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  1. #51


    LOL!!!!!!!! Apparently theres another yoai enthusiast!!LOL!

  2. #52


    You can't say you enjoy seeing that garbled sub-human banter on the boards....

  3. #53


    Ahh the timeless art of seduction. If somebody is stupid enough to fall for it, well... thats their own fault.

  4. #54
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Firmly attached to Sil'fer's boobies


    On 2006-05-02 13:51, Reystradamus wrote:
    Can u get married in PSU?...imma be a pimp if u can!
    Amen, let the pimps rule!
    I'm gonna have a 50 cent character that collects money.. XD

  5. #55


    Occupation: Football
    Dislikes: School
    Mood: sportz

    Yeah.. you sound like someone I would make fun of anyhow even if you weren't comming across as a complete asshat in this thread. Perhaps you should learn to like school a little more, as there really is nothing "cool" about ignorance. I'm sure the english language would appreceate the effort as well.

    By the way... "lol" is not a replacement for a period, and is not needed to end a sentince.

    Ah.. what's the use.. just go watch some Nascar or something and chill out.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  6. #56


    'sportz' is a mood? Wow, emotions sure have progressed since the time of apes, haven't they?

    Anyway, we should probably get back on the topic of PSO/U relationships and not how mentally deficient one of our lesser members is. It does seem quite relevant to the point I made previously, though, that younger online gamers tend to be patheticaly immature, and it is good that the Xbox version will stay seperate.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VelosofLight on 2006-05-02 19:26 ]</font>

  7. #57


    It does seem quite relevant to the point I made previously, though, that younger online gamers tend to be patheticaly immature,
    With the obvious exception of some like me... or Zephyr...

    And anyone who thinks meeting your partner over the internet is 'fag' then he needs to get himself checked since thousands of people get hooked up and meet because of the internet. (Straight couples, mind you mr. fag)

  8. #58
    Dagger Specialist
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Yellowknife, Canada


    Honestly, PSU isn't a dating service periode. I hate it when I'm in a party where there's a guy who keeps on trying hit on a "Girl" (usually its REALLY a guy ... -_-) As if he was going to go somewhere with the ''chick''.

    This isn't restricted to PSO either, I've seen this in Halo 2 Online Quite a bit. Since there's a mic, at least you know who's a girl and who's a guy... but still, I have to say: to all those trying to get close to Female Characters on an online game, Go meat REAL GIRLS Gawd dam

    This Reminds me of those characters, Elk and Mia in the .Hack// Series -_-

  9. #59


    Anyone else notice this has nothing to do with PSU at this point?

    You guys need to go watch a porno or something.

  10. #60
    Sinow Black DeathMachine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Seabed Factory Number 9


    Not the first thing I would suggest...Online relationships can be a difficult thing to discuss. I, personally, don't suggest. However, many have found what they were looking for, and good for them. But, then you get the wildjokers of the bunch, acting like asshats, ruining it for everyone with their homophobia and rancid grammar and noob speke. Please, if you try to do this online dating thing, get to know the person and don't think with your.....Avoid being a wildjoker.

    This has been a PSO/U PSA.
    Next Red Box is mine! Either that or i eAt yoUR sOUl!
    Wait. We each get one now? Then give me yours. I know I got one! Give me yours anyway!

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