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  1. #81
    PSO-W leаder AND оwner Sp-24's Avatar
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    I am not suggesting to use Earth Bullet and shot that way, believe me. As to where I get my ideas, read the bolded text:

    And the same case can be made against Sabers. Except their DPS outside of PA's can't compare to Gunblade DPS. Sabers don't have the luxury of 150%-300% damage that can be dealt instantly right after the PA ends. And thanks to how quickly Earth Bullet animates, Gunblades have even much more DPS. While a Saber user has to wait out the entire Zeta Cutlass animation before they can proceed to whittle down whatever HP is remaining.
    As for the difference between Gunblade and Saber PAs:
    Zeta Cutlass: 520% damage in 4 hits, 3.5 seconds execution time.
    Earth Bullet: 510% damage in 3 hits, 3 seconds execution time.

    The difference is there, but it's insignificant. Only shot attack sets the Gunblade apart.

  2. #82


    You're the one who mentioned that Earth Bullet will not be able to OHKO enemies in a single use of it compared to Over End.

    Also .5 seconds is long enough to execute a Triple Shot. That can deal a huge chunk of damage on anything that has similar resistances to Strike and Shooting.

    Enemies in Shrine and Arca, the two most difficult areas of the game will take nearly 300% damage as a followup to Earth Bullet.

    Most Paru mobs will take 150%. With the exception being the Froutang and Frounakeds. Valley mobs will take around 150%-200%, even Helions and Blaze Helions. And as for the Striking resistant areas, Sabers can't even begin to compare to Gunblades.

    So my point still stands, Gunblades are superior to Sabers. That "lone" difference which you mentioned being the main reason to it. Earth Bullet being a faster PA is just icing on the cake.
    Last edited by PlinderD; Dec 12, 2011 at 12:11 AM.

  3. #83
    The Urahara of PSZ Tamlin's Avatar
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    Hmmm... risking stepping on any toes here... I'm going to say that Sabers and Gunblades are about even, all factors considered.

    And this is counting out swords here. Swords are going to do more damage per hit than any other melee weapon. That's indesputable and not the point here. Sabers and Gunblades are both faster than the sword, so it's a matter of PERSONAL PREFERENCE as to what you use.

    In my opinion, all Saber PAs are very usefull. Zeta Cutlass can move you out of harm's way, Cross Rave simply devastates mobs, and I forget the other one XD

    Gunblades, as powerful as their tri shot is, have to be used at extremely close range, making them a dangerous tool. They're powerful, yes, but sabers are faster with their 3 hit combo.

    And as far as overall damage output is concerned, it's all in shades of grey. Will stronger hits do more damage in a given amount of time? Or will more, slightly weaker hits do more in that same time? It evens out to be just about the same, in my experience.

    All weapons, in the right hand, will ALWAYS be effective. Each player is suited to a certain weapon over others. Personaly, my favorites are Daggers and Double Sabers. Point being, this is a mute point, but thought provoking and usefull. I mean, it makes us take a nice long look at how we play. I kinda like these kinds of arguements, to be honest XD
    "If it rusts, it can never be trusted
    If its owner fails to control it, it will cut him
    Yes, pride is
    Like a blade."
    -Tite Kubo

  4. #84
    PSO-W leаder AND оwner Sp-24's Avatar
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    I've never said that Gunblades aren't superior to Sabers, and I've said twice that they are, I've agreed with that in my first sentence, as you may notice. I was saying, from the first post, that Earth Bullet doesn't necessarily outdamage Zeta Cutlass.

    That 0.5 second doesn't make any difference unless you make a luck shot right between performing one PA and charging another, effectively wasting that 0.5 seconds and leaving yourself standing still in the process. And unless there is an enemy right in front of you, it will never deal 300% damage, either. To land all 3 bullets, you have to move, wasting another precious second or so, and delay another Earth Bullet. Enemies tend to move most of the time, too, so you have to change your position to land both Bullet and Cutlass on more than one target, as well as to avoid damage if necessary. There are also charge times - 1 second for Earth Bullet and instantaneous for Zeta Cutlass.

    There is a lot more factors to DPS than just execution time and damage per hit unless you have a constant Barrier Shift on you. Sabers don't top Gunblades at that, but they aren't left in the dust, either.

  5. #85


    Nope, Sabers and Gunblades have similar combo times.

    Gunblades don't need to be at extremely close range. I've had all three shots land on an Usanny at a range where I stilll had enough room to take a step nearer to them.

    The Triple Shot also has a similar "cooldown" time.

    And yes I have tested this. I've used the Emperor Axeon and eventually the other 7* Gunblades once I found one with a Level 3 Element for an entire Tower Run. And I've tested at least 1 area and 20 ET floors with the White Saber just to see if the extra hit was worth it.

    Plus luck has nothing to do with it. Positioning Earth Bullet for maximum coverage on multiple targets will almost always lead to being in range to hit 1 enemy with the Triple Shot.
    Last edited by PlinderD; Dec 12, 2011 at 01:11 AM.

  6. #86
    The Urahara of PSZ Tamlin's Avatar
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    Gotta love being ignored...

    Ok, i'm going to be the Doctor's assistant here and simply state:

    This forum is for discussing PALETTE and EQUIPMENT setups, not arguing shades of grey as far as damage is concerned. Please take this convo to a new thread, and do not overload this thread with arguement. Especialy when one side has conceded that the other has valid points, but is simply stating EQUALLY valid points of their own.

    Good Docta, I hope I don't overstep my bounds in trying to help here
    "If it rusts, it can never be trusted
    If its owner fails to control it, it will cut him
    Yes, pride is
    Like a blade."
    -Tite Kubo

  7. #87


    I addressed your point about Sabers having this blindlingly fast combo. Which was really the only point you raised regarding how Sabers compare to Gunblades.

    Test it in-game, use a Gunblade then a Saber. The combo speed isn't that different.

    Well that and, what seems to be common, misconception that Gunblade wielders need to be standing extremely close to the target for all three shots to connect. If you can hit with the Gunblade melee attack then you can hit with all three shots.
    Last edited by PlinderD; Dec 12, 2011 at 01:18 AM.

  8. #88
    The Urahara of PSZ Tamlin's Avatar
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    I didn't say blindingly fast. I never even mentioned sabers OR gunblades in that part of my post. I was posting about weapons in general.

    I was more joking with that first bit anywho... it's an odd little sense of humor of mine XD

    Now. Enough of this here. I'll be glad to wax intellectual with you about weapons and which is better, but not here in a thread not meant for it.
    "If it rusts, it can never be trusted
    If its owner fails to control it, it will cut him
    Yes, pride is
    Like a blade."
    -Tite Kubo

  9. #89


    Gunblades, as powerful as their tri shot is, have to be used at extremely close range, making them a dangerous tool. They're powerful, yes, but sabers are faster with their 3 hit combo.
    Comparing the Gunblade melee and Saber combo yields no discernable time difference. I'll just assume that's what you meant because there is simply no way anyone can mean Sabers can outdamage the Gunblade's Triple Shot.

  10. #90
    Eternal HUnewm Norco's Avatar
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    Take this to another topic please, the thread have turned into a Saber vs Gunblade thread instead of thread describing characters.

     Norco   Prins Erik    RA-421

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