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  1. #11
    Banned Sgt_Shligger's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Hey cousin!


    .... start ?

  2. #12


    Name: Raphael Nemis Andeaux aka "Jaunty"

    Age: 25

    Class: HUmar

    Appearance: Deep red vest, white undershirt with green trim. Black slacks and shoes. Black top hat with golden blonde hair spilling out to the neck. Jade green eyes.

    Weapons: Durandal (saber), DB's Sword (AUW 3077)(saber), Varista (handgun),

    Armor: DF field (armor), Invisible Guard (shield)

    Mag: Red Sato with splotches of white.

    Section ID: Redria

    Personality: Jaunty is a cheerful fellow, and has never been known to express anger. Polite at all times, even when faced with extreme danger. Smiles quite a bit except when thinking and/or alone (but sometimes even then). The rest, well... we shall see, won't we?

    Bio: Jaunty doesn't like to talk about his past much, and will politely steer away from that subject. Politics are not his subject either, and can evoke the most negative response (presented good-naturedly and with a smile, of course). He started out working as an entertainer, ranging from comedy to dangerous feats of skill and agility. That life began to bore him, so Jaunty moved on to bigger and more interesting things, something dangerous and at the same time exhilerating: a life of crime. Currently, he is wanted by the law for numerous accounts of theft, but due to his slippery nature, he has evaded the authorities so well that they have little to no clue of his true identity. What little they do know, they've come to call him "Fire Fox". How long he'll stay under their radar, only time will tell...

  3. #13
    Guardian of Light - Jesus Freak
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    ((YAY! I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 in three days! Now to beat it on Standard mode... >> Sephiroth shall die...))

    Stormsworder stood outside of the Principal's office, pacing anxiously. He knew that Tyrell had sent a notice to some of the best hunters to come for a briefing, but none had shown up yet. He wanted to see what these hunters were made of.

    That, and the sooner we search the surface, the better. We have no idea if there are any injured there. The longer we wait, the higher the chances are that people are going to start dying. And my promise... There's no way I'm going to break it.

    Stormsworder looked out over the walkway at the sprawling buildings below. He had no other choice but to wait. Tyrell wasn't about to let him go alone. "Don't see why... I can handle myself."

    ((Also, I'm going to be gone from Thursday to late Saturday))

  4. #14
    Banned Sgt_Shligger's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Hey cousin!


    Caption was walking around the shops and couldn't find anything of intersest. "Might as well get there early..." A short walk later, he arrives at the principals office and there is only one person there. "Wow, no one seems anxious to come now, do they?" Nonetheless, Cap finds a wall and leans on it, pondering on what to do in the meantime.

  5. #15
    the knightly thief at your service
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    a tavern in the middle of a rich neigborhood with lots to steal


    While their had been a mass message calling for all elite hunters Gamma wouldn't be able to officially attended as he didn't belong to the hunter's guild in any way. However he did manage to slip into unspace and follow one of the other hunters up into the principles office.

  6. #16


    "...quite sure that, in time, things could-"



    The handsome young man inhaled sharply as he stepped out onto the walkway. He spun quickly around to face the other occupant in the lift and bowed deeply.

    "My apologies, mi'lady, but our conversation must be cut short," he said with small hint of regret.

    "No worries," she replied with a smile. "It was a pleasure, Mr. Jaunty,"

    "Pleasure's all mine, I do believe," he said, winking and broadening his smile. "Farewell!"

    She gave one last gesture before the door closed, and the last thing he saw was a kiss blown in his direction and the curls of brown hair tumbling down. Ah, those silky curls, those shimmering eyes...

    "HaHA!" Jaunty said aloud, snapping his fingers above his head. "Now to business." He walked a few paces to the nearest person he could see, which happened to be a fellow dressed in a large black trenchcoat and various drab garments beneathe it. Jaunty wondered how any man could dress like that, but did not let his resentment show as he spoke his greeting. "Excuse me, good sir, but is this Sir Tyrell's executive chamber?"

