Results 1 to 10 of 10
  1. #1


    The project is completed. Days away from being a full fourteen months after I wrote the script, filming, voicing, editing, and compiling is finished. The good version of the film is over 3 gigs in size. Since I'm not aware of anyplace I can upload that, and since I don't think anybody would download a PSO file that big anyway, a second version was made that is less than 200 megs in size. I've uploaded it to Googlevideo, and it's now available for viewing. You can see it here:

    This is the last pso project I had planned. At a length of over one hour, I think it will do. While most of it turned out ok, there were three scenes, in p articular, that didn't follow the script at all. I've supplied the original script for scenes 6, 7, and 8 for anybody interested in seeing what those were originally supposed to look like. Reshooting them personally, instead of having somebody else do it, was an option I had considered, though I dismissed it quickly as server interest in this project waned into something less than nothing. This was upsetting, as I feel the scenes lack motivation, and act as a stumbling block less than halfway through the run of the film. I did know, however, that nobody was interested in appearing in the scenes as they were scripted. They are very wordy, which would lead to hours of filming to get them shot correctly. Without further ado, here are the three scenes the way they were supposed to play out - a tribute to past players, and past problems for PSO:

    Scene 6

    Lightning, Lightning2, and two unidentified characters are in the seabed in the West Tower quest, battling their way to the portal to the tower from that direction. Lightning and Lightning can be together, with the other two on their own path to find the lock mechanism. We’ll let them get there before we start filming much.

    Lightning: Be careful, copycat, n00b. I don’t want to have to stand up for your hacked ass.

    Lightning2: Haven’t you ever seen the footage of me blasting the crap out of everything in sight?

    Lightning: I have, and I’m not happy about people remembering my great name from that piece of crap footage.

    Lightning2: They don’t remember you for that! They remember you because you were only 10,000 exp away from level 200 when your brother deleted your PSO file.

    Lightning: SHUT UP!

    Lightning2: W! Sorry about that. I just can’t believe you stopped when you were THAT CLOSE!

    Lightning: How many times do I have to tell you this? I was WAITING FOR SOMEBODY, remember?

    Lightning2: Oh yeah!

    Lightning: Wuss…

    Lightning2: So, why are you telling me I can’t blow the crap out of everything this time?

    Lightning: I want you to remember that this is a legitimate run.

    Lightning2: Oh…

    Lightning: Because, in the case that we have to battle any sentries at the top of the tower, you were extremely useless against them, if I remember correctly…

    Lightning2: How did you….?

    Lightning: (Interrupting) …that’s why you had to cut the run short in the movie, remember?

    Lightning2: Can’t get anything by you, can I?

    Lightning: No, you can’t. You hackers make me sick.

    Lightning2: Might I remind you that it is because of a few hackers that some prominent websites received the majority of their information?

    Lightning: I was hoping you wouldn’t bring that up.

    Lightning2: We do what we can to get the information needed to help everyone. Our own problem lies in the fact that some of us decided to take advantage of the ability we possessed.

    Lightning: How do you mean?

    Lightning2: Well, we can blame people like that for things such as lobby and in game FSODs, item stealing, item hackings, duping, you name it. It’s a problem.

    Lightning: Exactly, it’s that crap that makes me sick.

    Lightning2: You aren’t the only one. We’re not happy about it, either. As it got worse, more of the coders just decided to give up and become part of the problem. They were already being called bad; why not give into the expectations?

    Lightning: That’s not adequate. They should have stuck to their morals and persevered.

    Lightning2: While that is true, not all of them could take that way out. Some had the knowledge to do things, or at least an inkling of it, but most of them had just stood on the shoulders of those who did have the knowledge to get things started. That created copycats, and they had no respect for what had been found. They just wanted to utilize it to show they had balls of some sort. The entire scene turned out nothing like our teacher Barubary envisioned.

    Lightning: I see your point.

    Lightning2: It was a painful ordeal for us all. Thanks for trying to understand.

    Mail to Lightning2: We’ve reached the lock to the tower. We aren’t sure of the code.

    Lightning2: I’ll be right there, you people. (Warp to them, open the lock, have all of them warp back to Lightning)

    Lightning: Nice we could all be back together again.

    Other two: Woo-hoo! It’s time to get our game…

    Lightning & Lightning 2: Don’t even go there.

