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  1. #41
    Fallen Dreamer
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    It's all in your head...


    On 2003-04-24 11:41, Blenjar wrote:
    Same here. And its NGC, not GCN. Type it right.
    Yes the thing is called Nintendo GameCube, but it is abbreviated as GCN.

    I dunno. Some stupid thing Nintendo did to... uh... look retarded?

  2. #42


    The main differences I can think of between XBox and GCN versions:

    Advantages to XBox:
    Voice chat available
    Keyboard adapter cost/ease of ordering
    Lower retail game cost
    Number of free trial months
    Hard disk (large number of chars storable)
    Somewhat increased security
    Seems to be faster saving
    Built-in ethernet adapter
    Controller layout somewhat more similar to Dreamcast

    Advantages to GCN:
    More established playerbase (since released earlier)
    Modem adapter available
    Screenshot feature
    Can be played offline for only box cost (no Gamertag)
    Non-retail game cost can be same or lower (used/ebay)
    System is easier to transport
    More of the online quests currently available

    Of course, some of those differences are not PSO's fault but just the consoles' features. There are some other differences I can't think of and I might not be 100% accurate on this, but it should be enough for you to pick one or two features that are most important to you and make your choice. Of course, you also want to consider the REST of the games for each system, in case you don't want to just play PSO forever...

  3. #43


    On 2003-04-24 11:41, Blenjar wrote:

    And its NGC, not GCN. Type it right.
    I am speechless... but laughing.

    NGC= Neo-geo pocket color
    GCN= Nintendo Gamecube

  4. #44


    On 2003-04-25 08:45, MadCowChuck_ wrote:
    Ah, Delirium. I think you and I both know the answer and out come to this.

    Personally...and you know me...I'd stick with the GCN (GameCube of Nintendo) version of PSO. I know right off the bat you have your spanky broadband adapter and such, so that is not withstanding there.

    Personally, I don't appreciate voice chat too much. There are a lot of people that do, but I personally (and don't flame me--this is called an "opinion") do not think it improves the game much at all. Voice chat is handy and all, but I have enough voices in my head as it stands...I'd think you'd feel the same way

    That, and hopefully Nintendo will pick up their Internet line of games. The major argument seems to be that XBox has a wider selection of games for the 50 buck fee. This is true, and there's no denying that fact. However, do not forget that you're paying for those games, as well as the PSO fee after two months. I know you're online and paying that fee already on GCN, and I wouldn't think at this point that you have a whole lotta money to blow. Stick with what you have.

    Finally...the GCN community is much more developed at this point in terms of level and variety. There are still many PSOWers like myself on GCN, and that ain't gonna change. The community is strong, and it'll stay that way.

    And what about duped items? Live with it. If someone is so anal about the duped items, then don't trade. Simple. Duped items are a part of life now, it's been that way on other RPGs...and it seems there will always be online RPGs with duping. Again, if you're anal about duped items...don't trade. You can't get illegit items if you don't trade...unless of course you dupe. But I know you don't.

    Anyway, my final argument is that you already have GCN PSO, and that's your safe bet for now. Duped items, voice chat, international servers aside, it's the same damn game. If you have one version, there's no point to switching now. Live with the dupes, without the voice chat, and just have some damn fun. It's pathetic in sorts that people become so divided over two versions of the same game that they resort to console bashing and debate over whether or not a picture is real. There is two versions. There will be two versions for a while. But for God's sake, people: It's the same game.

    Well...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it
    That has to be...the best post I have read on these forums--ever. All message boards needs more like you, Chuck.

  5. #45


    The question was asked about how bad lag is for 56 K users. There is not that much of a lag for modem users on the Gamecube. The game runs on the client side, so even if there brief periods of lag, the client side can deal with it.

    The latency is much more noticeable if modem users play with broadband, but I've played with a broadband user (T3 connection at a college) regularly, and I don't see any lag. In fact, it seems when there's lag, it is often on that person's end (probably because everybody is trying to do stuff on that T3 - filesharing, etc.)

    I'm glad that the modem option is available. I don't have a strong need for broadband right now (I don't have a need to download movies, music, or play network games), and it costs at least twice as much as dial-up.

    I tend to respect developers who program for modem users a lot more, since a game has to function well with such limited resources. With so much computing power these days, I think a lot of developers don't bother to optimize code, especially networking code. That's why I enjoy PSO a lot: it is playable on a modem.

  6. #46
    Veteran Fighter
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    Feb 2001
    Sacrrrrrramento, CA.


    PSO runs fine on any connection, yes, that's cause it was originally designed with 56k in mind on the DC. I must admit though, it's disappointing that there's so little client synch going on in this day and age. Now voice chat simply wouldn't work on dial-up of course.

  7. #47


    I have a X-Box and a GCN, I liked the idea of voice chat on PSO since you can comunicate much faster this way. But I went with the GCN version. There are few reasons I did. First reason is most of my friends from the DC version went with teh GCN version also alot of PSOW people too. Second reason is that the GCN version cam out first and I couldn't wait. Three and this is the best reason for me. I had to choose whether I was going to purchase another GCN or X-Box so me and my g/f could play together online. The GCN version was cheaper even with broadband adapter.

    From what I see of the X-Box version it look pretty much the same, so there really isn't any good reason to bash it. I think it will establish itself as another fun version of PSO. It's to bad that GCN players and X-box players can't play with each other.

  8. #48
    Veteran Fighter
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    Sacrrrrrramento, CA.


    No it's not, threads like this have proven it...can you imagine the lobbies and games?
    'XBOX SUXX0R!'
    'GC SUXX0R!'

  9. #49
    Evil space ninja.
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Just out walking around.


    The only real pro I can thing of for xbox is it has voice chat,but thats not that great.Cons for xbox only broad ban/cable and there are hacked weapons with 100% on then and so on.Pros for game cude little to none hacked weapons,you can use 56k and up,and lager fan base because it can out first and you can use 56k and up.Oh xbox has the hard drive wicjh lets you save alot more chars,but cause of the hard drive there are hacked weapons.

    But who cares the xbox,game cube,and ps2 blow.
    The SNES and the sega shall rule all.MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  10. #50
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Alberta,Canada (yes im canadien)


    I hate these "which is better GCN or XBOX posts". it doesnt matter, as about the Nintendo Internet issue. Miyamoto announced that there shall be a BIG announcment at E3.but that actully has nothing to do with PSO.the GCN and XBOX versions of PSO are the same (in a way). all the really matters is that it is a PSO game.

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