    The man looked dumbfounded, not because he was surprised, but because of the way the stranger had addressed him. It wasn't a typical greeting in these days, and it took a moment for him to gather his words. "Uhhh... yeah."

    "Why thank you, sir! My name is Jaunty, and yours might be...?"


    "Splendid! Pleasure to meet you, Caption! Who might that fellow over there be?" Jaunty asked, subtly nodding in the direction of pacing man. "He seems a little tense, restless even," he finished, lowering his voice to a whisper. Caption shrugged and said nothing. Jaunty frowned for a moment, but quickly resumed his good-natured disposition. "Well, it would seem I should shuffle over and introduce myself. Good day to you, Cappy!" Jaunty said and passed the time in his own way as he waited for other fellows to arrive, hopefully in a timely manner!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2006-04-03 12:34 ]</font>

  7. #17
    Banned Sgt_Shligger's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Hey cousin!


    "Ay, you can just call me Cap." Cap doesn't move from his wall, he just continues to lean but is looking up. "Do you know why everyone was called here? I wasn't invited to come but I heard some people talking about it and decided I'd check it out." Still, no one else has arrived and Cap starts to think whether it is worth hanging around.

    Realizing there really isn't anything better to do, our friend decides to stick around and continue his conversation. "I don't want to be rude but do you have a weapon I could borrow? We are all going on Ragol later but I need a weapon. IT doesn't have to be a particularily good weapon either, just anything you can live without. If you want, I could modify one of your weapons in return."

    Caption waits for a response from the Magician-like man.

  8. #18


    "Why, I'm quite sure I do! Here... let me fish it out for you." Jaunty pressed a button hidden on his belt and an inventory screen appeared near his wrist. A quick scan and he found just what he was looking for. "Ah! Here you go!" He keyed in his selection and a Varista apppeared before him. Jaunty deftly plucked it out of the air and handed to Caption.

    "No need for return, if thee desires. I'm quite sure I can obtain a suitable replacement along the way," Jaunty finished with a devilish grin.

    "Hello everyone," spoke an unfamiliar voice, most likely a new arrival.

    "Well! Who might you be?" Jaunty asked, facing the newcommer.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WraithVerge on 2006-04-03 21:01 ]</font>

  9. #19
    Banned Sgt_Shligger's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Hey cousin!


    "I will pay you back somehow." Shortly after saying this, Caption gets to work on his new Varista. He opens opens up the handle revealing a small circuit board. Cap rewires it and turns a few of the knobs on the inside of the pistol. The cover is placed back on the grip and the pistol is turned off, dimming the bluish photon rod on the bottom.

    Now, caption pulls out a small black handle and presses a button on it. This device is known to some as a switch-blade knife--- except it sports a white photon blade which is only 3 inches long. He uses the knife to chop the pistols front so only half of the photon rod remains intact. The chunk of the pistol is brought to the blade and a thin piece of metal is taken. This metal sheet is used to cover the circumsized photon rod, leaving a rectangular open space where the 'barrel' used to be.

    Caption looks the gun over and checks the circuitry one more time. "It's good." The stripped pistol is brought to life again and the rod has a tint of green in it. A squeeze of the trigger spawns a bright yellow blade from the "gun's" barrel. The blade measures roughly three and a half feet in length and resembles an old daggers blade but much longer.

    There is a pleased look on Cap's face as he waves the 'Varista' around. He presses the trigger again which turns the yellow blade off. "I hope this lasts... what do you think of it Jaunty? Most people don't even know that this is possible but, then again, most people haven't met me."

