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  1. #1
    MMMmmm Nice!!!
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Ok, I'm sure most already know this.....I would hope so! But here are some tips for those who don't to level up Attack/Support spells faster! Wayyy Faster!

    Assuming you have a group of people your partying with who are OK with you doing this, for the support spells, the more people you cast a support spell on, the higher your percent goes to level up the spell...don't believe me? Just try using one on yourself say 10 times in a row, then 10 times on a group of people in a row....Big Difference Huh! If you can get a group of people who's OK with it, and you don't mind getting Nerfed out of Exp (or I guess you could attack each monster once, if they don't get pissed at you for doing that either) just go all the way through casing support spells and spells to lower enemy defense, attack, etc....and you should gain a couple levels by the end of each mission, till around the 20+ range that is...and as for Resta that only works when someone is hurt...doesn't count if your not hurt....So I have gone with groups where all I did all mission was raise everyone's stats continuously with rods, heal of course too constantly, and lower enemy stats as well. Made for QUICK Missions..VERY QUICK! I think that's why no one booted me or made a stink about it....OR you could just be the party leader and then it wouldn't matter right They either like it or leave. But it cut the battle time in half to do what I just said...People rushed through and I healed like mad, rasied stats...oh well, rambling get it right?

    Ok, the Attack spells....Obviously it's the same method, hit more monsters per attack, raise percent/level faster. Barta especially. Solo LL and hit as many Monsters on A if you can, or B, C...whatever your able to do, don't bother with S unless you want to level Dambarta, that's the only one worth trying on S. Anyway, use weaker wands/rods if you want so you can attack more times before killing enemies OR just boost your stats and rush through A over and over.....I leveled up GiFoie to 11 on only 4 A Rank runs (2 Unsafe Passage and 2 Fight for Food, both A)

    hope that helps those who don't know

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarkSeph on 2007-01-19 18:21 ]</font>

  2. #2


    for buffs: there are leveling parties where a bunch of forces gather around some charge cube and buff eachother ad infinum.

    for debuffs: linear line C, find yourself 6 pannons. if youre over level 10 they shouldnt hurt you at all. debuff them until you reach level 11 on each of them. or 21, if thats what you prefer.

    normal techs... cast them a lot.
    「愛と空の女王様」を言でもいい。 We are Heroes. This is what we do!

  3. #3
    MMMmmm Nice!!!
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    WOW!!!! Your Awesome rena-ko I didn't even think about that!!! Moatoob comes to mind all I need is to find a party who wants to do that ....

    and the Debuffs........AWESOME!!!!! HEHEHe...ok, I'm gonna go do that now before I wet myself...*blush*

  4. #4


    Beware using a regular xp/mp group to spam your buffs if there is another Fortetecher around. If your buffs aren't 21+ already, you WILL overwrite the stronger buffs with your weaker ones. Personally I don't care because if someone else wants to spam buffs, leaving me free to do other things, I'm actually grateful.

    But just remember that there are those really anal people out there that just have to do everything or their brains will explode.

  5. #5


    well, get your buffs to 21 and any level after that doesnt really matter. problem solved.
    「愛と空の女王様」を言でもいい。 We are Heroes. This is what we do!

  6. #6
    *clunk clunk clunk*
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    you dont have to lose exp when you're leveling your buffs that way.
    take some time to debuff spawns amidst your buff spamming.
    *instant exp on ALL monsters*

    i dont see why a team would be opposed to a full time buffer/debuffer in their party on most occassions.

    sounds like full-of-win to me.
    Starting over on Xbox360!

    CLOBBERSAURUS beast F Lvl 40 PT 3
    HK119 cast F Lvl 10 ranger...

  7. #7


    On 2007-01-19 19:40, rena-ko wrote:
    well, get your buffs to 21 and any level after that doesnt really matter. problem solved.
    That wasn't my point. My point was that a level 1 buff will overwrite a level 21 buff in a group. He who casts the last buff... or something like that.

    So like I said, I personally wouldn't care if someone overwrote my buffs with low level ones, but other people do. Leveing your buffs like the OP suggested while in an XP/MP group might draw you some ire.

  8. #8
    Sometimes Missing in Action
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I agree with you. Yesterday I experienced that on my own, though I was not even spamming buffs, it was a regular buff before the next wave of enemies came... it´s starts to get hard on teaming with gamers.

  9. #9


    Can't you spam buffs on NPC??/ doesn't that count as well??? they wont' complain AT ALL XD

  10. #10


    You can, Errorrr, but there's a 2 NPC limit for your party. That's the only downside.

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