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  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Kent View Post
    Racists, Sexists, and people who think that their religion is superior to all others, and therefore correct.

    You know, the kinds of people who require immediate darwinization.
    I don't think too many people would be left. >_>

    Also. Construction workers. You can't park wherever the fuck you want (like in front of my driveway). You can't leave all your garbage and cigarettes wherever the hell you want. In short, you can't do whatever the hell you want just because you're the big tough construction guy.

    Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

  2. #32
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    Social Darwinism.

    Darwin pointed out that those most adaptable to change are the ones that survive. That does not equal, lolkilltheretards. In a society, those unwilling to adapt to the needs or wants of others are actually the weakest elements.
    Last edited by Solstis; Jun 4, 2008 at 01:20 AM. Reason: lolgrammar

  3. #33
    Absolutely, positively the MOST unlucky person!!! Raine_Loire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siertes View Post

    2. The sound of people eating and drinking.


    what about this... this is my BIGGEST unexplainable pet peeve:

    -when you're golfing, or in another quiet place that you're in deep concentration, and someone has a plastic mug, they've drank all the liquid, and nothing is left except for ice cubes. then you hear nothing, and occasionally, you'll hear the sound of ice cubes moving up and down a plastic mug, breaking the perfect, tranquil silence. and your perfectly honed mind no longer is clear, and your powerful concentration is vulnerable only to that really subtle sound of ice cubes. instead of focusing on the shot, its completely focused on ice cubes, and it's plagued with the only thought process being:

    "what an idiot. obviously theres nothing left to drink inside that cup, but he keeps on sipping from it as if something is quenching his thirst. who puts ice cubes in their mug anyway? why not just put crushed ice in the cup, that way it melts quicker so you at least have something to drink rather than putting your lips on the curved part of the ice cube and wasting time with no reward? there he goes again, that son of a bitch. he took another sip of NOTHING. he's taken a total of 12 false sips since the hole began. i wonder when exactly he drank everything in that mug? we just started. jesus he probably had this vision in his head before we teed off of being fully hydrated the entire 18 holes. and here he is, on the second hole, quietly slurping ice cubes like an asshole and trying to make it appear so elegant of an action. after my shot, he's going to say a random one-liner(which he's been preparing the whole time i've been lining up my shot) while moving the mug slowly to his mouth, timing it perfectly so the mug hits his lips as he finishes his statement, and i'll hear the ice cubes slide carefully down to the bottom of the mug after he tries to suck the life out of an ice cube again. this is the last time this guy goes golfing with me."

    ice cubes + plastic mug = my mental kryptonite
    You ever notice that the more you focus on a sound the more annoying it is? Like I can't sleep with my windows open, because this dumb shit teenager down the street is out of school and he stays up all night with their bass thumping. At first I can barely hear it, but I think "Is that bass?" And at 3 AM when I have to get up at 5, it keeps getting louder and louder- and the more I think about it the madder I get, until all I can hear is that damn bass from that fricking emo kid down the effing road.

    Then I'm so tired the next day that when I see his punk ass skateboarding in the middle of the road with his stupid dyed hair, and his stupid studded bracelets and necklace and his stupid makeup, and he refuses to move out of the road, even when I honk, and flicks me off instead... well there are times I'm tired enough to consider just bumping him with my car a bit...

    So I sleep with my windows closed, and thank god we don't share any walls with their house.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Raine_Loire View Post

    You ever notice that the more you focus on a sound the more annoying it is?
    Arghasdfggh, YES.

    Other things that burn me:
    -The obviously creaky floor/ceiling above me, which seems to get creakier the later at night it is.
    -Noisy garbage trucks. Beep beep beeeeeeeep rumble rumblecrash thump beep beep crunklecrumblebroooonk
    -Trying to eat too-hot food and thus being unable to properly taste the rest.
    -Sudden and acute tickling feelings--y'know, the ones that make your leg jump because it feels like there's something little and buggy crawling up your calf. And then you kick the side of the desk and stub your toe and owie. ._. But on the plus side, there's never actually any intrepid insect scaling your flesh.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro_Vordex View Post
    White kids thinking they're fucking black.

    On that note, kids who say fuck every sentence.

    White kids that think they're black are the most annoying and retarted people I know. It makes me wanna put them in front of a mirror.

