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  1. #121


    Heh, my fight is next. Awesome chapter for an awesome day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYOTEN!!!


  2. #122


    O RLY? Its your birthday? Happy b-day dude.
    Street Fighter IV: Chun Li, Ryu
    King of Fighters XII: Terry, Kim, Kyo
    BlazBlue: Litchi, Noel

  3. #123
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    In PS limbo (need a new game)...


    Im waiting to see this puppetmaster take on Masako...& horribly lose, of course (they will never learn). Also, funny how I (I mean Masako) pulled out Crea Doubles & I (me, the player) have yet to see what they even look like. Now, THAT is funny.

    Oh & an edit on my last message, the PM says:

    Hot tamale coming through!

    (Just wanted to get the quote right)

  4. #124


    Chapter 36 – Ryoten’s Inner Darkness

    Ryoten and Amon faced eachother off. Ryoten had his blue Caliburn while Amon was holding on to his Howrod.

    “You’d better stay out of Nosferatu’s way, kid.” Amon said.

    “Nosferatu, you have no idea how badly I want to kick his ass. If I’m gonna have to get through you to get to him, then I’ll be happy to kill you first.”

    “Don’t be so arrogant, boy. I’m not as weak as most of the lowly thugs that Nosferatu recruited.”

    “Either way, I can’t allow evil men such as Nosferatu to have his way. If getting rid of him means that I’ll have to kill you too, then so be it.” Ryoten held his Caliburn in front of him, ready to cut Amon down.

    Ryoten then charged at Amon with his sword and did a downward slash which Amon jumped away from, and then, casted Diga at Ryoten who moved to his side to avoid the spell. Ryoten continued chasing after Amon, who continued to back away, casting Diga at Ryoten.

    “Looks like he prefers fighting from a distance as opposed to going up close. Not a problem, I can fight from long range too.” Ryoten said as he sheathed his sword and drew his Bulletmaster.

    Ryoten fired from his dual pistols, which fired yellow photon bullets. Amon was now trying to dodge the bullets. He was beginning to get frustrated because now, he knew that Ryoten was good not only in close-quarters combat, but in ranged combat as well, since Ryoten was a Fighgunner. Amon, knowing that the bullets from Ryoten’s guns had more reach than his spells, he came up closer to Ryoten who at that moment, put his guns away in favor of his blue Double Saber, which he used to slash at Amon who dodged the attacks. Amon then casted Nosudiga, an earth elemental spell which created serpents which would bind Ryoten from the ground.

    “Dammit!” Ryoten cursed out.

    “You fool, I warned you against fighting against Nosferatu. Now, you’re going to die.” Amon pulled out his Howrod and started to cast Diga at Ryoten who used his Double Saber to try to defend himself against the Digas, but was still getting hit by them. The Nosudiga prevented Ryoten from being able to move out of the way, or from closing in on Amon. Therefore, he had to use his Bulletmaster, which he loaded with earth elemental bullets, and fired them at Amon, some of them hitting him, although they missed his vital organs. However, the earth element of the bullets seemed to have made Amon unable to cast any magic. It was a status effect known as silence.

    “Yeah, how do you like it now?” Ryoten asked with a smirk on his face.

    “Goddamn you.” Amon angrily said as he pulled out a needle.

    “What the hell is that?” Ryoten asked.

    “You’re going to be dead soon anyway, so I mind as well tell you. This is SEED combined with DNA of the most dangerous monster in all of Neudaiz, a Goshin’s DNA.”

    “A Goshin’s DNA…?” Ryoten thought to himself.

    Amon injected himself with the needle, and his skin became more orangish and his body became more like that of a worm. He then dug a hole in the ground, and Ryoten now didn’t know where he was. Ryoten just stood there, holding on to his Double Saber until he heard a noice from underneathe him, but it was too late for him to avoid Amon who attacked by popping up from the ground. The attack got Ryoten by surprise, hitting him through his jaw and knocking him to the floor. Before Ryoten got a chance to attack however, Amon dug into the ground again. Ryoten knew from the experiences of many Guardians who went to Neudaiz that Goshins may be considered to be by far the most dangerous of the SEED infected monsters in all of the 3 planets of Gurhal. Now, Ryoten was fighting a man who had the characteristics of a Goshin but with a man’s intelligence. He tried to move around so that he wouldn’t be a target, but still, Amon popped up from the ground, knocking Ryoten down to the canvas again.

