Okkkkkkk....here we go

Here is my stash of items that I think are worth a horses butt.

Spread needle (best weapon I have seen)

Twin Brand (oooo, blue doublesaber!)


Chain sawd (good for cutting stuff)

Inferno Bazooka (Goes boom)

S-beats Blade (good for bragging)

Ok, now for some of the lower-end items:

Brave knuckles (kung fu gear)

Photon Claw (meow....bad kitty)

Double saber (overrated suicide stick)

And 2 bloody gut-covered smelly DELSABER'S RIGHT ARMS. Maybe 1 day I'll turn these into a buster.....Maybe.

Flowen's shield

AND A LEVEL 200 SONITI MAG....that looks like a deformed pokemon.

And bleh bleh. This is what I have, i'll take offers of stuff Not on this list mostly.