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  1. #1


    No no no, I'm not actually taking a break from the Gameplay itself. I just need to get off topic for a little bit. I was wondering, has anyone ever played Earthbound? If so, I was wondering if anyone has anyone funny/ interesting stories about what happened to them in the game. I have two that I can think of at the moment, but I just wondered if any of you have any stories to tell before I blab on, lol.

  2. #2


    Man, it's been so long since I last played Earthbound... Here's one I can think of though!
    Trying to get that goddamned Gutsy Bat from that one hella hard boss, over and over and over again. I barely even remember what the boss looked like... maybe a tentacle demon or something. But it had a drop rate of something obscene like 1:100 that it'd drop this bat (for Ness) that boosted his Guts stat to INSANE levels.
    I think I quit after the tenth time beating the thing.

    Man, that game brings back some memories.
    Anyone used to do the rock candy trick with condements? Talk about cheesing the system... In a matter of hours I was able to boost my stats to higher levels than I've EVER gotten them, and I'd just gotten to Fourside I think. Very, VERY cheesy.

  3. #3


    Yeah, Ness has so much HP it couldn't display it!

    Ah, first RPG. That's an awesome game. I remember the first time I played it, I was real little and had no idea about equipping things,and always choose the weapon from the pack and attacked.

    Moonside really creeped me out(And still does today) because the first time I did it, it was storming and I was afriad.

    I remember all the angst thying to get the Sword of Kings for Poo. I finally got it, and the Magic Frying Pan. Never got the Gutsy bat, but who needs it with Rock Candy around?

  4. #4


    I remember trying to get the Gutsy Bat. I always knew it was going to be impossible to get it since there was a 1 in 250 chance of getting it. I was down to about one Flying Man left since I had realized that they were useless as fighters but you could use them as distractions, since damage to flying man= damage not done to you. I went up to the first Kraken I could find and fought it. It was actually pretty hard sure the Kraken was just like the one before but now I was at a higher level. We had gone around for a long time and this was actually starting to feel more like a boss fight then a normal one. I wish I had Jeff around because he was able to spy and steal items without having to kill the opponent.

    Finally the Kraken attacked my Flying Man with a SMAAAAAAAASH attack and killed him. My jaw was agape that was my last flying man, I told myself I was going to stop trying to find the Gutsy Bat once I was out of Flying Men... and now it was over... out of MP all I could do was attack him with my bat. So I did and scored a SMAAAAAAAASH attack on him killing him... and knowing my luck I procured the Gutsy Bat. =D Good Memories really good memories.

  5. #5


    Yeah, Earthbound is a great game. SNES was my first system, so I got some games you know, Mario, Yoshi's Island etc. But my friend also had the SNES as well, and he was having a hard time getting the Sword of Kings for Poo. He looked up to me because I was a good gamer, however, I had never played an RPG in my life. He asked me a favor, to get the Sword of Kings. I said O.K and had noooo idea what I led myself into. The funny thing is though, he didn't tell me the percent of actually FINDING the item was extremely low. Not knowing this, I was excited to play because I remembered watching him play it at his house. He said he had been looking for the sword for TWO weeks so I thought "Hmm, this must be hard..". Well, he told me only to fight the Super Starman and to spy on him each time I fought. The funny thing is, the third one I encountered had the Sword of Kings. lol. So I gave it back to him the next day and he was bouncing off the walls...

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