    All begin walking out of whatever room they are in at the moment.

    Lightning: Nice to see we agree on something.

    Fade out

    Scene 7

    This scene finds Lightning, Lightning2, and the other two accompanying them into the Seabed portion of the West Tower quest walking through the last one or two rooms before the room with the Tower portal in it. There is no scripted dialog before viewing the portal. If any interesting conversation comes up, that’s great, and it might end up being used.

    Upon viewing the portal

    Lightning: We’ve reached the lift up to the Tower. We must proceed with caution now, you people. This could end up being dangerous.

    Lightning2: You forget whom you have as company, old man. We’ll be fine.

    Lightning: And you forget that this is a legitimate search. We are not in as good a situation as you may think.

    Other two: ZOMG! WE B DUMED!

    Lightning2: Where did they find these two again? I forget.

    Lightning: Meh, these two are kind of like the random guys in red shirts in Star Trek.

    Other two: … Crap…

    Lightning: Alright, when we get into the Tower, you two act as a distraction to anything that comes up against us while Lightning and I run past them.

    Other two: Double crap…

    Lightning2: Right, don’t forget to step in front of any oncoming enemies that threaten the two of us. We need to keep going until we reach the top of the Tower.

    Other two: Who signed us up for this?

    Lightning: Think of it this way: as soon as one of you dies, you won’t be speaking in unison anymore.

    Other two: But if that’s the case, the survivor won’t speak at all?

    Lightning2: We can only hope.

    Other two: ZOMG!

    All head into the portal, and fade out.

    Scene 8

    We find the four from in the West Tower running through the different floors. I’m expecting the two unidentified characters to die early on. Whenever one of them dies, they will both say OUCH! This is followed by one of the Lightning’s asking why the other one said it, to which it is replied that he has no choice!

    So then, shortly into the West Tower, the following occurs:

    Lightning2: Crap! We’re all alone now!

    Lightning: I told you it wouldn’t be easy. This place is home to some dangerous things.

    Lightning2: I had no idea! When I ran through it on ultimate last time, everything crumbled at my feet!

    Lightning: Not this time though.

    Lightning2: No, not this time. I’m scared!

    Lightning: Don’t be scared, little copycat. You have me to keep you safe for the journey.

    Lightning2: The only reason I copied your name was because I wanted to be known. You were a hero on Ragol, and across the solar system. You were my hero, too. I can’t help it; I want to bask in your glory.

    Lightning: You can’t copy the glory though. You need to find that on your own, and this could be a good way to go about doing that.

    Lightning2: Really?

    Lightning: Yes, really. We are on a quest right now to save the remnants of our new home planet from being overrun by the will of the Armies of the 10 Nations. We must do this, for our own peoples, for their independence.

    Lightning2: Yes, we must do so. I’m sorry I questioned it!

    Lightning: You must…

    Lightning2: Free them, I know.

    Lightning: No, you don’t. You don’t only have to free them; you need to show them how TO be free from this threat. You must believe.

    Lightning2: I do believe.

    Lightning: Good. Let’s continue then.

    Lightning2: Yes! Let’s do this thing!

    The two enter the last room with Epsilon, and fight. Epsilon is easily defeated. After the battle, nothing happens. The two of them face each other.

    Lightning: Is that it? That was far too easy.

    Lightning2: Hold on.

    Lightning 2 messages Otis in a lobby somewhere:

    Mail from Lightning2: We defeated a large robot sentry here, and there’s nothing happening now.

    Mail from Otis: Who is this?

    Mail from Lightning2: This is Lightning. Lightning and I journeyed to the Tower in order to find and stop Black Paper from taking the Mother.

    Mail from Otis: Which Tower was it you journeyed to?

    Mail from Lightning 2: Right now, we are at the top of the West Tower.

    Mail from Otis: You were aware that there are the West and East Towers. Correct? Perhaps the answers you seek are in the other one.

    Lightning2: Uh oh…

    Lightning: What’s the news?

    Swing the camera so that the East Tower is visible out the window. Have both Lightning’s look out to it.

    Lightning2: We made a mistake.

    Lightning: No, we’ve held this place successfully, and have cleared a path for examination. The real problem is housed across the valley.

    Lightning2: I had hope… I was to become a splendid Force this time around. This was my chance to leave my mark upon this world.