  10. #20


    The two forces find themselves in a dark hallway in the cave
    -Awww, lets cast some grantz, its so creappy dark here!
    -Dont do that Rina... we might get caught...
    -But I cant see were I'm going Spike....
    -MH.. I had the idea that you newmans were able to see better in darkness due your big eyes
    -what doya mean? we're not cats! and... I have eyes discease...
    -Why dont you use glasses then?
    -They look stupid
    -Oh... -spike adjunst his glasses a little - Funny, I always thinked that I looked cool using them...
    -Not Human glasses... newman glasses are huge and stupid...
    -Right... them, hold my hand, I'll lead, we're no match fot the creatures in this place... We need to sneak...

    Rina holded Spike's hand and they continue deeper and deeper into the cave. Sudenly a creature jumped from the shadows and attaked rina from behind
    -AHH! - Rina was pushed, spike turned and saw the siluete of the beast
    -FOI..DAMN!!-Spike remembered the "no-tech intruction gived to them, he took his Agito with both hands and started fightting the beast
    -Are you Ok Rina? lemme take care of this "little" fella
    -Its not Little, its HUGE!!!
    -I was beig sarcast... nevermind! cover yourself!
    Spike was being beatten by the huge beast "its like it had 4 blades!!!, my single blade isnt enough"
    -SPIKE!!! CROUCH!!! - Said that Rina begin to fire her mechguns at the beast, and the light of the photon bullets revealed its true form
    -A mantis? now I get it.... -Spike concentrate power in the blade
    -Dont do that, you are wasting yout Mind Power!
    -This s NOT my mind power... but my LIFE power...- then he cut the brast in half while the blade was glowing....
    -Wow... that was amazing!
    -Sure it was... It drained a lot of my Healt... pass me a monomate please - saind spike tired
    -Take one of my monomates....
    -thanks... we better keep moving... If we keep engaging this things we're not gonna make it alive from here...

    As they starte walking a familiar sound was heared behind them... they looked back and saw something that freaze'em in fear...
    -Spike... how many of they are?
    -4 of'em...
    -Shall we?

    And the forces ran as fast as they could. They keep runin until Spike notice something
    -The floor, its slippery...
    -Yeah, you're right...and... its moving!!!

    Another creature took shame emergin from the floor, spike hit it with his katana... nothing happens, the liquid creature hastn affected by the slash
    -Lemme try it - Rina shoot his weapon at the creature and it took little damage
    -mh this is no good - another 3 creatures started taking shape from the floor
    -so we keep runnig then?
    -Ladies first
    -Such a gentleman *giggle*
    But the laught dindt last long as the creature made them slip into a big and deep hole ind the cave... Spike manage to fall first so Rina didnt take much damage from the fall, after some iddle time, Rina notice that Spike wasnt concius she took a moon atomizer and give it to him, he recover after a little time

    -Are you OK? -she smiled at him lyin in her legs
    -Sure... I'm glad you didnt took damage jeh - they looked each other in the eyes and kissed, then thet hugged each other for a while

    -We need to get out of here...
    -Right... and we're gonna do
    -Now your'e the sarccastic one?
    -Maybe somethethin sticked out whith that kiss
    -Let us think of something....

    The time passed and Spike started to get stressed, rinas was just watching...
    -DAMN!!! I cant think on something....
    -Relax a little... nothing good comes fron a tormented mind....
    -*phew* you're right...
    -Come on... tellme some story
    -About... what?
    -Mh... how do you became a hunter?
    -It was some time ago... I was colecting meseta so my brother could have that machine to speak... but during the trip, one doesnt get much money... it was when Tyller make the anuncement for hunters to explore Ragol... I smelled Meseta, so I went to the Guild..
    -Interesting, tell me more- She sit at his side and started litening...
    -well, I meet some nice people bak then.... Cap was such a Character

    *********Author Note*****
    Fron here i'll join you in the anouncement as a "flashback" as you can see, I'll only use Spike until I catch my fic here, so keep in mind that the Spike in the past has only the items he has before the Lab job, if you like I can edit this message to add the old posts in the other RP (as I said, I'm "moving" the RP here)

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