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  1. #11


    I know what you mean Link. I've had my items too many times for me to count. Which is why now I don't usually go into public rooms anymore. I have a set group of friends and I play with them, since I trust them a lot. But even if my items were always taken, I considered duping them for safety reasons-like for when my items got stolen. But then I would be going against everything I was trying to prove here. So, I just have to deal with it. I have a terrible problem with cheaters than I do dupers. Some ppl even consider that stealing is not cheating?! Geez...I'm getting a headache...

  2. #12


    I`ve played this game from day one.After 100
    hours in dupers appeared offering me and my friends every item.I took them all,even a 999
    But you know only 15 hours after getting them the game lost the magic,there was nothing left to do.
    So this is what we did,we created a new game
    and systematicly deleted all our rares even opa.
    We had a small moment of silence....
    And guess what the game is awesome again.
    There is a point here,the dupers will get bored.
    The game is only so big,whats the point of a
    hacked lv 100 guy with god hit points 9000
    and a lv 999 mag?
    What the hell is he gonna do???

    Get bored of course.
    The only point to the game now after 250 hours is to find rares on your own.

  3. #13


    Serge, that's why I have never duped throughout all of my PSO career. Why play the game when you're going to have the good stuff already? Isn't a major part of the game going out and finding all the good stuff. I mean, I love it when I get that SPECIAL WEAPON from that enemy that so justly deserved his death. Haha. I'm glad you decided to change to a dupe free world. Welcome to the fun, Serge!
    Anyway, yesterday I got a private message from a person whom name I shall respect and not mention. But this person told me that I should stop saying all this duping crap and let dupers be. Did I mention that I don't care whether you dupe or not? You do ur thing, I'll do mine-plain and simple, leave it at that. If that person is reading this, then oh well. You can't stop me from an opinion. For all I care, go dupe your troubles away. Lol. And what's even worse, this person said "You're a girl. What would you know about video games anyway?" Argh! If you have time, you anonymous person you, stop by my 'Girl Gamers-What do you think?" topic (located in the Off Topic forum) and read there. Oops... here I go mumbling off again. Sorry....

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