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  1. #11


    I think what people hate most of all in this game are people that take things from them. Is there anyone else out there besides these few people that have had items stolen from them. I find it hard to believe that these people have. They are probably ones who do steal and dislike the whole idea behind people that get back at them. We are not talking about merry men...we are talking about players trying to bring more to the game of pso. We are people that can be hired...or whatever...its just a game. By the way...who ever is the person that claimed that people would avoid us if they new we are part of this guild is an idiot. Who in their right mind would make a guild...and then prance around displaying their names to the one could ever steal that way. We have our ways...and it is purely your own opinion as to how we should work. Come on is just a game...just one more way we all can help it live. And...for all you people that think it is a crazy idea...then so be it. For those of you who think it could have potential...I find your intellegence overwhelming the others! And by the way...who we choose to steal from...and our own choice! If we choose to steal from YOU...and you are honest...who cares...your loss...not ours! We loose....thats your problem...not ours. But...for others...we help as well...and we help who we want to as well!

  2. #12


    Hee hee, Takean, you make this too easy. What kind of moron would make a theif guild and prance around saying the names of the members? Well, the same kind of moron who would make a theif guild in the first place. And, yes, let me put it in simple terms for you, Takean, I'm calling you a moron, which is entirely justified since you just called me one. Oh, and if you think theives are bringing something to the game of PSO, they've brung enough. There's certainly enough asswipes hiding in the corner until their teammate dies and rushing into the snatch the weapons. and money. Hee hee, and it's funny that you're calling me and everyone who's against you a thief. Oh, it must be true, afterall, the leader of the thing being criticized would NEVER be bias!! Yeah, sure. See, what you last said is a mixture of "We're the good guys" and "We're the bad guys" which doesn't quite work. If you're bringing something to the game...then why do you admit to giving your victims a sense of loss caused completely by you? You are not spicing up the game, you are wrecking it and making people not want to use their best weapons EVER and not want to make new friends. As for your last comment, that you find people who support you very smart...I literally cracked up after reading that. Hell, I'm still chuckling at it. Especially the way you said it, that their "intelligence is overwhelming the others." Hee hee. Clever. One last many members do you have? And if it's anything over you and some other smartass who thinks they're a revolutionary, I'd really like some proof. Thank you for your time.

  3. #13


    Ok Rat...this is the deal. I am sure you would agree with me that this game: a game...and just a game. Why do people make clans? Who knows...I myself don't like to be a part of clans...things can always get out of hand. But, this is just a game...and the idea was given to me from friends...I decided to try it out. I don't think people with opinions are morons...But...I do think when people begin to make a life in this game...or take this game WAY TOO is time to stop and examine one's self. This clan is just a clan...nothing more. Its something to help others...maybe not like the red cross...but it does help people...and can help out our members too. Who cares if others think its a crappy clan...that is thier yours...and I respect that...but when people begin to think PSO is alive and they live there 24/7...that is disturbing...not that I am saying you act this way. But listen...if you wish too....this clan can bring good things to PSO...and yes...I love to bring my cool weapons out too...but...I don't bring out my cool weapons that I steal from people wrongfully...that is being a jerk. I don't enjoy the idea of knowing people can take my stuff...and me not have any option as to ever getting it back. Lets just say this for the sake of reasonable when reading this part and you deside...lets just say you just found a brand new weapon...and you haven't heard any about it anywhere...and its totally cool. Everyone that sees it marvels at your cool new weapon. Lets just say that you are using it...and bam...a delsaber just kills you. And a guy runs up and takes it...I would be pissed of pretty badly. Now...if you knew someone or a group of people that could get it can't tell me that you would just say...oh well...I guess I'll never get that weapon back. I would do everything you could to get it back.! That is part of what we do...we try to help out people. If you object to that...then you aren't capable of reason and I will no longer post messages to you again...because it would be a waste of my time. And by the way...there is no way for you to veiw members names...because it can't be accessed except by members. Think next time before you say something again...maybe next time you won't look foolish. As always...I enjoy our debates that we share Rat...plz post more...maybe soon...I will have the opportunity to hunt you down...if you steal of course...j/k...maybe. Anyway...plz reply fast...I can't wait to see what is next that I must explain to you in lamens terms! lol

  4. #14


    *ahem* The word is "laymen's". And as for losing my extra special weapon...I'd say rats and move right on. I've done it. Lost my Justy+9, and cursed off the thief, then said "Oh, well." By being are theives. I don't care WHO you steal from, you're theives. Plain and simple, with emphasis on simple, as that seems to be the accurate way to communicate with you.

