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  1. #41


    It all just depends on what you do, As people stated about the rares. Missions are easy to slow once a high enough level. So why spend time with a party and a monster drops a [B] Psycho-wand and the odd of you getting it are 1/6... When you can just solo the mission and have a 6/6 chance of getting it...

    But then there are the people who like to talk to others as a social community, And the rares to them are nothing, They are just in it for the Xp and the ability to talk to others. And if they happen to get a good rare then that's just a plus...

    Basically people need to be more opem

  2. #42
    Rawr RAWR says the she bear... lokey013's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Huntington Beach


    At the moment I've been tryin to get a Gaozoran piece and the Psycho Wand [B]...once that happens I think I'm more than like gonna party with the rest of PSU...=P
    My cat's breath smells like cat food

  3. #43


    I party with my real life fiance and 2 of my friends that I dragged onto PSU with me. I rather keep my parties with close friends than to try and party with strangers who get themselves off by saying how fast they can complete a mission and how big their long sword is.

    Triton 135 Master of Guns
    the rest of mine just suck

  4. #44


    I play solo when farming for a [B] agito repca, but no luck so far so i ended up buying one for 50 mil and now i play with one of my buddies and a few other friends to lv up.

    But i would have to say that parties of 6 are a little overkill, 2-4 is ideal for me
    Ship 2
    Player ID: Schwiety
    Character: Marik
    online daily from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am Central Time

  5. #45


    I tell my friends I wont run TD or any hive related mission with them because I have hunted that agito, well hunted for a second on for almost 200 hours now, so I tell them that I wont run it with them becaus I know as soon as I do it is going to drop and one of them will get it. I usually dont care if people join my parties but I lock the mission on the last block of missions. Random parties can be fun but I prefer to solo, not so much for rares but people dont let me lvl up any skills or bullets stuff just dies to quick, especially when you get people using slicers. I hate running with groups that only use their lvled up atacks and nothing else. I usually put one or two of my weapons with lvld up attacks and the rest with attacks I am trying to lvl. Sure the run takes longer but I feel as though I am accomplishing something.

  6. #46


    Oh I also agree with 6 people is too many with how powerful we have all become. THis is why I bring two npc's with me. People keep asking why dont you boot your bot so we can get more people, I am like lets see we just finished that block in 2 min how much quicker do you want things to go, do you want to lvl up your skills or character.

  7. #47


    Yeah, more missions that split the team into groups of 2 or 3 from start to finish would be really cool.

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