a couple of people who were pretty cool. before i forget, canada is pretty boring as well. we stopped in vancouver (i just woke up) and i have to say it was pretty boring.

NOTE: all of this is personal opinion. dont get a pinapple up your nose...