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  1. #11
    Death from Above Dre_o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The place where it is cold


    Long paragraph short: A shit load too big to stack.

  2. #12


    Around a year ago I had about 251+ games. I'd assume it's up to around 300-315 by now. Games from various consoles
    SNES, Genesis, Gameboy Color, Virtual Boy, PSX, N64, Gameboy Advance, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox 360. Too many to count

  3. #13
    The First
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I'd like to mention...i know someone with 5 stacks in his living room at just shy of the height in your pics...and they are all fighting and competitive games amazingly...and include games most people have prolly never heard of due to their imported nature and the console they are on ^.^

  4. #14


    On 2007-07-15 19:45, DonRoyale wrote:
    Not very tall. =
    Mine isn't very tall either >__>...

  5. #15


    I'm afraid I don't want to put the time or effort to stack up all the games I own. Long story short I've got at least 250 games on PC, not including any of my consoles and my game boxes are all folded flat in the basement so that I have them, but that they take up as little room as possible. The other issue is that the majority of my PC games came in shitty little CD sleeves so I had to buy a bulk box of CD jewel cases to put them in so that the discs wouldn't get destroyed. If I were somehow able to balance all of them on top of each other, in their original boxes so that hey lay flat with the back of the box on top of the top of the lower box the stack would probably be at least three stories tall.

  6. #16


    Yeah..i've got you beat too..even just a fraction of my games stand that tall...

    I spend too much money D;

  7. #17
    rare seeker not hunter
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    pioneer 2


    i have a grand total of 166 diff games 4 various consoles/handhelds @ my disposal. no pic on account of useing the wii 4 internet.

  8. #18


    Guitar Hero boxes would help a lot.

    But I really don't have that much personally.

  9. #19


    Stacked them for fun!

    The height was approx 7'4"

    Not as tall as I expected... If only I still had my old Genesis games, I would have made it to the ceiling and beyond... So I have a modest collection... I fully expect some people can stack to the ceiling 10x or more...

    Unfortunately, after stacking I realized I didn't have my camera at home with me... Which was the whole reason I wanted to do it in the first place (for my own purposes)... So I'm a sad panda now...

  10. #20
    The First
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh yeah...I also only have about 40 games in the open and located because they are good and current...I have maybe 100+ around my house that I don't count in that forty, 20-30 are over 20 years old...

    More over...quality over quantity. No point in having too many games as a lot of them suck to begin with.

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