Aaa, if you haven't already heard of this before, you're probably deaf.

OK, so it's a GameCube controller, but wireless. It uses a Radio Frequency to transmit signals over to the GameCube from over 20 feet away. Pretty sweet. It comes with:
  • 1 Wireless WaveBird GameCube Controller
  • 1 reciever, which plugs into the GameCube socket port thingy
  • 2 AA Batteries (yay! )
  • Instruction Booklet
  • 1 Severed Head

Aaa, this thing looks and plays pretty sweet. I nabbed it at the local Wal-Mart for a petty 29.95, and I'm happy with it. I dunno about battery life, cause I've only had it a day, but considering it uses RF signals rather thanh infared...well...think about a DVD remote...okay quadruple that. Sounds like it'll last a while, keke. But, in any case, I've got rechargables, so it isn't really a problem

Aaa, so get it, it's good. Not to mention it will prolly make PSO uhhm...interesting...

And about battery life, and it wearing out on you in the middle of a Dark Falz battle or something...there's a light that shows how much battery you've got left. If the light looks dim, replace the batteries...uhhm...on a whim?
...Aaa, I can't rhyme for my life

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ziggy-san on 2002-06-17 17:29 ]</font>