    “Dammit, what the hell am I supposed to do?” Ryoten asked himself.

    “Looks like this will be easy.” Amon thought to himself, trying to repeat what he was doing, digging into the ground and popping up as he attacks his opponent. Eventually, Amon was sure that Ryoten may not be able to take the punishment for much longer, and would soon lose his consciousness after receiving hits on the chin enough times.

    Ryoten tried to keep his footing and listened for any sounds that Amon might be making while underground. He heard something, and then, it stopped while directly underneath him. He knew that Amon was going to attack again, so he jumped back at the right moment, pulled out his twin pistols, and fired yellow photon bullets, which now disabled Amon from doing any physical attacks, but for some reason, he was still able to shoot fireballs from his mouth, which hit and set Ryoten on fire. It looked like no matter what Ryoten tried, Amon would find a way around it. Preventing physical attacks wouldn’t prevent Amon from casting magic, and vice versa. It also didn’t help that the man fought similar to Gurhal’s deadliest creature. He decided to load earth elemental bullets on one of his guns, and lightning elemental bullets on the other to disable Amom from doing any attacks at all. Ryoten waited for Amon to come up from the ground again, and that was when Ryoten unloaded on Amon, repeatedly shooting at him, and shocking and silencing him at the same time.

    “Shit!” Amon thought to himself as he was now unable to do any offensive moves at all. He tried to dig into the ground again in order to escape from Ryoten’s attacks, and tried to stay underground long enough for the effects of Ryoten’s bullets to wear out.

    “As long as I stay down here, that guy won’t be able to attack me.” Amon said to himself. As long as he was both shocked and silenced, he won’t be able to do any attacks at all, and it would be easy for Ryoten to kill him.

    Ryoten was trying to catch his breath for as long as he can while Amon couldn’t attack him. While trying to catch his breathe, Ryoten was beginning to have flashbacks about his childhood. He remembered seeing how his older brother-- who gave him the scars he now has on his chest and on his face-- killed his parents. As he remembered how his brother killed his parents in cold blood, he remembered the fight he was having right now and used it as motivation to keep him going and not quit.

    “Since Shoga has killed my parents, I have made a vow to destroy every last bit of evil in this Gurhal system. Nosferatu is truly an evil man who kills innocent people just so that he can make an empire for himself. I will not allow that. Amon, you’re just a pest who’s in the way.” Ryoten said as a grin appeared on his face as the scar on his face began to glow.

    Amon emerged from the ground again, ready to attack Ryoten as the effects of shock and silence have worn out, but as he came up to attack, Ryoten grabbed him by the throat and began to strangle Amon with just one hand, while holding his Double Saber on the other which he used to skewer Amon with through the throat. Amon’s returned from his worm-like form to his human form as he dropped dead on the floor. Ryoten too was very worn out as he had his consciousness taken over by something that was laying dormant within him all this time.

    “I’m Ryoten, the Blue Dragon of Neudaiz, I won’t allow evil men such as you or Nosferatu to live in this world.” Ryoten said.

    End of Chapter 36
    Street Fighter IV: Chun Li, Ryu
    King of Fighters XII: Terry, Kim, Kyo
    BlazBlue: Litchi, Noel

  5. #125
    Everyone's a Critic DonRoyale's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Windsor, Ontario, Canada


    Damn, you hate dem hentai wurms D=


    Oh well, I like it. Not like Ryoten's the only one of us with freaky superpowers anyways =D
    Kyousei - 21 Fnewm

  6. #126


    lol. Yeah, this is just what I had in mind for this fight! Shiro, when I'm finish my studies & begin to get into the video game & anime biz, you'll be the first person I look up for storylines.


  7. #127


    Chapter 37 – Controller of the Dead

    Masako stood with her Crea Doubles, surrounded by what looked like an army of zombies. The zombie-like people all had swords and guns equipped on them, and Masako did what she can to try to avoid all of the attacks. Similar to Shiro Ryuu, Masako too seemed to have been a strict follower of the bushido code, and thought of it dishonorable to attack people whom she considered unable to fight back. Despite the fact that all of these men were armed, she knew that they were all civilians, and not a bunch of thugs.

    “These people, they must be controlled by someone, but that guy’s trying to hide from me.” Masako said to herself, knowing there is one more who is trying to keep away from Masako’s sight.

