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  1. #1


    This has to be 1 of the saddest things ive ever seen. Some idiot on ebay is selling a method for duping items for 10.00. heres the add itself

    [Ever had a friend in Phantasy Star Online who had a Double Saber +20 or an Egg Blaster +99 and wanted it for yourself? Ever had a really cool weapon you wanted to share with a friend but didn't have an extra? Well, then this auction is perfect for you. For an extremely low price,

    I will teach you how to duplicate, or "dupe" items in Phantasy Star Online.

    There are mainly 3 ways I have heard of, one of them involving cutting into your Dreamcast hardware, one involving about 20 minutes of transferring files over email that doesn't always work with a risk of losing your character, and the third method is the one I use. With this method you can duplicate an item about 30 times a minute!!! Just borrow an item from a friend, and be able to give it back to them in one minute and keep any number of copies for yourself. It works for all the materials, weapons, armor, frames, shields,etc. This method does NOT involve a Gameshark. All you need is your Dreamcast, Phantasy Star Online, 1 controller, 1 VMU (memory module), and your internet connection. That's it. This is the only method that doesn't require any external equipment. Everything that came with your Dreamcast is all you need.

    Not only is this a great idea for sharing other peoples' items and for sharing your own, but you can quickly max out your character by duping item materials in the game. Tell people you can dupe items for them, and then you can dupe a copy for yourself (this is a great way to get anything you want from another player online). Lastly, the other auctions you see on ebay are almost all for duped items. None of these people really parted with their stuff, they are just going to copy it and give it to you. So, since a Double Saber +20 will go for $30 and all the materials will go for $42, and I'm charging you $10, then basically you pay $10 and you will have a quick way to make money for a long time. As a comparison, I have already made over $300 selling duped items.

    I'm trying to be cautious about auctioning this info, hence the limited number of items, and I don't want Sega to hear of it either (for obvious reasons), so hurry up and bid. I assure you this method works without any of the problems of any of the others, it's not known by ANYONE (nowhere on the internet, and no one on any of the servers knows it b/c I CAME UP WITH IT). I no longer use it myself because it works too good =) Beat the problem of the limitations of storing in your item list and in the bank. Why buy and store 5 scape dolls to prepare for a boss on very hard mode when you can just find one, then dupe it as many times as you want. This way I was able to beat the whole game on Vhard without dying at all!!!

    I will send out an email to all of the winning bidders after the auction to explain in full how to do it, and I can meet you in Phantasy Star Online and (depending on what I have) I can give you a Double Saber +20 (never use fluids again), ALL of the GOD Items, REGEN gear (never use mates again), SACRED GUARD (never use antiparalysis/antidote again), and all the materials.

    Obviously there is no shipping on the item, however I do charge a $2 ebay listing fee. I accept Paypal (preferred! You will be emailed immediately. Please add 2%), Billpoint (You will be emailed immediately. Please add $.35+2%), check (10 days to clear), or money order (7 day processing).

    Please note:

    1) I have been contacted by a Sega Affiliate (who seems to have heard of my method by a now ex-friend) and have been told that after this auction closes they suggest "I do not make this information available anymore" or something like that. Wow, if that isn't proof this works I don't know what is, I am flattered. This is my second auction, and hopefully they won't shut me down, but we'll see.

    2) I was contacted recently by a somewhat rude person via email a few days ago, whose message is below:

    "I am not going to tell any of your bidders this but just to warn you... do not dupe unles you are using gameshark. SEGA recently released a sever patch(on the first wednesday of this month) that records data about the times and characters that you log on, apparently from this data SEGA can know if you are duping. If you do not believe me... two of my friends (names omitted) already got banned from online play. I dont care if you dupe I just thought I should warn you... and you did not create the duping method some japanese people did."

    Since he wasn't going to tell any of my bidders, I have! It seems I have one up on this guy, because I have a friend who's on SonicTeam (they basically created this game), and I was talking to him about this long before this person read the article (s)he is citing from. It is interesting that they bring up the gameshark method of duping, because my friend and I (no I believe disclosing his name while selling this information would be bad for him) were talking about how the creators of this game also were planning on putting a patch on the servers to detect gameshark, which is simple enough to do, log the person's character, and not allow them to use it again. The funny thing is, they haven't done this yet. Also, he refers in part to a method I have used to duplicate items, and no, those people were not banned for that. Sega does not, and will not, have a way of distinguishing that method from normal game problems, hence he obviously doesn't have a clue as to what he's saying. His friends probably were kicked off for harassing someone in the game, and a complaint was filed against them. I am also glad he doesn't care if I dupe, that is extremely good to know. Lastly, I find it interesting that he says "some japanese people" created this method, because, well, yes, some japanese people SonicTeam friend and I =). I just wanted to keep my bidders informed.

    3) I may have failed to mention this, but the letter I am sending all of you at the end of the auction is copyrighted, meaning basically you cannot go repost my method on e-bay and resell it. Agreed, it would not be a bad idea, but I thought of that too. Not only would it be very uncool of you to do in general, but I will also be happy to prosecute you if I see you do it...I will check e-bay once a week to see if anyone has. Also you may be prosecuted by Sega as well...because it seems I got this auction off before they could say no, but who knows what they'd do to someone who started a new one

    4) I have seen many other auctions e-bay that advertise the same thing that mine does, the ability to dupe items...however they are priced at $19.95 while mine is $10, and more importantly they use the two methods that DO NOT WORK all the involves a messy process of emailing your sys file to yourself from your cartridge, another involves an even more complicated backing up of your character...again, my method takes about 30 seconds to duplicate 30 items...even if you look over my auction and decide not to bid, do NOT bid on the other auctions on e-bay, they will not and do not work well, and you could even lose your whole character!

    5) Bidders on my auction seem to be being sent e-mail stating erroneous things about me and my auction. Please forward these to me immediately, because they are not true and will be reported. One such e-mail stated that I am a con artist and that this is a Gameshark method. This is COMPLETELY untrue!]

    i think most of the stuff this guy states is a bunch of BS but the worst part is that some other idiot is actually shelling out 10.00 for this load of cr@p.
    What has the world come to these days??

  2. #2
    Monkeys are really Chimps in disguise.
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    Selling duped items belive it or not is illegal. It's a federal felony wire fraud.

  3. #3


    This has gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Period.

    (As an aside: Hey Glider! Nice sig!)

  4. #4


    omg....wat a retard!

  5. #5


    This guy must be a Journalist........I can never write an essay with full of BS.
    Double Saber for $40?? I got 4 of them!!!

  6. #6
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    US Central Time Zone


    Or a high school student. That was the only time I could ever fill "seven to ten pages" with total crap.

    But I digress.

    My point is... Ah, screw it. You all know this guy is a world class jackass.

  7. #7


    *hangs head* *shakes fist in air* *asks why not just play the game* *proclaims fellow to be a loser*

  8. #8
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Massachusetts, USA


    "Saddest thing" is right. When people take it this far to dupe, dupe again, and dupe some more, there are some real problems. I mean, CHARGING people for a method that screws up the game for honest players.....pathetic.

  9. #9


    Ugh..this defines pathetic. People like this are either too lame or too lazy to go get a job and some honest money. Ugh.

    P.S. Hey LastUtopia. If you're wondering where i've been, I was up in Canada montain biking and the like. It was great!

  10. #10


    Playing as Keahi on Phantasy Star Portable 2 - US Version.

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