I'm looking for a few lv20 techs(I may take certain lv19's), mainly Shifta, Deband, Resta, Rafoie & Anti 7 and Cure/Freeze.

I'm also interested in a Frozen Shooter, Yas V, Luminous Field, Cure/Paralysis, Master's/Lord's/King's Mechgun series with 50+% hit and other Huneweral & Ramarl equipment.

Among other things, I have these for trade-

Demolition Comet
Red Handgun
Spread Needle*
Stag Cutlery*
Hidebear's Cane
Nug Bazooka*
Inferno Bazooka
Guilty Light 10% Hit
Diska Of Braveman 30% Hit
Guilty Light
Cross Scar 15% Hit*
Vulcan 25% hit

Rappy Wing

Custom Frame 4 slot*
Guard Wave 4 slot*
Secret Gear
Blue Barrier

God Battle

Lots of Mats

Grinders x 100(?)+

Photon Drops x 24
AddSlot x 4

-I found all of these items myself with my Redria except for those that I traded for, which are indicated with a *

I'll also have some Psycho Wands for trade very soon.

Private Message me or post offers here.