    “This woman, she knows where I am. This will not be an easy fight. However, it seems that he’s reluctant to attack any of my puppets since they’re all real people, and not wooden dolls.” Burzum said. His specialty seemed to be using actual human beings as puppets and manipulating them to fight his battles.

    “Get out you coward! I know that you’re hiding somewhere. Why don’t you just come out and fight me, instead of having innocent people fight your battles?” Masako yelled out. Burzum was definitely not going to listen to Masako however. He knew that Masako was not only skilled in melee, but with technics as well.

    Burzum had his human puppets attack Masako who tried to evade all of the attacks thrown at her by the puppets. After some time spent on dodging, Masako was finally able to see the strings that were attached to the people, and decided that she would try to cut them all down to cut the puppets loose from Burzum’s control. Using her Crea Doubles, Masako slashed the strings, but then, she found out that they weren’t being cut for some weird reason.

    “What the hell?” Masako said.

    “Heh heh, you can’t cut these strings so easily.” Burzum said as he tried to tie Masako up with his strings. Masako now had her arms tied up by Burzum’s strings.

    “Shit. That bastard! What the hell are these strings made of anyway?”

    Burzum started to have his controlled people to attack Masako who spun around in order to tangle up Burzum’s strings and make him lose control of the people. Masako was also able to escape from the strings, but Burzum was still able to regain control of his “puppets”, which he sent after Masako. Masako stood there while allowing the human puppets to surround her, at which time she casted Gibarta to freeze all of the people, and making them more difficult for Burzum to control.

    “You think you can stop my attacks that easily?” Burzum asked as he now tried to throw the people around with his strings, using them to smack Masako. Masako dodged all of the attacks, but it resulted in the controlled people being broken to pieces.

    “I don’t care if these people break, I’ll just get more people for me to have fun with.” Burzum said as he continued hurling the frozen people at Masako who tried not to slash at them, not wanting to kill any innocent people. While Masako saw one of the people who were frozen and shattered to pieces, she noticed that the head had what looked like a needle going through the back of its head.

    “What the hell? What is this?” Masako asked herself looking at one of Burzum’s human puppets.

    “Could it be that the people he’s using are already dead? Heh. Hey! You over there, whose hiding and controlling these people, just come out already! The only thing you’re doing by hiding around like that is prolonging your death! Its no use hiding anymore, I already know that the people you’re controlling are already dead, so if you keep letting them fight your battles, then I’ll just simply slice through the corpses. They’re just corpses after all, so I will have no problem slicing them all up.”

    Burzum sent all of his human puppets to attack Masako who now knew that the puppets were all dead bodies, and used her Double Saber to slice all of them into pieces, deeming them useless to Burzum.

    “I apologize, may be Buddha have mercy on your souls.” Masako said, apologetic to the people whose corpses she has torn up. She saw the needles coming out of the heads to which they were attached to, and then put her guard up as she saw them all coming towards her. She used her Double Saber to deflect all of the needles, which Burzum was probably using in order to be able to control Masako for himself.

    “You’re a very strong fighter indeed, and not too bad looking either, you would make a fine puppet.” Burzum said.

    “This guy won’t give up. Its so frustrating trying to hunt him down like this, he keeps trying to hide away from me, this coward. I’ll make sure that he gets a death suitable for one.”

    Meanwhile, Nattefrost and Mirei were on their way to Hikaru no Machi as well. Nattefrost also wanted to defeat Nosferatu as revenge for what he did to him earlier.

    “Nattefrost, I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this, but you look quite a bit like Nosferatu. Are you sure that you’ve never met him before?” Mirei asked.

    “I don’t know. Now that you think about it, I’m sure that I’ve seen the guy before, but I just don’t know from where, or when.”

    “I just thought that maybe you and him were related in some way. Thinking about it, I’m sure I must have seen you when we were small children as well.”

    “I don’t think I remember anything like that. All I ever remember up to now was that I joined the Guardians when I was pretty young, but I kind of sucked at everything, so everyone picked on me. I kind of had to resort to other methods to gain the strength I wanted in order to get respected by others, and here I am. That’s all I remember of my life.”

    “I’m sorry that I asked. I was just curious.”

    “Don’t be sorry.” Nattefrost said.

    As the two continued on their way, they found theirselves surrounded by gun-toting newmans. Nattefrost drew his Moatobian style spear known as the Mugungri, ready in a fight off the gun-wielding men, but he realized that not only was he vastly outnumbered, but if he tried anything, Mirei may be getting hurt. Therefore, he put his guard down and allowed the men to take him and Mirei back to Hikaru no Machi.

