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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    If Diad was a planet in PSU, I'd live there


    Wii Fit Parody
    I Hate This Wii

    I found them pretty funny! Still going to pick one up for Smash Bros Brawl though.

  2. #2


    lol the Wii Fit parody was gold... I liked the "step up onto the white thing game"

    Yea... Wii-Fit is uber lame...

    I couldn't watch the other one... That tune grinds my nerves too much! Maybe later...

  3. #3


    On 2007-07-22 20:21, Parn wrote:
    Still going to pick one up for Smash Bros Brawl though.
    Yeah I think that's 95% of the reason why anyone is getting/has gotten a Wii.

    Me included.

  4. #4


    I got for Metroid prime 3 also and for mario strikers charge ;3

  5. #5
    Call me if theres any E-Drama
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Wherever there is internet drama!


    i love the wii since its nintendo lol

  6. #6


    Those videos weren't funny, but I completely agree with the Wii Fit take.

    And I could care less about Smash Brothers. I played it once on the N64 and thought it sucked. I must admit I use it a lot more now for the news and weather than for anything else though.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2007-07-23 14:46 ]</font>

  7. #7


    Those videos were funny, thanks for sharing haha. Good stuff.

  8. #8
    rare seeker not hunter
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    pioneer 2


    wii got it for metroid prime 3, super smash bros: brawl, legend of zelda: twilight princess, and sonic & the secret of the rings.

    i just watched both of'em and they were alright...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: zentetsua on 2007-07-23 15:26 ]</font>

  9. #9
    Offline Player Only At Present
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    I haven't baught my Wii yet but I plan too.
    I want SSBB, MP3, My Sims, Dragon Warrior (The new one coming out.
    and Pokemon Battle Revolution

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Aluria on 2007-07-23 15:20 ]</font>

  10. #10


    those videos where not funny and they where dumb IMO.

    I'm going to get a Wii so I can play : MP3: Corruption, Dragon Quest:Swords, Tales of Symphonia 2: Knight of Latatosk, NIGHTS: Journey Into Dreams, Sonic:SotR, Resident Evil: UC.

    I think Wii Fit is a very interesting concept, and a way to make EXCERSIZE a bit more FUN even for sedentary gamers that are 50-90 lb overweight, and need to loose some of that fat.

    Skinny ppl with high motabilisms(sp?) have no idea how utterly boring it is to excersize or know what it's like to deal with extra body weight or to not want others to see you in a public setting excersizing or playing soccer etc just to have others stare at the "obese" person like their some side-show freak.
    Sorry some people don't want to deal with that S**t.

    Wii Fit can be VERY beneficial and fun to those that NEED it and KNOW they need some excerise but are too self consieous(sp?) to go to some health club,etc.

    There's nothing "lame" about it to those who have need of "Wii Fit" and have an open mind. Cause some people can't afford a frakkin' health club membership fees, or some frakkin "Bow Flex" devices... -____-

    But oh noes look out! It's time to bash the Wii just because it don't have a huge hard drive, and uber-hyper-stupendous "hardcore" games with "hardcore" graphix! Oh noez!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ShadowDragon28 on 2007-07-23 16:28 ]</font>
    I wish every PSO-World member playing PSO2 would have this outlook/attitude:
    "I'll be honest: I'm a man of simple pleasures, and as long as I get to stab the blazes out of something, I'm pretty content."
    Tactlessness is ugly, willfull ignorance and bigotry is even uglier

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