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  1. #1


    This is a fanfic I have been working on for a while and... well i hope it's good

    The End of All Stories
    I woke up early. Not sure when, just early. As sirens filled my ears I figured out what I was trying to figure out. I had failed, we all did.

    Chapter 1: The Beggining
    I woke up with glee, I was going to kill yet another De Rol Le! I walked outside my room with two photon daggers and headed to Dran's room. I banged on the door till a Fomar stuck his head out
    "huh? what is it?" he said
    "Get your crap together, we're going down" I said
    "Fine, I swear, Ryacen, you give a guy some sleep?" he had answered back
    "Just get a move on!" I yelled

    when he had finally got his stuff together we headed down to the teleporter where we ran into a RAmarl who said "dont kill me!". all Dran and I could do was stare at her and say "bye"
    Our training area was the caves. Everything was going fine until the 3rd level. We had encountered a Gillchich. I easily whacked it to death.
    "What was that?" Dran asked. he had never been to the mines
    "A Gillchich, now get a telepipe ready!"
    "What? The raft is right there!"
    "NOW! We need to tell Tyrell!"

    We ran as fast as we could to the Teleporter leading to Tyrell's office. When we arrived he simply said "what is it? Im busy right now"
    "A Gillich, in the caves" I managed to say
    "Oh dear." he replied
    "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" Dran asked gatting confused.
    "There is a machine, named Vol Opt." I answered "He has been trying to get his minions higher and higher to take over Ragol."
    "I see" Dran said
    "Tell none about this" Tyrell said

    well, that was the first chapter so i hope to have the second one out soon

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HunterRyacen on 2008-03-27 16:14 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HunterRyacen on 2008-03-28 13:08 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HunterRyacen on 2008-04-01 14:06 ]</font>
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  2. #2


    Chapter 2:making freinds
    We soon left the office and decided to do some training at the forest. On the way we ran into 2 FOnewms and the RAmarl from before
    "oh, are you going down to Ragol also?" Dran had asked.
    "yes, do you want to come?" one of the Fonewms said "my name is Stoban, My fellow force's name is Taru and the RAmarl's name is Witrenop." Stoban lowered to a whisper "she has a nervous disorder"
    "well, that explains a lot! Lets go then" I said
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  3. #3


    I've finally gotten to the 3rd chapter

    Chapter 3:fighting Ragol
    It seemed that Witrenop's disorder was VERY severe. She shot a Booma 12 times AFTER it died. Once, a wolf attacked her and she shoved the barrel of her rifle into its eye and fired 7 times!
    Taru, was obviously new. he took liking to poking the eyes out of Boomas with his cane. Stoban, onthe other hand, would plce his hand on a Booma and use his techique.
    Dran was very... un Force like he rarely used techniques. I swear he became a force just for the cool weapons! I acted like any other HUmar attacking and mauling and attacking some more...
    Far into our journey a Hidleblue attacked. When it came down on us we were all surprised, however, we didn't hesitate. I switched to a handgun and shot from afar, Witrenop jumped on it's back and whacked it with the butt of her rifle. Taru, Stoban, and Dran were using techniques from afar. I seriously thought we were all unstoppable, until the dragon...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HunterRyacen on 2008-03-28 13:09 ]</font>
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  4. #4


    i was hoping someone would've replied by now but, oh well
    Chapter 4: Dragon Wars

    It really wasn't that bad... I mean only Taru got hurt. It was a pretty feirce fight against the dragon. Dran and I whacked at his legs while Stoban and Taru casted techniques from afar. Witrenop shot the beast. eventually, it had toppeled over from weakness. Witrenop jumped on the dragon's head and shoved a saber into it's brain. The dragon roared in pain and flew up to the roof, throwing Witrenop off and onto the floor. The dragon did a pile drive straight into the ground. We were running left and right to dodge the dragon's huge body. when all was calm we looked around, seeing nothing we looked around. A big noise came from behind us making us spin around. a big hole was where Taru was standing. Stoban looked up and saw Taru being flung around in the Dragon's jaws. The dragon bit down and Taru was cut into 3 peices: head, legs, and torso which the dragon had eaten. The dragon came back down to Earth (or Ragol) and Witrenop jumped on it's head where the hole was and fired 20 consecutive photon blasts down the hole and into the dragon's brain. We had killed the dragon. Afterwards we gave Trau a proprer funeral, and promised thet tomorrow, we would kill all of the dragons...
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  5. #5


    For a first fanfic, that's pretty good, and im sure you'll get better.

    better than my first try anyway xD
    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

  6. #6


    i know the chapters are a bit short but, hey

    Chapter 5: the plan
    I knocked on Dran's door he greeted me with the usual huh? than we met Stoban and Witrenop at the guild, ready to kill dragons. We made our way to underneath Central Dome. We were amazed at what we saw, it was not a dragon. However, there were monitors and computers everywhere. I realized that the invasion was starting quicker than anyone thought.
    "we need a telepipe-NOW!" I said. Yet again, Dran and I were running to Tyrell to tell him the 'good' news.
    "Well, what are your thoughts on this?" Tyrell asked.
    "My thoughts" I began "was that we could end all of this pain and agony. So we can just live on ground again! My plan is to completly wipe out Ragol!"
    "I see..." Tyrell pondered a bit here "gather every single registered hunter you can find! we'll need it."
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  7. #7


    Some of you may ask why I am doing this... It's because I can. Also I don't like being bored... by the way, all thanks will be posted after I finish my story

    Chapter 6: Using the plan
    Getting the attention of 500 hunters is easy... persuading them to do a job that puts them out of buisness is hard. It was true though, hunters would have no more work if this happened. However, I told them that Tyrell and the Government would pay thousands of Meseta to all who survived. only 7 hunters left after that. "OK! meet me here @250 beats tomorrow." I yelled, clapping my hands.

    The next day, we had a team of 500 hunters! It was unusual, not only because we had such a big team, but we were fighting machines in the forest. I thought about Dran, he loved the forest. In the end we had lost 200 in-experienced hunters. They all thought they could run out and do what they wanted. It got them killed. anyways, we had 300 hunters ready for Vol Opt...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HunterRyacen on 2008-03-31 17:39 ]</font>
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  8. #8


    Chapter 7: Vol Opt
    We had a hunter at every monitor, waiting for Vol Opt to show. He never lasted long... until he switched to the giant robot thingy. His attacks were taking our numbers down way to much. We had so many people that he was focusing on one and killing 3! We were saved by some crazy HUcast that jumped on it's back and began ripping things apart! If it wern't for him, we would've had a MAJOR decrease in our team. Eventually with 200 people left we headed for Falz... he had moved up also, taking residence in the caves. Also, unknown monsters had moved up. a Gol Dragon was in the mines. A few people had seen one among the Dragons- but no-one knew for sure. Also, some thing called Olga Flow was in the mines. Anyways, we split up into the teams of 7 so we may have a better chance of fighting Falz- one group after another. My team had Dran, Stoban, the HUcast, me, a RAcaseal, a HUnewearl, and a RAmar. So, we were the last team to fight Falz.
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  9. #9


    Soory... i have decided to discontinue this story...
    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

  10. #10



    However, there will be a slight delay seeing as I need to fight Falz in order to write a fight scene...

    Don't follow in my footsteps... I walk into walls a lot...

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