    Masako was chasing Burzum down while dodging all of his needle-ended threads. As Masako moved to the side in order to avoid one of the needles, she looked behind her to witness their destructive power, despite their small size. Just a single needle was able to bring down an entire building.

    “Those threads have such destructive power. I should try not to get touched by one of those.” This was definitely not easy for Masako, her opponent was definitely not dumb enough to fight Masako up close where Masako could use her sword skills, or from a distance since he was good at technics and with the longbow. He just kept to doing his current strategy, hiding from Masako while using his needles and threads to attack Masako.

    “I don’t have time for this, I have to end this fight as soon as possible. If I take too long with this man, Nosferatu’s influence will only continue to spread, and more innocent people will be killed under his regime. I have to end this now so that I can get to Nosferatu right now.” Masako decided to stand where she was and be a target. One of the needles approached her, and hit her hard. The needle and the string went right through her torso, but she made sure that she wouldn’t get hit in any vital organs. The impact of the needle’s power sent her back against a building. She then passed out due to the hard impact that was as powerful as a car crash.

    “Heh, looks like I killed her.” Burzum said to himself. He approached Masako’s body and prepared to deliver a finishing blow to make sure that she was dead, but as he tried, Masako got up and tugged the strings toward her, pulling Burzum along as well.

    “So, now you come out!” Masako said with a smirk on her face. As she tugged Burzum towards her, still with the needle impaled through her, she casted Dambarta to freeze Burzum’s feet in order to make sure that he doesn’t run away, and then she used her Crea Doubles to cut him down. Blood spilled out from Burzum’s chest as he slowly fell to his knees, and then completely collapsed. After seeing Burzum dead, Masako decided to pull out the string that impaled her. After pulling it out completely, she noticed poison on the needle.

    “Poison huh? So, you think you can take me down with you? Not gonna work. Besides being good with swords and magic, I’m also a field medic, so I can deal with anything like this. Talking about talking about that, I think I’ll need to help out Drake, Firizen, and Ryoten. They look like they could use some help too. Nosferatu has to be stopped, but its no use to just let my allies die. I’m sure Shiro Ryuu is good enough to stop Nosferatu anyway. At the very least he can slow him down before I get there, he may even kill Nosferatu. Afterall, he is the student of Great Sword Zoke.” Masako said as she casted Reverser on herself so that she won’t get sick. She then went around the village to search for the other three people who came with her, Drake, Firizen, and Ryoten so that she can help tend to their wounds.

    End of Chapter 37

    Street Fighter IV: Chun Li, Ryu
    King of Fighters XII: Terry, Kim, Kyo
    BlazBlue: Litchi, Noel

  8. #128


    Chapter 38 – The 10,000 killer is Born!

    As Shiro and Maya went on their way to Hikaru no Machi after Shiro was completely healed thanks to Maya, they found theirselves stopped by Xastur, the male newman fortefighter who was driven by madness. Shiro prepared to draw his sword out until he saw Tai Yin jump into the scene.

    “So, you’re the one with that deep intent to kill that I’ve sensed. I’m gonna love fighting against someone like you. Besides, it seems like you’re after Shiro Ryuu, but I just want to let you know that there is only one person who deserves the honor of killing him, and that’s me.” Tai Yin pointed his Ran-misaki towards Xastur whose hand began to shake frantically, his habit which he showed whenever he was very eager to kill somebody.

    “I must, shed… Blood!” Xastur yelled out with a very psychotic grin on his face.

    “I see, you’re really wanna kill, don’t you? Ok then, Shiro, go ahead and do what you have to do. I have this guy, I’m gonna have loads of fun while we try to kill eachother.”

    “Very well…” Shiro said as he and Maya left off. Xastur tried to chase after Shiro, but Tai came in front of him.

    “Like I said, I alone shall have the honor of Shiro Ryuu’s head. I’m not letting you kill him.”

    Xastur drew his Togetha-zashi and swiftly attacked Tai who blocked with his claws. Tai Yin then began to throw slashes of his own, but Xastur dodged each one of them. Tai did a hook with his right claw which Xastur crouched under, and followed up with an upward slash with his dagger which cut Tai in the face. Tai Yin had an evil looking grin as he ran his finger down on his cut and licked the blood off of his fingers.