    Lightning: You have left it already. With disbelief, and with amazement…

    Lightning2: What do you mean?

    Lightning: With hacking…

    Lightning2: Oh… you aren’t going to let that go, are you?

    Lightning: No, I won’t.

    Lightning2: I will show you that I am more than a hack, prove that I can still be the greatest, even though I may not have extreme talent in my specialty. I will prove that I can be the best!

    Lightning: Good, but don’t do it for me. Do it for yourself. Don’t ever give up on yourself, even when the world is down on you.

    Lightning2: Yes, I have hope…


    Moving forward, completion of this project line will leave me more time to face life again. PSO was something that left me in a bad place, and I wanted to turn that negative into something positive. That's kind of what started me on these films in the first place. I'll not go into what made it negative in the first place. The people who know me well already know what that's all about.

    This film touches upon a few others I've filmed in the past. As a continuation to the series, it carried on the storyline set up in episode 11, bridged in episode 12, and completed here. You can see both episode 11 and 12 at google video, where they have been up for viewing for quite some time. The addresses are as follows

    episode 11:

    episode 12:

    In scene 3, I meet up with a pre-level 200 Tyrant Flame. At this point, he has just recently left Black Paper out of frustration. You can see the Black Guard visible on his arm. He makes a remark about not being able to defeat the flies in the forest. Continuing into scene 4, I state that after all this is done, I'll teach him to swat flies. You can see him do so in his original level 200 video from October of 2005 right here:

    or here:

    I thoroughly want to thank the few people who agreed to be included in the making of these last three films. Each film took close to a year to complete. Episode 11 took around 9 to 11 months to finish. Episode 12 took a year and four days to finish, and Episode 13 took lasted almost a full fourteen months. It's been a trip, as well as a casting and scheduling nightmare to get them done, but they are finished for now.

    I also need to thank a few of the moderators at the free server forums for character creation and setup. Episode 13 could not have followed script at all had they not been around to help people prepare for their parts. I want to thank The Dude, particularly, for agreeing to stand in as Elly Person, and remind him that it took the better part of the year filming just to find somebody who would agree to play that character on film.

    Last, I want to thank the few who agreed to supply voices to the series. It mostly ended up being me talking to myself, which is completely sad in retrospect, but uh, yeah. I'm a voice actor anyway, so this just helped practice different voices some.

    In scene 14, I wanted to bring viewer attention more to the sound effects than the simple run through the tower. The towers are kind of a place for creation, so I hope the sound effects and music accompanyment translate that well enough.

    As for my time on PSO, it's over for the most part. I've been feeling out of place online for the last few years anyway. There's not much more there that interests me, and the community as a whole is dead. I had briefly considered jumping over to blue burst to see what that was all about since PSU sucked donkey dick, but two things made me stop: I hate playing games on the computer, and I don't feel like starting over from scratch. I've blown over 5000 hours on PSO over the characters I've played, past and present, corrupt and still around. I don't need to start over with that entire process. Beyond that, there seems to be a growing dislike of seeing me in the lobby, or seeing me at all, and though it's just a game, I've dealt with that in real life long enough that it bothers me even in this virtual arena. I don't need to deal with that, so figured that I just wouldn't anymore.

    My play span on PSO is not as long as a lot of the people I read from on the forums, but I consider it to be not such a bad run. I've had fun, made some lasting friends, and found some good things along the way. I've also learned how to deal with a vast amount of differing opinions at once, which has translated into a very good job skill.

    If this is the best I can leave the shrinking PSO community with, so be it. It was a good learning task.

    Enjoy everyone.


    episode 1:

    episode 2:

    episode 3:

    episode 4:

    episode 5:

    episode 6:

    episode 7:

    episode 8:

    episode 9:

    episode 10:

    episode 11:

    episode 12:

    episode 13:

    PSO beach quest 2004:

    Hacked Character Run:

    Rare Monster Movie:

    Halloween Spooktacular 2006:

    PSO funnies:

    PSO Soccer:

    Axel/LunaChild 200:

    Kamica 200:

    Tyrant Flame 200:

    RJ/Tyrant 200:

    Hellfire kid 200:

    Game on, everyone.

