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Thread: PSO cosplay!

  1. #1


    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has ever done any PSO cosplay before. I've seen a few pics over at and was wondering if anyone here might be some of those people. I'm going to be attending Fanimecon 2007 and was wondering if anyone else from California was going so maybe we could all meet up there and have some sort of gathering. I think it would be supremely teh aw3somZ0rz.

  2. #2


    My wife has put together a rather nice HUnewearl costume. I've been working on a RAmar costume for quite some time; it's taken me a while to figure out how to make the armor (now that I work for a company that makes stuff out of styrofoam, it seems that I'll finally be catching my break in this respect). We usually go to the Anime Expo, rather than Fanimecon, though. Here's a few pictures of my wife's costume--

    The clothing pieces are pretty much just stuff we hunted down in various clothing stores (which don't seem to be in any short supply). It turned out that brown shorts are oddly difficult to find. The ears we were able to obtain from They've since started stocking ears that would in fact be better, which we'll likely be obtaining before the Anime Expo next year. The sword is just one of those generic flashlight-with-an-expanding-green-thing swords, which, as it turns out, looks really good when the picture is taken with a really crappy, $20 webcam from Wal-Mart. Also, the Panzer Tail is a nice generic pin-on cat-ish tail we found at one of those gothy, cheap jewelry places.

    Go team ph4il! 02/07/2016

  3. #3
    Black Scythe
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Long Beach, CA



  4. #4

  5. #5


    hahaha! awesome.

    With the doorknob showing at the end of the panzer tail, I thought it was a devil tail. :3

    awesome stuff

    *waits for your RAcast suit to show*

  6. #6


    I'm doing a PSU cosplay next year. >_> for otakon or AMA. ;D Or for katsukon if i can make it. x3

  7. #7


    Hmm...I happened to come upon a site that lists some relatively cheap ways to make armor.I'm thinkign about trying for a HUcast.

  8. #8


    For a HUcast, I would reccomend coming up with a variation on the techniques used to create a Guyver costume on

    Go team ph4il! 02/07/2016

  9. #9


    Beh.Me thinks it is too dificult/time-consuming to do that.But thanks for the info anyways! n_n

  10. #10


    Hey well I'm definetly going to Fanimecon 2007 as some sort of PSO character.Maybe I might start a mini-contest with relatively great prizes?

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