    “So, you really made me bleed. I see, interesting, you’re really good. Not many are good enough to land a single scratch on me. Your intent to kill is really backed up by your skill I see. Alright, that does it, YOU SHALL BE MY 10,000th KILL!” Tai Yin announced.

    “10,000 people? I see, I don’t know if I ever told this to anyone before, but I have killed 9,999 people. Just like you.” Xastur said.

    “Great! Can’t get any better than this. So the winner of this fight shall be known and feared as the 10,000 killer. I’m REALLY gonna love fighting you now!” Tai Yin said as he charged at Xastur with a downward slash which cut Xastur across his face.

    “Blood…it is so… beautiful!” Xastur said, still with his psychotic, evil looking grin, charging at Tai with a jumping downward slash which punctured Tai on one of his shoulders with one dagger while the other missed. Tai Yin did an uppercut slash with his claw that left a cut across Xastur’s chest. Tai then followed up with a stabbing attack aimed at Xastur’s heart, but instead, going through his forearm, which he put out in order to defend from Tai’s attack, but having a hole punctured into it. Xastur used the dagger of his other hand to do a thrusting attack of his own, and Tai did a similar thing, except that he used the palm of his hand to block the dagger, and just like Xastur, Tai also got a hole punched in through his hand. Tai then did an elbow strike to Xatur’s forehead which opened a huge gash, from which blood began to drip out. Xastur didn’t seem to mind bleeding so much as he just kept his composure and went after Tai with another slash to Tai’s face which caused him to bleed profusely from his face. Both fighters were bleeding a whole lot, but neither seemed to be worried about it, they thought of it as nothing more than a part of fighting, and continued going after each other, both fully intent on killing the other. It was at this time that Xastur began to have flashbacks of his childhood:

    Xastur remembered seeing his father beating him up, pinning him down to the floor as the father just threw punches to his face from a mounted position. His father then began to slam Xastur’s head down on the hard canvas. The father then got up after he was done with the young Xastur. He remembered back in those days when his father would beat him up every single day, and he never knew why. As he looked down, he saw red liquid coming out from his head.

    “What is this? This thing looks weird, its not grey like everything else here.” Xastur said. Seeing his blood was probably the only time he ever saw any color since he was colorblind. He can’t see any colors with the exception of red, so he must have been infatuated when he first saw blood.

    The next day, Xastur’s father came home from work, and Xastur had a knife on his pocket, ready to use it on his father in case he was going to get beat up again. He knew that his father was going to beat him up anyway, the father took great pleasure in beating up his own son, and did it for no reason. The father pulled Xastur by his hair, but Xastur then used his knife to put a hole through the father’s hand, resulting in a leak of blood. He then aimed towards his father’s throat, and after skewering it, did an upward slash that split the father’s head in half. After that, he was commited to a mental institution in which he has been bound by a straitjacket. There, he was forced to do nothing all day except for stare at a wall for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Although the purpose of this was to help him psychologically, it only made matters worse, and his sanity has dropped enormously. The doctors at the mental institution then decided to let Xastur loose, at which moment he quickly crushed the throat of the person who set him free, and he grabbed the closest sharp object to him and used it on anyone that moved as he got out and escaped.

    Since that time that Xastur has killed his own father with his bare hands, he fell in love with the very sight of blood. It was the only thing he saw that had ever stood out in a black and white world.

    Back to the present time, he found himself in a battle to the death with Tai Yin. He did a downward slash at Tai’s chest while Tai responded in kind with a slash to Xastur’s cheek. The fight was still very much equal, both have did everything they can to kill the other, but none of the attacks were fatal due to both fighters being able to avoid the attacks just in time so that the blades wouldn’t cut deep enough into their flesh, which may result in their vital organs being cut. They both rushed towards eachother again, which Tai doing a downward slash with his claw which Xastur dodged, while puncturing Tai’s arm with his dagger. Xastur saw an opening in Tai’s neck, and aimed his dagger at that spot, but Tai used his other arm to block the attack. With both daggers sinked into Tai’s arms, Tai slammed Xastur to the floor and started to do a series of headbutts to Xastur’s nose. As Tai was going to do one more, Xastur lifted his head up so that he can protect his face from Tai’s forehead, and used his cranium to hit Tai’s chin. Xastur then got up from the bottom, his nose broken and bleeding while Tai was almost losing his consciousness. As Tai got up, he was wobbling around, but still trying to stand his ground.