  2. #2


    Appreciated, and good luck for the future =)

  3. #3


    If you aren't a genius, then I really don't know what I'm doing with my life =]
    I've really enjoyed your series; they've been very well planned out, and (in some cases) exceptionaly well done. They storyline for the past three movies has been very strong, and all your character designs and what not are very good.
    As otana_uk said, good luck for the future, and who knows, maybe you'll even come back to playing PSO eventually =]

    Just a quick question, however; which version on Pinnacle do you use (mainly out of curiosity - a few of the transitions you used don't seem to appear on my version =S)?

    Edit: I've just noticed; you can do girls voices?
    And also, the music from the Seabed scene was so not from Metroid Prime

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Acronychal on 2007-09-01 06:31 ]</font>

  4. #4


    I understand that the track I put into the seabeds was called The Downed Frigate, or something. Not sure of the name, and I've never played any of the Metroid Prime games, outside of the DS game (despite purchasing the newest one for the Wii on the day of release. I haven't had a chance to open it yet).

    I wanted the music in the Seabed to match the track I was using in Tyrant and RJ's dual 200 video. It was mostly a choice for continuity sake.

  5. #5


    It wouldn't surprise me if it was called The Downed Frigate; you blow a spacestation up at the beginning of the game and you find it later on underneath the surface of the level...
    I like the piece - it sort of goes well with the Seabed atmosphere =]

  6. #6


    On 2007-09-02 02:06, Arcyon wrote:

    I like the piece - it sort of goes well with the Seabed atmosphere =]
    That's what I felt, too. Tyrant had originally wanted that piece in the Towers for his 200 video. I felt it fit the Seabed much more closely.

  7. #7


    An idea of genuis =]
    Well done again =]

  8. #8


    ive been enjoying this series as well, and have been wondering for a long while when this one was coming, if it ever was going to. so now ill watchi it, and ill edit to tell you what i think =]

    edit: ok im about 10-20 mins into it, and its great so far but the voices...well, they are a lot different than b4, and they truly...dont fit in with their characters, except maybe u and elly.

    edit @ 33 mins. alright well the fighting parts were a bit boring so far, but the voices seem to have grown on to the characters for me now, so thats fine.

    and the reason people dont like you being there in lobbies and such is because people claim that you threaten them personally.

    one way or the other, i dont really care.
    the movies you made, the weapons you have...when my friend got me into pso, i thought it was great, but if my swords just changed colors, you know, green to blue to purple, whats the point of that?

    then i found your videos and saw what was waiting for me to come and get. so then i searched around, found pso world, saw all the endless possibilities i had, and the rest....its really just beginning for me.

    i doubt i even have a quarter of whats out there for me to find in pso, and i wont stop till i have it all.

    sometimes you beat a game and it endes there, and you move on to another.

    for me, that wont happen until i get everything, and get back to lv 200.

    edit: well its over now, and i think it was a pretty good ending, but still, i hate the end of everything.

    things like lord of the rings, harry potter, etc.

    they were great, but theres no more to look forward to, basically how i will feel once im done with pso.
    psu has nothing to do with pso, its so different.

    pso was exciting even the millionth time you ran through the same old forest, in psu, some things are boring right away.

    pso had cool weapons for people at any lv, psu? 60+, and that doesnt include either buying it for insane prices, or synthing it and failing it.

    pso had energy in it that made it wildly addicting, psu just has boring grinding through lvs, with nothing more to just isnt much fun.

    im sad that i jumped in at the end of pso's life, yet im glad that i jumped on the boat in the first place, so...thanks.
    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryan113 on 2007-09-04 09:50 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryan113 on 2007-09-04 10:22 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryan113 on 2007-09-04 10:48 ]</font>
    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

  9. #9


    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:

    edit: ok im about 10-20 mins into it, and its great so far but the voices...well, they are a lot different than b4, and they truly...dont fit in with their characters, except maybe u and elly.
    If you mean that I'm not doing all the female voices in this one, there's a reason for that. They don't sound good.

    The person who voiced Pink Passion in episode 12 had a falling out with me. I can honestly say that I don't want to be in her presence ever again. She was incredibly beautiful on the outside, but on the inside she was ice cold.

