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  1. #31
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABDUR101 View Post
    When the fuck did we get all PC? Black, african-american, who fucking cares? "I'm sorry sir, but you're acting too african-american, can you do me a favor and tone it down abit, you're scaring the Missus."

    From now on, I better not see anyone saying "white people', we're caucasian, motherfuckers!

    Of all the things some of you people nit-pick about. If you can't handle someone saying 'black' in reference to 'black people', wow. Issues.

    Learn2discuss topics.
    Well, Obama is technically half black, not African American, because his father was African (Kenyan), not African American. Erg. Wait. No, I think he might be African-White, or, erm, just mixed.

    So, yes, please, don't use the phrase African American unless you're trying to impress your "liberal" white friends. Unless you're black. Then use black with pride, and be complimented on how ethnic and articulate you are.

  2. #32


    I do find it insulting and offensive for someone wearing pants halfway down their asses and not speaking proper English as "acting black", as it really insults black people as a race if a black person is supposed to be acting "all ghetto". I hate it when a black person who speaks perfect English starts being flamed for "acting white" or being an "Uncle Tom", leave him alone and let him act as he wishes. I don't know if I'm explaining things as I intend to, but yeah. As a Latino, I also used to get the "acting white" and "self-hating Latino" remarks from other Latinos because I talk proper English and "act like most white people".
    Last edited by Shiro_Ryuu; Aug 3, 2008 at 09:58 PM.

  3. #33
    Who is this guy again? Shadowpawn's Avatar
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    Aren't we getting nitpicky in this topic? I mean does it really matter what you call yourself?

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzkommando View Post
    Good Lord. Are you from Africa? Are your parents even from Africa? Using terms of XXXX-American are just means to self segregate yourselves into your own little corners. When was the last time you heard a person of European ancestry insisting on being called "European-American"? More likely than not they are perfectly happy being called "American".

    I'm not saying to not have pride in who you are. As a matter of fact, I'm stating quite the opposite. The more you make a deal out of your 'race' (which, really, the differences between 'races' is, what, 0.01% of your DNA give or take?) the more that can be used as a dividing factor. It's the same concept as saying, "I'm an Ohioan," rather than simply, "I'm an American." It's more specific, but it's also divisive.

    My mother's friend said it best, "African-American? Black? I've never even been to Africa and my skin isn't black. I'm an American. Just that."
    Yes as I stated before I am of African descent. My dad was born IN Africa.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shiro_Ryuu View Post
    I do find it insulting and offensive for someone wearing pants halfway down their asses and not speaking proper English as "acting black", as it really insults black people as a race if a black person is supposed to be acting "all ghetto".
    Thanks for saying that. People then assume all "black" people are like that.
    Last edited by Leviathan; Aug 3, 2008 at 10:12 PM.

  5. #35


    As for races, I just use Black, White, Asian, Latino, Indian, Arab, etc. It's the easiest way to refer to them.

  6. #36


    African-American: A person of DIRECT and CLOSE African descent living in america.

    Black: A black american, close to no ties to Africa.

    Carry on gentlemen.

  7. #37
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadthroat View Post
    African-American: A person of DIRECT and CLOSE African descent living in america.

    Black: A black american, close to no ties to Africa.

    Carry on gentlemen.
    Ah, yeah, I got confused.

    Oh and Shadowpawn, of course it's important. Not as important as what other people think, despite what our parents may or may not have told us as children.

  8. #38
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    Black is a general term; a co-worker went to africa for a hunt. Guess what, they don't demand you call them Africans there, when you're talking about someone, you can say "black" and they don't get all pissy about it when you're referring to the race.

    Seriously, if being refered to as 'black' is too harsh for some of you, maybe the N-word needs to come back in style. It could be a new fad even. See how touchy some of you are after that.

    Seriously, see anyone throwing a tizzy for not being called caucasian?

    "Hey, there were acouple black guys outside earlier."
    "Hey, there were acouple white guys outside earlier."
    "Hey, there were acouple latino guys outside earlier."
    "Hey, there were acouple asian guys outside earlier."

    Which of those is more offensive than the others? Explain how it's offensive.
    Look, he did it again.

  9. #39
    Shankasaurus Rex Night_Raid's Avatar
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    Well, people tend to be touchy in America because of the whole slavery thing. In Europe you can say "There were a bunch of black guys outside" and no one would act any different then if someone said "There were a bunch of Asian guys outside" However, in America. If you say "There were a bunch of black guys outside" the first thing most people will think will fall in the "Why would it matter if they were black? Racist" area It's just the stigma that floats around "What's offensive to black people" It's not really the content of what's said. It's the fact that you're being cautious of someone who's black. And of COURSE if you're cautious of someone who just so happens to be black you're racist.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by ABDUR101 View Post
    Black is a general term; a co-worker went to africa for a hunt. Guess what, they don't demand you call them Africans there, when you're talking about someone, you can say "black" and they don't get all pissy about it when you're referring to the race.

    Seriously, if being refered to as 'black' is too harsh for some of you, maybe the N-word needs to come back in style. It could be a new fad even. See how touchy some of you are after that.

    Seriously, see anyone throwing a tizzy for not being called caucasian?

    "Hey, there were acouple black guys outside earlier."
    "Hey, there were acouple white guys outside earlier."
    "Hey, there were acouple latino guys outside earlier."
    "Hey, there were acouple asian guys outside earlier."

    Which of those is more offensive than the others? Explain how it's offensive.
    Black & white.

    Those are colours, not people.

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