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  1. #11


    just givin this thread a *bump* here...

    The main thing I'm interested in is if anyone's had any luck in locking the Mag shapes? I was thinking of raising my 8 MAGs on my own & then hand them over to a friend for the final feedings up to lvl 200 & max sync / iq to get the evoloutions that I want. But I don't want the MAGs to regress to my character type MAGs once I get them back.

    To any high level players out you still have to feed your Mag once its stats have maxed at lvl 200 , max sync. & iq (& you even keep it in the bank to avoid losing the 5% sync. when quitting)???? Some people said that their mag gets 'upset' without continued feedings, but if its stats are all maxed out, why should you need to still feed it? I have a feeling that even feeding a MAG with maxed out stats that someone else raised would still cause it to regress.

    Any help ?? thanks...

  2. #12


    I think Mags just change thier location. My friend gave me a despratas (sp ) a while ago, it looked fine on him, but once I equiped it... it was FREEKING HUGE... I couldn't even see myself, only my boots

    I think the only way you can lock a mag permanently is to get it to 200 with 120%sync 200 IQ, and then place it in the bank when you leave the game (Your mag will still change if you feed it at 200 unless it changed via. cell)

  3. #13


    I'm almost sure that there is no way to lock a MAGs shape, at most it will hold for 4 levels.

    Ok, I'll make something perfectly clear, MAG are capable of evolution every 5 levels after 50 (ei: level = 50 + 5x). I call these levels "evolution junctions". Now most people think that it's just getting to the level of an evolution junction that can make a MAG evolve. This is false. A MAG can infact be evolved at ANY TIME during such a level.


    You could have a level 134 MAG. You get it to level 135, and it changes. You then feed it a little more. Say the MAG is half way to 136 when you hand it to a friend. Assuming they have a different class or belong to the other guild division, the MAG will again change. If they hand it back (and it's still on 135) your feeding it will make it change yet again.

    since 200 = 50 + 5x, a MAG is not locked into one shape at level 200. I hand my 200 MAG to friends all the time just to see what it becomes when they feed it.

    The only MAGs that will stay put are MAG cell MAGs. I would guess that the only way to change them is with some other MAG cell (if even that).

    All you can really do is just get your MAG the way you want it and never feed it again. This most likely has consiquences though since your MAG will probably stop supporting you ("no Shifta/Deband for you!).

  4. #14


    Thanks for the input guys...That may save me from wasting my time in trying to build up all 8 of my MAGs & swap them with other section ID's. No point if they're just gonna regress...

    Just another quick question though. Why would you need to keep feeding a level 200 MAG with 200 IQ & 120 syncro? If you kept it in the bank before saves, its syncro shouldn't drop, right? Even maintaining max stats, will the MAG slowly stop helping you, failing to automatically cast defense spells, etc., just because you don't cram a few 'mates & 'fluids into it's bottomless void of a mouth???
    Sorry if this seems obvious, but my highest Mag is only lvl. 90 or so, so I haven't had the chance to experience maintaining a maxed out MAG....

    Oh, also...any more input on the MAGs color?? If you get a black VARAHA from your A-type hunter friend...raise it & it evolves into a B- type hunter's KAMA ...will it turn into a black KAMA, or regrees to your characters (grey for me) color within that evoloution???

    I noticed that highlight colors on the MAGs tend to vary from player to player (the luminescent Photon parts???)...but are the overall main colors of the MAG standardized ?? (IE.. are all ILA's purple & green, regardless of your characters costume color ?)

    Again, sorry if these seem like obvious questions... I'd appreciate any help...

  5. #15


    Hey All-

    *FINALLY* I think I'm getting my mag to the point where I can test out my evolution theory. I'm aiming to get it's def to 44 tonight, then pass it off to a Force-A to evolve it to level 90 (dang, raising DEF is an arduous process). If all goes well, I'll have a shiny blue penguin (Naraka) floating at my side, PERMANENTLY, and I can still feed it whatever I want, and it'll stay a Naraka...

    I'll post tommorow when I find out! =)

  6. #16


    Hey Cliftonium,
    Any luck with getting that MAG to lock it's shape by putting its DEF over 44 ??? Enquiring minds wanna know.... thanks

  7. #17



    So I had a friend evolove the mag to Naraka, and then level it, so that I could spend time raising it's DEF to 45 by the next evolution point. Sadly, when it hit level 95 (45/43/7/5), it morphed back to a Varaha.

    I also spent some time raising it a few more levels, and it seems like at every evolution point, I can give it to other players and have them evolve it to a different shape.

    *sigh*. Well, this mag is a good present to my lowbie. DEF45 ain't half bad to have in the ruins on normal.

    =) Cliftonium =)

  8. #18


    Oh man...That SUCKS big time. I've been raising 8 differnt MAGS's , all working on their DEF in order to hand them off & have friends evolve & lock them into MAGs that I cant. I guess the 'DEF must be < 44' stipulation is only for the special example MAGs like Andaka & Bana where putting it over 45 is a requiment of the evoloution.

    Now it looks like my type-B hunter will never have an Ila Mag ): unless I never feed it. After a while it would probablly get mad at my negligence & cast shifa & deband on enemies... >:

  9. #19


    Can my Bana (mag lvl 200) change its shape if I give it a MAG cell?

  10. #20


    Hey Gureo;

    I'm wondering if there may be other factors other than DEF<44 that may influence MAG shape locking. I feel bad having my one and only penguin (Naraka) floating over my shoulder, and NOT being able to feed it, because I'm quite tired of looking at my Varahas. Right now, the MAG's defense is 50; I'm gonna see if I give it to other players to feed, if it'll actually change. Let me know how your magxperiment goes.

    =( Cliftonium

    Magus-PSO: I don't know; I haven't found a single cell as of yet (03/05/01)

    Let me know i

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