    Besides her though, the voices are pretty much the same. Lightning has always had the voice he shows in this film. I decided to go with the non-cheese approach with my own character voice this time around, which I feel suits the part better anyway. Pink Passion, though voiced by a different girl this time, sounds like she's more tired than anything else. You can't blame her though, as she had recently returned from a fight with Olga Flow, and the loss of two friends by their own decision. Remember that episodes 11, 12, and 13 happen over the span of a day or two at the most, and more likely a single day. The guy who did Dark Shadow's voice in episode 12 refused to read for this one because he felt there were too many lines. Attribute that to laziness or disinterest, if you will. He and I still keep in contact daily, and he's been a good friend through the years. With him out of the picture for voice work, I decided to go with a more robotic voice for Dark Shadow this time. I think it worked out wonderfully.

    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:
    edit @ 33 mins. alright well the fighting parts were a bit boring so far, but the voices seem to have grown on to the characters for me now, so thats fine.
    If you read the original post that went along with the link, you'll see that I wasn't happy with scenes 6, 7 and 8. These are the fighting scenes you're complaining about in your reply. I included the script for those scenes in the original post so people who are interested can see how it was originally supposed to play out. I happen to agree with your sentiment though. I'm not happy that the people involved with that refused to stick to the script (the two characters that were with the Lightning's were supposed to die at the start of the towers. Instead, they both die, revive themselves, and one of them leaves the game while filming the top floor. WTF is that?), and I'm not happy that the person who filmed it didn't demand that they do so. When all was said and done, I realized that if I wanted to include the West Tower at all in the film, I'd have to use the footage. Interest in the project had died down to zero, and the season was almost over. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get the footage filmed as I wanted, as no volunteers came forward to appear in the shots. Understand that, as scripted, the scenes would have taken hours to shoot. People aren't interested in being involved with that, which can be seen by the response to the numerous casting calls I placed on this site, alone, as apparently claimed the largest PSO and PSU fan site around. Excepting, of course, that if the fans have to do something, they will drop all involvement whatsoever.

    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:
    and the reason people dont like you being there in lobbies and such is because people claim that you threaten them personally.
    This is complete bullshit. I don't fsod people, and that's the only threat you can really make on PSO against others. If there is an Adam threatening people in the lobby, it's not me.

    What I have done most often in the lobby though, is sit and do nothing. I'm mostly away from the keyboard. The reason I sit there a lot is due to me waiting for the people to show up for their scenes. I've been doing that, and little else for the past three episodes, and that's the majority of what I've done online over those three years. Sad, but true.

    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:
    one way or the other, i dont really care.
    the movies you made, the weapons you have...when my friend got me into pso, i thought it was great, but if my swords just changed colors, you know, green to blue to purple, whats the point of that?

    then i found your videos and saw what was waiting for me to come and get. so then i searched around, found pso world, saw all the endless possibilities i had, and the rest....its really just beginning for me.

    i doubt i even have a quarter of whats out there for me to find in pso, and i wont stop till i have it all.

    sometimes you beat a game and it endes there, and you move on to another.

    for me, that wont happen until i get everything, and get back to lv 200.

    edit: well its over now, and i think it was a pretty good ending, but still, i hate the end of everything.

    things like lord of the rings, harry potter, etc.

    they were great, but theres no more to look forward to, basically how i will feel once im done with pso.
    psu has nothing to do with pso, its so different.

    pso was exciting even the millionth time you ran through the same old forest, in psu, some things are boring right away.

    pso had cool weapons for people at any lv, psu? 60+, and that doesnt include either buying it for insane prices, or synthing it and failing it.

    pso had energy in it that made it wildly addicting, psu just has boring grinding through lvs, with nothing more to just isnt much fun.

    im sad that i jumped in at the end of pso's life, yet im glad that i jumped on the boat in the first place, so...thanks.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryan113 on 2007-09-04 10:48 ]</font>

  10. #10


    On 2007-09-05 09:52, trypticon wrote:
    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:

    edit: ok im about 10-20 mins into it, and its great so far but the voices...well, they are a lot different than b4, and they truly...dont fit in with their characters, except maybe u and elly.
    If you mean that I'm not doing all the female voices in this one, there's a reason for that. They don't sound good.

    they had grown on to me for the last ones though, thats why i said that.

    The person who voiced Pink Passion in episode 12 had a falling out with me. I can honestly say that I don't want to be in her presence ever again. She was incredibly beautiful on the outside, but on the inside she was ice cold.


