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  1. #41
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
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    Related threads working correctly on this one. If only in Thread name.

    "Sega, Another Blunder!" circa 2001

  2. #42
    Endless Possibilities Vashyron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAstarion View Post
    All v1 areas and enemies are on the disc.
    All v2 enemies and areas are on the disc/download, and are all in fact reskins (or at least remodels) of v1 counterparts, apart from PSO things.
    Anyone could just create a Protectors-style mission by choosing any progression of maps within the game data, say Linear Line from the first offline mission, then the Colony battle map from the last ep 2 story mission, then the Falz arena where you fight Howzer the last time... and just add enemies and spawns and specific/unique drops to their hearts' content. As long as the server tells your disc to load this and that in this and that order, your disc will do it, so by necessity it has to be in the data.

    When we get new things, they're either cloned from an existing original item (/C, /P /G and /D items) with different stats, which load from the disc after a minor title update to make room in the weapons list for that particular mesh/skin/stat/name/firing mode combo, or they're going to be given a new mesh (Koncuc, Shag Goagg, etc) which we'll need a somewhat bigger title update for.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAstarion View Post
    I don't see what all the fuss is about. Some things were planned, and have placeholders there. Remember when the four Masterclasses were leaked, with their garbage weapon proficiencies? Everyone had double sabers? Acromaster had a bunch of B ranks on there? Masterforce had no tech weapons? Yeah, it's garbage data meant simply to be modified later by minor updates when it's been tested and ready to use.
    The Fuss is that these missions were all ready & SOA had them locked away and at most, most of them needed just to have translations for mission details, those "updates" that you listed required some "work" at least.

    Please note it does not take over 6 months to translate a little box with mission details & even if it was more than mission details, like a story mission. It still wouldn't take 6 months (Or however behind JP we were.) As that was all that was truly needed besides "testing." (You've all seen how good SEGA is at "testing" & translations.)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAstarion View Post
    As for S5 missions, I remember reading there was a problem with player character and monster stats above level 200, and S5 monsters by extension would probably be intended to have levels much higher than 200 in most current missions. This may have been subverted entirely, with even JP not having had a level cap increase since Supplemental, and indeed the entire GAS system may be a way of diverting our attention away from "When can I hit 200? When can I get to 201 to be better than my PSO dude? When can we do a mission where fifteen level 250 Magashis, two lv270 Helgas and a lv300 Howzer with lv100 Megid spawn all at once to eat players alive?"

    ...sorry, I got sidetracked. TL,DR: Data is always available, and that which is not available at launch is usually witheld for testing or post-release tweaking.
    Level 255 is the max (8 bytes Yes.), though wouldn't know if stats are defined over 200 as that is probably where they will stop.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by desturel View Post
    My point is that you guys are inventing things to be upset about. Leave the faux outrage based off of paranoia and misunderstandings to religion and politics. It shouldn't be in gaming. There's no conspiracy. Laziness? Maybe. Ineptitude? Certainly. But malicious deviousness as alluded to in the initial post? Hardly.
    Sorry sir. But anything that involves me giving you money and you fucking me over is fair game for outrage. This isn't anything amazingly surprising, but it aint nothing gleeful about it either. And besides, we know its no conspiracy -- they know that we know that they know we've paid them for far more than they've given us in return. They just dont care -- majority of the dipshits back at the official forums get all "OH WOW I CANT BELIEVE IT SEGA IS FINALLY BACK ON TRACK IM READY" as soon as they announced the supplemental update, just like the asinine little fuckers get all uppity every single time they announce a Sonic the Hedgehog game and say its a "return to classic roots", or "SONIC'S EPIC COMEBACK!". (And notice they've been saying that shit since 2004.)

    And please excuse my language, guys. It really has nothing to do with this situation in general, its just the fact they do it, and nothing we say or do will fix it. They seem to just not care, and I dont see this changing anytime soon, even if they do release another game. The Japanese version will always be superior and 10 steps ahead, and the US version will always be treated like the ugly retarded younger adopted brother. Just wait until PSP2 releases over here, you'll see.

    All we need is a translation. Thats really all it takes. They've been translating games for YEARS but can't seem to get this one right. And with it being so easy to give us stuff, there's no clear way to tell if they're holding out on us on purpose or not. You know, SoA doesn't do anything anyway, so why not just charge them $10 a month and pay the employees to update the servers every OTHER week instead. Sounds like a little bit of extra revenue to me.

    So it is what it is. I expect to be super hyped if they announce another PS MMO (as long as its like this one and not that PS0 kiddie nintendo cliche bullshit), and i expect to be disappointed when i finally play the full product 2 years from now. I also expect our servers to be garbage compared to the JP ones. Its just what i get from this company now.
    Last edited by RemiusTA; Jun 8, 2010 at 11:57 PM.

  4. #44


    Wait im confused. Does this mean that at some point the private servers can have exactly what the JP servers have in like, a few days basically?
    Quote Originally Posted by Crysteon View Post
    And yeah, I do suck

  5. #45


    Sounds like it

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by xBULLYDOGG View Post
    Wait im confused. Does this mean that at some point the private servers can have exactly what the JP servers have in like, a few days basically?
    the thing most people are not getting, like has been pointed out a few times.

    the basic data and routes to access it has been there since V1 or at least AOTI with newer stuff being unlocked with sup update (the 3 main steps of content release)

    all it takes is for the guy in control of the server to say "this counter triggers this map, with these monsters and that item dropping from there" just like when they left up the test mission back in the day. so yes if the data is there the server admin could say lvl 1 pannon to drop ely sion 100% dark or soul banisher drops from area box #12

    this is how event missions are implemented, and how certain people can run private servers with content that 'could' be upto date.

    the difference is title updates, they give the client new commands that allow the user to access the newly updated server systems..... hence using possibly 'locked' content by using new system commands.
    FROBOT in disguise: cast forte/master gunner transer thighmaster
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  7. #47


    I always knew that the content was on the disk, but what I'm enjoying the most is that the person operating the private servers, at their will I believe can just say "screw it, it's all unlocked" and if that is true I guess I'm going to have to try it out when the ervers come out of their alpha build.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crysteon View Post
    And yeah, I do suck

  8. #48
    For a brighter day! Max B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xBULLYDOGG View Post
    I always knew that the content was on the disk, but what I'm enjoying the most is that the person operating the private servers, at their will I believe can just say "screw it, it's all unlocked" and if that is true I guess I'm going to have to try it out when the ervers come out of their alpha build.
    You misread this all he was saying was we have the supp update content all along. This has nothing to do with the original content on the disk.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Max B View Post
    You misread this all he was saying was we have the supp update content all along. This has nothing to do with the original content on the disk.
    NO max you have it wrong, we have the potential to access the higher grade missions that is all, all of the item data including meshes, skins and actual menu descriptions are to be implemented with the download we will get in a few weeks.

    the data we have is the doorway to the missions and the missions layouts and monsters. they have not been programmed onto the server yet, that is what they do in the maintainence periods.

    i will point it out again, the ITEMS from the supplimental will have to be provided (released to the client in form of the download) before they can be used and there is NO way to reverse engineer these without translating the JP client, the maps however have the potential to be released NOW without the update and given certain enemy restrictions always have been, the title update we will be getting will implement the class and PA adjustments, these technically could be done by the admin of any private server.
    FROBOT in disguise: cast forte/master gunner transer thighmaster
    Jaguar: acro fighter/FIgunner
    Dharlethi: fortetecher
    Fuzzy Peach: fortefighter

  10. #50


    I think he means we could of had it by now... as in the actual download.. When did it come out in Japan again?
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