    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

  6. #36
    Kitty the Tigergirl Aisha_Clan-Clan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by astuarlen View Post
    Arghasdfggh, YES.

    Other things that burn me:
    -Sudden and acute tickling feelings--y'know, the ones that make your leg jump because it feels like there's something little and buggy crawling up your calf. And then you kick the side of the desk and stub your toe and owie. ._. But on the plus side, there's never actually any intrepid insect scaling your flesh.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan113 View Post
    White kids that think they're black are the most annoying and retarted people I know. It makes me wanna put them in front of a mirror.

    Or rather that society seems to think that having a darker complection somehow makes certain behaviors less obnoxious than if you have a lighter one.

  8. #38
    ZOOOOOOOM BlaizeYES's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raine_Loire View Post

    You ever notice that the more you focus on a sound the more annoying it is? Like I can't sleep with my windows open, because this dumb shit teenager down the street is out of school and he stays up all night with their bass thumping. At first I can barely hear it, but I think "Is that bass?" And at 3 AM when I have to get up at 5, it keeps getting louder and louder- and the more I think about it the madder I get, until all I can hear is that damn bass from that fricking emo kid down the effing road.

    Then I'm so tired the next day that when I see his punk ass skateboarding in the middle of the road with his stupid dyed hair, and his stupid studded bracelets and necklace and his stupid makeup, and he refuses to move out of the road, even when I honk, and flicks me off instead... well there are times I'm tired enough to consider just bumping him with my car a bit...

    So I sleep with my windows closed, and thank god we don't share any walls with their house.

    raine, i feel your pain in this one... i hate teenage emos as well, and i make sure to let them know about this, and they just use that as fuel for being losers. if you make it known how embarrassing it is to even look at those goofy ass nobodies, they just take it as a reason to feel sorry for themselves because they arent "accepted." and then they gather all the fellow losers with no friends together, listen to some panic at the disco(or other equally shitty music), act as "WILD AND CRAZY" as possible while trying to seem like eccentrics(when they're the farthest thing from one, they're just your everyday loser that is trying too hard to be different), and they will just keep multiplying in numbers, creating a larger cluster of emos to gather at waffle houses and denny's all night long, not ordering any food, but having nowhere to go, because they arent invited to anyone's house and their parents wont let them have their emo friends over. its like a pest control problem, and YOU CANT BEAT THE INFESTATION.

    but aside from emos, i'm the same way about most instruments when i'm relaxing. i just dont like to hear hacks playing shit music. i hate when you're at a party or a get-together and someone feels the need to bust out the acoustic they keep in the back seat in case of an emergency, and its even worse when more people happen to have their emergency guitars on hand and begin to join in. with one guitar, the sound of strumming can be overlooked by the rest of the ambient noise around the place. but one time, there were honestly 5 people playing acoustic guitars at once to an inconsistent tom petty's "freefalling," killing the "vibe" of my apartment, and i had to cut their concert short and move them to the balcony. now its a law: all aspiring musicians are to stay outside, where they can play acoustic uninterrupted all night. KEEP YOUR "HOBBIES" TO YOURSELF
    Last edited by BlaizeYES; Jun 5, 2008 at 03:14 PM.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Ronin_Cooper View Post
    Or rather that society seems to think that having a darker complection somehow makes certain behaviors less obnoxious than if you have a lighter one.
    Quoted for the MASSIVE amounts of TRUTH contained within.

    Another thing that really burns me is when I buy a DVD, only to hear a newer, superior version is coming out later.

    "Say, I must be crazy walking out in these woods alone at night with a horrible mutilation practically around the corner." - Ranger Brad

  10. #40
    PSO2 was a mistake Syl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by astuarlen View Post
    -Sudden and acute tickling feelings--y'know, the ones that make your leg jump because it feels like there's something little and buggy crawling up your calf. And then you kick the side of the desk and stub your toe and owie. ._. But on the plus side, there's never actually any intrepid insect scaling your flesh.
    As soon as I read that, it happened me... thanks ;_;

    As of late, this crazy weather spiking is driving me nuts. I'm getting really sick from it. One day it's 100+ and directly the next day it's in the low 60's. I've suffered from a heat stroke before because of this, so I'm trying to restrict my activity outdoors. Needless to say, I've gotten several bloody noses from this :/

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