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  1. #21
    Celestial Knight of Azure Flames zandra117's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    My soul is in Gurhal while my heart is on Ragol


    If we just sit back and enjoy the game then it will become what PSO turned into. We need more witch hunts!!! If you are found with obviously illegal items you should be removed from the community because you are not welcome. Even if he isn't a hacker, when he accepted the hacked items he was supporting the hackers and as such needs to be banned. If he didn't know they were hacked he should be temporarily banned with a warning for being an idiot. After going through nearly 7 years of this shit, it will NOT be tolerated by the community anymore!!!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zandra117 on 2007-02-01 15:41 ]</font>
    "Thol-Falz, tes par rel diemed. Tes syr, weh yi ryukad te reli, rel ken rel obid." Dark Force, your shrine is finished. Your sword, who you returned to reality, is able to be wielded.

  2. #22
    ノ・ホモ Sychosis's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Out of my mind, be back in 5


    Tch, we need to go beyond witch hunts. We need ourselves a bona-fide religious crusade!

    Burn the infidels! Fire up the grill!

  3. #23


    YO ryuk, forget about the cannon man I just got banned again lmao.I(if you were ever gonna do it lol)

    And A1Lstar,I read your post about not caring and thats a lie.Every time I enter a game you say INFAMOUS BOOT BOOT KICK!!!!!!! what was that 4? that's why people get stuff stole and pm's reset.

    The community screws up the game not hackers
    - InFaMoUs GaMeRz


    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DA_SHIZZLE_IG on 2007-02-01 17:51 ]</font>

  4. #24
    Lord of the Antedeluvians
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Phoenix, AZ


    Everyone that I know of that had S-ranks (at least so far) has gotten banned, including Ryuk and myself

  5. #25


    By the way there is a ver 2 comming out thats why this one sucks so bad and has no S ranks hardly.And so what I got banned I was gonna quit anyway lol.

    On topic:
    I remeber back just when my clan was walking around with over a million $ .Now I see damn near everybody walking around with at least 20 million lol.Most of these SO CALLED LEGIT people with all this money are on here(REMEDY).These same people who reported us doing are exactly what we did.Before somebody jumps in and says "I have a store" you should think about something.When you price a rare at 999999999$ just so people you hate(hackers)can come in and buy it what does that say about yourself...........?

    THAT'S RIGHT NOW YOU HAVE HACKED MONEY.Now do you think you should be reported and banned?

    It's nothing but JEALOUSY Plane and simple.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DA_SHIZZLE_IG on 2007-02-01 18:09 ]</font>

  6. #26


    LAWL well ima be seein yall soon anyway >.>

  7. #27


    Im sorry but some people are just taking this thing to the heart....Get a life....Hey its just a game...Are you just mad because your not getting "hooked up" or something...Im sure if some "hacker" came up to you and gave you a 12* item for free you wouldn't turn it down would you?....Yea...Just as I thought....
    -Trust no one and they will not do you wrong-

  8. #28


    I never got banned. Still going strong.

  9. #29
    Legendary imfanboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    in your pocketses


    Probably because you're slightly more clever than they were. Your rules were: Don't equip S-ranks on your main unless you're SURE everyone in the group is 'cool', never EVER have them equipped in the lobby, make sure to have an alternate account to do all the cheated synthing on in case ST has a way to detect that...

    Am I right?

    And oddly enough, I don't mind that. One or two smart dudes hanging around the game, doing their thing, figuring out how the game works - fine by me. (if you could figure out the mechanics and actual percentages behind grinding or luck, you'd have my blessing. That would be useful.)

    What I DO mind are dumb kids swinging the cheated weapons around like the big cocks they DON'T have, and acting as though it makes them big men to be able to go to some person and say, "Plz can u gib me cool weapz?" or acting like they've got the right to do whatever they want just because they can input some values into a cheat engine (designed by someone else!) and use get unreleased weapons or do any number of things not allowed by the game (which were discovered by someone else!)

    And, as a side note, how many of the soi-disant 'hackers' WERE banned on their main characters, the ones that they actually took the time to level up to a point where they could use the weapons? Judging some of the ire on the various cheater boards, a LOT of them got reamed and they're not exactly pleased.

    How many of them will really be back? And while several of 'em have a scheme to hand out S-rank weapons, the fact that people got BANNED for having them will probably reduce the effective range of that little plan as ordinary players will be somewhat reluctant to have their only precious account put at risk.

  10. #30


    That's pretty much correct. The discovery (Which I would like to take credit for) was found by me, however, I never intended to release it. But.. some other moron.. on the forums... by the name of "Hacel... " something... He's the one that leaked out some of the information. I did not want to get psu killed.

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