    Besides her though, the voices are pretty much the same. Lightning has always had the voice he shows in this film. I decided to go with the non-cheese approach with my own character voice this time around, which I feel suits the part better anyway. Pink Passion, though voiced by a different girl this time, sounds like she's more tired than anything else. You can't blame her though, as she had recently returned from a fight with Olga Flow, and the loss of two friends by their own decision. Remember that episodes 11, 12, and 13 happen over the span of a day or two at the most, and more likely a single day. The guy who did Dark Shadow's voice in episode 12 refused to read for this one because he felt there were too many lines. Attribute that to laziness or disinterest, if you will. He and I still keep in contact daily, and he's been a good friend through the years. With him out of the picture for voice work, I decided to go with a more robotic voice for Dark Shadow this time. I think it worked out wonderfully.

    at the point i posted that i hadent heard dark shadows, but it was great.

    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:
    edit @ 33 mins. alright well the fighting parts were a bit boring so far, but the voices seem to have grown on to the characters for me now, so thats fine.
    If you read the original post that went along with the link, you'll see that I wasn't happy with scenes 6, 7 and 8. These are the fighting scenes you're complaining about in your reply. I included the script for those scenes in the original post so people who are interested can see how it was originally supposed to play out. I happen to agree with your sentiment though. I'm not happy that the people involved with that refused to stick to the script (the two characters that were with the Lightning's were supposed to die at the start of the towers. Instead, they both die, revive themselves, and one of them leaves the game while filming the top floor. WTF is that?)LMAO and I'm not happy that the person who filmed it didn't demand that they do so. When all was said and done, I realized that if I wanted to include the West Tower at all in the film, I'd have to use the footage. Interest in the project had died down to zero, and the season was almost over. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get the footage filmed as I wanted, as no volunteers came forward to appear in the shots. Understand that, as scripted, the scenes would have taken hours to shoot. People aren't interested in being involved with that, which can be seen by the response to the numerous casting calls I placed on this site, alone, as apparently claimed the largest PSO and PSU fan site around. Excepting, of course, that if the fans have to do something, they will drop all involvement whatsoever.

    i wouldve tried to help myself, but my keyboard decided to brake on me, so i couldnt.

    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:
    and the reason people dont like you being there in lobbies and such is because people claim that you threaten them personally.
    This is complete bullshit. I don't fsod people, and that's the only threat you can really make on PSO against others. If there is an Adam threatening people in the lobby, it's not me.

    it might not have been you, in fact i hope it wasnt, but some dude named adam lv 200 racast who looked like you jumped into my game and started saying weird things and then talked to my friend...WTF?

    What I have done most often in the lobby though, is sit and do nothing. I'm mostly away from the keyboard. The reason I sit there a lot is due to me waiting for the people to show up for their scenes. I've been doing that, and little else for the past three episodes, and that's the majority of what I've done online over those three years. Sad, but true.

    On 2007-09-04 09:37, Ryan113 wrote:
    one way or the other, i dont really care.
    the movies you made, the weapons you have...when my friend got me into pso, i thought it was great, but if my swords just changed colors, you know, green to blue to purple, whats the point of that?

    then i found your videos and saw what was waiting for me to come and get. so then i searched around, found pso world, saw all the endless possibilities i had, and the rest....its really just beginning for me.

    i doubt i even have a quarter of whats out there for me to find in pso, and i wont stop till i have it all.

    sometimes you beat a game and it endes there, and you move on to another.

    for me, that wont happen until i get everything, and get back to lv 200.

    edit: well its over now, and i think it was a pretty good ending, but still, i hate the end of everything.

    things like lord of the rings, harry potter, etc.

    they were great, but theres no more to look forward to, basically how i will feel once im done with pso.
    psu has nothing to do with pso, its so different.

    pso was exciting even the millionth time you ran through the same old forest, in psu, some things are boring right away.

    pso had cool weapons for people at any lv, psu? 60+, and that doesnt include either buying it for insane prices, or synthing it and failing it.

    pso had energy in it that made it wildly addicting, psu just has boring grinding through lvs, with nothing more to just isnt much fun.

    im sad that i jumped in at the end of pso's life, yet im glad that i jumped on the boat in the first place, so...thanks.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ryan113 on 2007-09-04 10:48 ]</font>
    do i smell some "whatever" in the air?
    ahh who cares anyway?
    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

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