As I’m sure many of you may remember, or have heard about if it was before your time, there was once a great person who wasted away days of their life on this message board. This person was quite simply brilliant, excelling at pissing people off and raising hell. They always had something hilarious to say and if there was a lame topic to be found it would be hijacked before anyone could even begin to comprehend as to what was happening.

This person probably commanded the largest fan following I have ever seen, and probably the largest I will ever see. More importantly, this person was my friend(no, I’m not referring to myself). I think that it would be fair to say that Danger Girl and myself kicked a lot of ass, on Ragol and PSOW. And I would be lying if I denied that that period of time wasn’t the greatest of my online-gaming life. And then real life slapped me in the face, and Danger Girl moved on to bigger and better things, like Evercrack.

Quite frankly, my online experiences have been lacking ever since. I’ve even turned into what I hate most: a lurker. Am I losing myself in the past, longer for what used to be? No, I don’t think so, at least not on any conscious level. Rather than sit here and wallow in sadness over the loss of one legacy I’d rather help create another. It may not be as “good” as the one I shared small part in with the legendry DG, but it would be fun, and it could possibly be even better, giving rise to a new legacy of chaos and bloodshed.

So ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. I, Spy, am up for grabs. While I like to think of myself as a semi-decent side-kick all I really am is just a bitch. So if you could use a bitch… er, sidekick, we may have something to discuss.