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  1. #1

    Default Slicers are my new favorite

    So I was running around on my HUnewearl finishing up my normal mode quests and I found the pizza shop. The first thing through my mind was AWESOME and the second thing was crap I just spent all my meseta fortifying my Tonfa (Tonfa is great because it's blue).

    I barely had enough meseta for the pizza box, which thankfully was 4 slots. After returning to town to sell off everything in my stash I reset the shop a few times to try to get some decent %'s on the weapons. Apparently the Pizza shop resets are a lot harder to pull off than a regular reset. I tried idling in the shop, in town, in the sewer shop, in the hunter guild, and in random rooms in the Arca Plant and NOTHING was resetting the pizza shop. Finally, I figured out that if I am active but not in the pizza shop for around 15 minutes it resets. So I have to run around, throw my weapon for fun, feed Mags, whatever until it resets, can't just idle I got a pizza with 44 hit and called it a day.

    So I had a 100 MST Mag already (to twink a force) and decided I'd try slicer/tech mode to see how well it works for me. Holy poop I love slicer weapons.

    At first I hated my slicer. It seemed unpredictable and often wouldn't do what I wanted. I often screwed up the triple combo and the PP stealing effect didn't trigger nearly as much as I had hoped. If I miss I can't do anything until it returns to me. Also, since the Pizza is such a low level weapon and slicers have low hit anyways I missed things a lot even with 44 hit. Eventually I got the hang of it and realized that slicers are amazing, they just take some skill. The range of time where your combo works is actually greater and it depends largely on how far away your target is. You can actually control the movement of your slicer a LOT if you get good at it and hit multiple enemies without too much difficulty. The only downside is that a slicer is completely useless if you need to be near the enemy, such as with Arhkzein and Humilias, but that is why you keep Zonde on your pallet.

    So basically I love slicers now.

  2. #2


    I love the slicers too! they work as wands/rods and you throw them for extra damage good stuff there!
    I prefer the stunning effect on mine after stunning just blow them away with spells
    Last edited by Windancer; Jan 11, 2010 at 10:37 AM.

  3. #3


    slicers have the lowest ATA and MST out of the force weapons and since Forces get low ATA anyways......

    their PA's are horrible (the best being bright sign but it only has a 110% ATP mod and it charges slow, heavy attacks do more damage in less time) they are great against bosses since they can be hit more that 3 times depending on how you hit them

    also slicers have low proc on proc elements (10% IIRC) and only go up to level 3
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    my to do list:
    1. find a job
    2. take over the world
    3. buy groceries

  4. #4


    The low ATA does hurt, but as I mentioned I'm a HUnewearl NOT a force so my ATA is a bit higher. Using a slicer as your primary attack isn't bad at all. My primary use isn't for techniques, my primary use is the slicer itself.

    Don't get my wrong, I'll change back to a ATP based weapon eventually, but the mechanics about how slicers work is a ton of fun and makes you feel like you are using more skill than just brute forcing.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by leviayurashyguy View Post
    slicers have the lowest ATA and MST out of the force weapons
    Actually it goes Rods > Slicers > Wands for highest MST, but Wands are better than slicers for 1 specific tech.

    And then it becomes Wands > Slicers > Rods for highest ATA if you use the shurikens and the shinobi suit set. If you know monster behavior the lower def/eva shouldn't matter from better armor like a noble cloak.

    I agree that the slicer PAs are horrible except for Bright Sign but I rather like its stun effect, as it lasts longer than it takes to takes me to unleash another PA upon the enemy ultimately refreshing the status effect. The fact that I do not have to go up close while using it is very nice, considering the fact that the best slicer users have really low hp/def.

    Quote Originally Posted by Opodomus View Post
    but the mechanics about how slicers work is a ton of fun
    And that's really all that matters hehe. I felt the same way when I had my HUnewearl do that because her Zonde didn't suck and it partnered well with bright sign in perma-stunning most enemies(hello Arkzein). I made a FOmarl in her place but honestly... I don't know how much longer I can take her walking animation...
    Last edited by sylwyn; Jan 11, 2010 at 11:50 AM.
    PSP2 Characters:
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  6. #6


    I like the variation a force character can use with these boomeranging weapons instead of mashing away at attack spells or just buffing/healing a group. I have a nice TriMagenta thats got some nice %'s on it. even though I take an ATA hit it has a really good stunning effect when you charge it and throw it seems to stun 1or2 in a mob of 4 for quite sometime. Just a nice change from the spell thrashing ways LOL

    Level 93 Humar-Winders **Retired**
    Level 100 Ramar-Rick Hunter **Retired**
    Level 100 Fomar-Windancer **Retired**

  7. #7


    I also LOVE Slicers. I love them SO much, I deleated a lv55 FOnewearl so I could make a FOmarl. I too dislike her walking animation but she has the highest ATA for a Force so I'll put up with her. For Humilias, though, the Slicer gets replaced with my best Rod and I just spam Razonde....

    I considered giving my HUnewearl a Slicer but then I discovered Claws. o.0

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