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  1. #21
    Call me if theres any E-Drama
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    Golden Sun. Even if the game gets destroyed by the wii or DS's controls, i will still play the game like my life depended on it.
    Skies of Arcadia 2, even though Drachma is dead
    Tales of Symphonia is getting a sequel, thats one off the list
    I want a "Sonic Adventure 3" that isnt THe secret rings and the 360/ps3 one that i heard blew. I want the GOOD games.
    i want the Fire Emblem sequel to come to the US. The first one that came out for GBA was the prequal.
    Fire Emblem PoR is getting a sequel. Its lame that the main character is Sothe, but Caineghis is playable so winwinwin.
    and furthermore, i want another Zelda sequel. Sequel to TP. I fucking cried when midna did that thing at the end of the game. That fucking cant be the end.
    It is also getting a sequel, but WTF is up with Disgaea 3 going only to ps3? WTFHAX.
    also, is anyone else looking forward to Guilty Gear....XXX? Its a good series, but why not actually continue the story, instead of slapping on titles for GGX2.
    actually, it might be better if it is called Guilty Gear

  2. #22
    Crimson Butterfly
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    Vent Crew Consortium


    I would say

    Skies of Arcadia 2 <.<

    and <3 jet set Radio (Loved the first one on Dream cast I had the JP import)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mayu on 2007-09-01 19:25 ]</font>

  3. #23



    ... oh wait...


    ... er...

    Banjo Kazooie!...

    ... again...

    Fine fine... uh... I'd like another REAL Warcraft game... To continue the story from WC3... Rather than ruin it in WoW across ridiculous instances I will never see...

    I'd also like to see a new Mana game that doesn't suck... Something more directly related to Secret SD3 or Legend would be pure amazing.

    Hmmm, and how about an online Escape Velocity? /drool...

  4. #24


    On 2007-09-01 19:08, DikkyRay wrote:
    Skies of Arcadia 2, even though Drachma is dead
    Unless the sequel takes place before the many years after you kill Ramirez ;o

  5. #25
    Where da INS?
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    On 2007-09-01 19:08, DikkyRay wrote:
    also, is anyone else looking forward to Guilty Gear....XXX? Its a good series, but why not actually continue the story, instead of slapping on titles for GGX2.
    actually, it might be better if it is called Guilty Gear
    It's the Street Fighter syndrome , instead of going out on a limb and making something brand new, they keep the same basic game and add tweaks(And a lot of suffixes).

    I hope in the Condemned sequel they keep it just as scary and stay away from sci-fi alien bullshit that is rumored(lol) to be a part of it. There's perfectly good ways to explain the happenings with things that even exist now.

  6. #26
    Death from Above Dre_o's Avatar
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    The place where it is cold


    Hmm...well this one is quite a different thread

    Sonic Adventure 3 (again, not the wacky, off the wall bullshit, just a good Sonic Adventure)

    (goes and looks at games)

    The next Pokemon (hopefully some MASSIVE world where you kinda do things like the Elder Scrolls games, of course, like them in only BASIC CONCEPT, you can do whatever you want.)

    A sequel to P.N 03 . Sure, it isn't one of Capcom's best selling games, but it would be a BLAST on the Wii.

    (goes through pile of games)
    ...Dead Rising....
    ...Tales of Symphonia.....
    ...Time Splitters....
    ...Unreal Championship....
    ...all already in the works...

    Oooo Ooooo Mech Assualt 3! A must on SO many different levels. I really don't care what they add in it as long as EVERYTHING from MechAssault 2 is in it. If they leave out even ONE Mech, I'm gonna be pissed. (cause it will likely be one of my favorites.)

    Another game like Marvel vs Capcom. I love that game, especially Marvel vs Capcom 2. I don't know what Capcom would verse, but it would be interesting.

  7. #27


    *A real sequel to Xenogears.
    *A sequel to Super Mario RPG.
    *A new Killer Instinct on 360, or a port of the first one on XBLA.

  8. #28


    Skies of Arcadia. No question.

    I get depressed thinking about the awesomeness of that game, because I want MORE.

  9. #29
    Famz Co-Founder Calibur's Avatar
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    The lack of Shenmue in this topic...makes me mad

  10. #30


    Golden Sun sequel.


    Edit: And Kingdom Hearts 3.


    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Obsidian_Knight on 2007-09-03 17:58 ]</font>
    Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

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