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  1. #11


    Well...I'll say this:

    I have a friend who cheats in other games. These are his claims:

    1) Many modern games are too hard.
    2) I never cheat against others...just AI
    3) I value the challenges of reality.

    Well...he's my friend and all, but this is all BS. If he valued the challenges of reality, then he would value the challenges of games as well. Although the realm of the game is fantasy, the action of manipulating buttons on your controller is all reality: you are affecting the data of the game.

    As far as NaVeR (is that right?) goes, I'll say this: as long as his cheating doesn't affect others in any way, I don't condone it. I don't like it, but I won't condone it. His cheating doesn't directly hurt anyone unlike Master's. His cheating does indirectly hurt others, though: it makes others feel that they wasted their time earning their rewards. No one wants to feel like they threw their life away...and cheaters are notorious for making others (unknowingly) feel this way.

    Symptoms of a cheater:

    - Massive circumvention around set methods. Anywhere from making simple excuses to teachers for not doing homework to purchasing massive numbers of lottery tickets to throwing themselves in front of a moving car to sue someone to get rich.

    - The belief in "whatever it takes, regardless of who's in your way."

    - Insecurity and pessimism (Ex: "I will flunk this test." or "I will die fighting Dark Falz.")

    - Lack of self-confidence (Ex: "It's just not fair!!")

    - Feeling sorry for oneself, whether in public or in private.

    - The mentality of always being the last to do everything.

    - The physicality of always being the last to do everything.

    - The desire to be better than everyone else, regardless of what it takes.

    - One who "tells fortunes" or "plays God": basically thinking that something will happen given only a little bit of a clue to make massive assumptions upon.

    - One who's always in denial: denies that problems with oneself even exists.

    In other words, this all ties down to "low self-esteem." Every cheater I've encountered thus far, including my friend I mentioned above, has expressed at least one symptom of low self-esteem.


  2. #12


    What does it mean if you have 8 out of 9 of those? Heh heh...just kidding...more like 7 out of 9. Seriously, though, I dislike (not using hate, go me) faux-psychoanalysts about as much as I dislike cheaters. Truly, I do have quite a few of those, and I NEVER cheat. Cheaters are too stupid to think enough to have those characteristics. I condone (and participate) in almost every kind of cheater-bashing, but people acting like they know what they're talking about piss me off. There ARE NO set characteristics for cheaters, there's probably a bunch of popular, beautiful athletic cheaters, though I doubt it. If you're not a cheater, you don't know what goes through their

  3. #13


    Actually, I was a cheater at one time in my life, so I should at least know somewhat how they think...

    ...besides, I also varified a lot of this with a friend of mine who does cheat and even confirmed it.

    I didn't say these were set characteristics...just perhaps a few hints to perhaps find out why they cheat.

    I like psychology, but I'm not pretending to be anything. I just said that out of past experience.

  4. #14
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    San jose Calif.


    you all have said a mouth full..but i think its too little too late...i real do... i mean for christ sakes i could go out there and trade 20 points worth of grinders, and a megids lv 13 for all this... s-beats blades p-arm blades a oroitagito attrbute plate 4 slots and a spread needle with 100% to all attrabutes...i mean WTF there are no rare wepons anymore period... what lavis cannon and heavan punishe came out a few weeks ago on the american server and now every fuckin lv 5 ranger nand hunter has 1... "i remember back in the begining when yo where using a ouble saber and people drooled over it"... now PSO is pretty much pointless... thiefs and cheaters have taken possably the best DC game ever and turned it into a pice of garbage... i mean online play just aint fun anymore... ethier im getting froze in the lobby or some moron with a game shark comes in and BSODs everybody... and with the reacent attempts by sega to stop cheaters... i and everyone else have noticed the laggy and sometimes impossable to connect to servers.... sega is doing there best but they will never be abel to stop thievs and as far as game shark... the damage is already done....

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