Hi people im in need of some help here. I used to play phantasy star online and version 2 ages ago for dreamcast and had it installed on pc (pso ver2) and i've recently decided to install it again. Im using a packard bell notebook which has windows 7 as an operating system (useless). Everything works fine except for when i enter certain areas (with lost of objects to render) then it slows down. Been over it in my head and all my requirements thrash what is required. I remember that when running on dreamcast distant items would render as you got closer but im told todays computers try to render the whole scene regardless of where you are, this is what i believe is causing it to slow because if i stand in a corner the gameplay is at full speed. Has anyone managed to get this game running well on windows 7? Im pretty sure i had it running on xp last time, im thinking maybe the drivers are the problem. Any help would be appreciated