    “Man, this is exciting. The only guy who has ever given me such an enjoyable fight like this was Shiro Ryuu.” Tai said. Both he and Xastur were drenched in blood, and both fighters seemed to enjoy this. “You should now be honored that I’m going to use this. I’m a beast, but I’ve never used this ability more than once. I only needed to use this when up against Shiro Ryuu, and I never used it since then, nor have I used it before.” As Tai said this, he nanoblasted for the 2nd time in his entire life. He now turned into a yellow beast form as he went after Xastur. As Tai Yin went after the newman, his speed increased tenfold as he tried to slash at him. Xastur also had lots of speed and was able to move on par with the extremely fast yellow beast form that Tai Yin took. Although Tai Yin was much faster than before, Xastur found something out, he saw that Tai was much bigger, and thus, an easy target. He went in and attacked Tai, although he got himself hurt by Tai’s bare-fisted attacks as well, but he didn’t mind feeling physical pain. Though Xastur sunk his daggers into Tai’s flesh, Tai in his beast form was too large and muscular, and thus, Xastur was unable to reach any vital organs, but Tai was badly hurt, and blood was dripping from his body in large amounts. Tai himself didn’t seem to care much about the physical pain he was going through. He is a man who is considered by many to be a monster who loves fighting way too much. Although Tai was in his nanoblast form, his huge size only gave Xastur an easy target, which meant that Xastur was the one who got the better of the exchanges, although Xastur himself was badly injured as well. However, both of the fighters refused to surrender. Tai reverted to his humanoid form.

    “Hahahahaha.” Xastur made an evil laugh as he had a crazed grin on his face. Tai Yin stood there, panting and breathing very hard. However, as Tai got to catch his breath, he too had a crazed grin on his face, as he was enjoying this fight.

    “This is truly one hell of a fight. Shiro is the only one who ever gave me a fight as tough as this.”

    Meanwhile, Shiro and Maya continue on their way to Hikaru no Machi. Maya was kind enough to allow Shiro into her house when they first met, but she definitely did not take a liking to Tai Yin at all.

    “That guy, Tai Yin, he’s no different from Xastur. He’s just a crazed madman who lives only for fighting, he’s a total monster.” Maya said.


    “Don’t tell me that you think differently of him, Shiro.”

    “Tai Yin, I know he won’t lose.”

    “You’re actually siding with him? But, he’s…”

    “I have confidence in that man, because he is…”

    Tai Yin and Xastur face off, and then charged at eachother once more, and began tearing each other apart. Both Tai and Xastur had the same look of madness in their eyes.

    “Tai Yin, is one of the few people I have met who actually has respect for me.” Shiro said.

    “Respect? A guy like that can actually have respect for someone else? Do you really think that he respects you?”

    Shiro nodded his head.

    After a while of Tai Yin and Xastur slashing at eachother, Tai Yin tried to hold his ground, but he was having problems trying to stand up properly without wobbling about. Also, the blood that he lost has caused his vision to blur.

    “Dammit. I can’t see very good. At this rate, if I don’t kill this guy, he’ll be the one killing me.” Tai had no other choice but to risk it all and charge straight at Xastur one last time. As they both charged at eachother, they both did one final attack. After they both attacked, blood spurted out from Tai who then fell in one knee. Xastur turned around, seemingly unharmed, until blood began to gash out from him as well in a much larger amount than what came from Tai. After that, Xastur fell lifelessly to the ground. Tai Yin then knew that he had broken the record of most people killed.

    “I did it, I have finally killed 10,000 people. This man was worthy of that 10,000 spot, just as much as Shiro Ryuu himself. This man must have had lots of trouble in his past, and nobody must have respected him. Xastur, by killing you, I have shown you more respect than any other person. You deserve this respect, and I will give you a funeral worthy of a great warrior, because that is what you are.” Tai Yin picked up Xastur’s corpse and set it on fire.

    “Farewell, Xastur. We’ll definitely have plenty of exciting fights when we meet in the afterlife.”

    End of Chapter 38

    Street Fighter IV: Chun Li, Ryu
    King of Fighters XII: Terry, Kim, Kyo
    BlazBlue: Litchi, Noel

  9. #129
    Everyone's a Critic DonRoyale's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Windsor, Ontario, Canada


    Just me and you now, right?

    I can't wait for mine =D
    Kyousei - 21 Fnewm

  10. #130


    A full yellow beast covered in blood, the awesomeness if ST give effects like this on PSU. Man that would be cool.


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