  5. #15

    Default us what you may. And you may think that you are perfect in spelling...but as for the rest of the world...mistakes happen when typing. As our conversations have continued...I have gathered that You my easily angered rival are not an adult yet. All adults have a trend...and that is that they can have a conversation without calling people childish names as well as having a good understanding that there is a life outside this game. By the way...your view of us is your view...I cannot change it. But, I would ask you to take a look at your wording. If you feel so strongly about that view...and that you did say..."oh well"...then I guess when stuff happens in the real world...not that you are old enough nor mature enough to understand these things yet...but crap will happen to you too in life...and I find it hard to believe that when it will not just say: "Oh well". For an example...some one hit your probably wouldn't just say..."oh Well"...but...with your age...or maybe your lack of wanting to be will probably come back to me and call me names as well as accuse me of your damaged car. The point remains...even though you will not admit this: PSO is just a game...If you don't like the idea of others having different points of views other than yours...then I have one thing to say...get used to is full of that stuff. As always Rat...your a thorn in my side...not really. Thankyou for posting your latest post...not that it had anything important about it except your whining...but thatnyou anyway.

  6. #16


    I really get a kick out of you, Takean. I mean, maybe that's why I even bother to respond, so I can see what stupidity and weakly-masked insults you have to say! Man, the lucky people that know you in real life must laugh their asses off at you all the time, because that's what I did all through your post. Thank YOU. Okay, back on track here, you call me your rival? You think I would waste my time being YOUR rival? I'd waste my time responding just to see what you'd say, but rival I am not. And, you're correct, I'm not an adult, and I make absolutely no secret of it, and why should I? I can type more coherantly and write more convincingly than a bunch of adults. Hell, I'm better than you at it. Punctuation, capitalization, you know, third grade things. Now, I don't like to bash other people's writing and act all high and mighty, because it's wrong, and I don't like to be vain. I was just getting back at you for inferring that since I'm younger, I'm automatically stupider. That goes for your little car example. Let me use your own words against you, shall I? PSO is a game. You're right. It CANNOT be compared to a car crash. Period. If someone scratched my car, I'd be angry at the person. If someone stole a weapon from me in a frickin' game, I'd be angry, but not so angry as if someone stole something from me in real life. A GAME, buddy, A GAME. And if your theory was right, wouldn't I be blaming you all over the place for things that happened me today? That's IF your theory (or any other for that matter) was right. Now, let me use your words against you once again, shall I? You say I can't handle people having a different view? Obviously, neither can you, since you're matching me in length and personal bashings, though you try to make it look like you're neutral. You called me immature, stupid, full of myself and a whiner in your last post. You...FILLED it with personal bashings. What the hell? This is not an insult war, I started by bashing your concept of a theif guild. DEFEND it. DON'T insult me. Thank you for your time.

  7. #17


    THIEVES GUILD CLAN!!! Thats fuckin rediculous. Whats the point of stealing...dont got the skills to look or trade for rares. Dam, u dont need to know calculus in order to trade or look for items.

  8. #18


    THIEVES GUILD CLAN!!! Thats fuckin rediculous. Whats the point of stealing...dont got the skills to look or trade for rares. Dam, u dont need to know calculus in order to trade or look for items.

  9. #19


    THIEVES GUILD CLAN!!! Thats fuckin rediculous. Whats the point of stealing...dont got the skills to look or trade for rares. Dam, u dont need to know calculus in order to trade or look for rare items. My main point is............FUCK ALL THIEVES!!!

  10. #20


    Perhaps he should do what i do
    I steal from the theives but return the item to the person it was stolen from
    Makes the theif know he got what he deserved and the other person feel better
    but as for a guild lmfao.
    I work alone it's much more fun for me to hunt on my own
    And I don't care what everyone says they can post or not Me taking down theives and returning the item makes me feel much better
    as for the robin hood thing thats hilarious
    Robin hood was a theif himself he stole from the rich
    I steal from the theives and return the item back to the owner nothing more nothing less


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