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  1. #1


    Ok! Im sorry i posted the sonic mag section! It is true! I dont see whyt becuse its hard im automaticly wrong. If you doubt it please call 1900 200 sega and ask them! We will be more than happy to charge you for the same information i gave out. Stop flaming me becuse you dont belive it! I am aware you can ALSO do it with a mag cell... Just as you can ALSO get a real agito in the master quest. More than one way! How can people call me wrong when i DO work on sega game play. And i DO have others who can confirm it! And no one here can not confirm it? Damn you know some people really do work for sega out there and we actually do use this site! But im sorry if you are not intrested in segas input!

  2. #2


    STFU we don't care. Well some of us might, but I for one don't give a flying f*ck.

  3. #3


    oh by the way im not the only sega employee who reads/post here! You know how insulting it is to give out good and useful information... or real informatin and have it thrown back in your face? We dont all run around playing the game with a level 100 charecter. We play the game to for fun like you from home. And it wouldnt be a lot of fun if we were all on 100!
    And yes sega can display charecters on every ones screens but that is from the server systems not our home console. Last night some guy robbed me just becuse i said i worked for sega! What hate i feel...

  4. #4


    I don't understand why people find it so hard to believe that individuals who work for a company such as Sega would be interested in the game PSO, and hence would post here. I think it is quite plausible that some people who post on this site do indeed work for Sega.

  5. #5


    Segagameplay, all you have to do is to supply the public with a screenshot. What ID is your friend? It could be different for each section ID, maybe that is why it is not working.

  6. #6


    Dude, get this straight, IT HAS BEEN PROVEN, no go! I am close to 400 hrs and have raised at least 5 Lvl 200 MAGs. Feeding one with Star Atomizers give you nothing but a fuc*ked up MAG, one which does not enhance your power nor cover up your weakness.

    If there is a way to get the Sonic MAG (if it even exist) without a MAG CELL, this is definetly NOT it!

  7. #7
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Currently behind AM-PM. I was born and raised in the african jungles by the wild coyotes.


    LOL...You work for SEGA..LOL

    Like you work for Hooked on Phonics, right?

    Learn to spell you moron. No real SEGA employee is so unprofessional as yourself.


  8. #8


    Hey, zippo, shut yer trap! I may not have worked there, but Houced aun foniks werked four me!

  9. #9


    Dear zippo,
    You think we work all in suits too...
    guess what we are normal people. For me spelling is not my strong point.
    MY job requires i speak well. This is becuse I work on the phones. Some peole out there dont spell well. I being one of them. But hey go on thinking we all are 20 feet tall perfect ceos and ride out limo to work.

  10. #10


    CAn you supply a pic?

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