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  1. #21
    The Pantsless Psychotic Blue Cat-Man
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I'd buy Ronin cooper anything he wants as long as he'll love me

    (Also: Pizzza, and lots of it.)

    (Also, also: I'd regularly donate to the DTPA)

  2. #22


    I'm a material person so I could easily spend 1 Million Dollars in a single day if I wanted to ( and if I had the money ). My list is too long but off the top of my head these are of the things I want right now:

    A house.
    A car for myself ( either a Mini Cooper, a Ford Focus or a VW Golf ).
    A new Lap Top ( my old one is slow and the screen is falling off ).
    A new Computer.
    All the anime I want.
    A PS3.
    A Saab for my Mom.
    A Cruise around the world for both my parents.
    I would also like to set up trust funds for all my nephews.
    A life time supply of Cat Nip for my Cats.
    I would also like to have enough money to give to charity.
    Enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life.

  3. #23


    If I had the money, I'd found my own development house with publisher attachment.

    ...With a built-in Quizno's and sushi bar.

    You know, for a gathering of developers to make high-quality games, without a publisher that just wants moar moneys nao, and understands how much pushing a game back a few months can increase the quality dramatically - with the Blizzard-like stance of games being released "when they're done."

    In addition to that... Oh, I don't know, a lot nearby to house a large arcade/gamestore/public restaurant? That'd be nice, and I don't mean third-rate party pizza, either.

    Oh, and I guess maybe a house. Hurray @ Stuff I'd blow ridiculous amounts of cash on. Donations welcome.

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

  4. #24
    Fallen Angel Katrina's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Wouldn't you like to know


    I'd buy George "Dubyah" Bush a clue

  5. #25
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I Missed the Ground


    Oh, I forgot. Pay for the development of Star Control 4, Arcanum 2, and Psychonauts 2.

  6. #26


    On 2007-08-11 21:42, Solstis wrote:
    Oh, I forgot. Pay for the development of Star Control 4, Arcanum 2, and Psychonauts 2.
    Oh, Solly, you're My Hero. *swoon*

    What would I buy? Hmm, how about a zeppelin (you know, a fancy, fantastic, neo-Victorian styled contraption with insane amenities) and a marshmallow factory. And of course a small troop of incredibly lifelike animatronic folk to pose for my paintings. What a silly question.

  7. #27


    Money? - Investments.
    Time? - Interest.

    If I had enough cash to put into bonds and CD's that I could continually rotate every 1 to 5 years (depending) and live off the interest - I'd be happy. Nothing too extravagant... maybe 40-60k a year would be fine by me. That way I could just work part-time whenever I felt like it to keep myself busy - without having to be tied to a job I hate just to get by.

    If I was to ever hit a jackpot, I'd probably give most it to charity, the church, and my family. With the caveat that I can fully audit how the money is being spent so that I can make sure it'll go to what I intend it to go to. So I'd likely have to set up a series of trust funds or something. I'd only keep maybe 5 - 10% of it for myself.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-08-11 22:27 ]</font>

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  8. #28


    I would take more leisure classes at my community college or wherever else I can find interesting stuff... I lika da lurning.

    More specifically, I'd like to see how many different languages I can learn before I die.

    Art studio classes are also extremely enjoyable

  9. #29
    Seeker of Rares Eihwaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Santa Destroy


    I'd probably buy a top-of-the-line laptop, some DVDs/CDs/games, possibly a Wii, and a nice car. I'd probably also travel around a lot, in-between school.

  10. #30
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Firmly attached to Sil'fer's boobies


    A huge ass house and a a wife. XD

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