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  1. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by reptile7383 View Post
    Please, He wasn't talking about "possibilities". That arouse when I pushed him on the subject and asked for supporting evidence. Pointing that out isn't an attempt to "belittle" him. People on here take things far so seriously.
    And yet you attempt to disprove him otherwise without examples or sources to show.
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  2. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by blace View Post
    And yet you attempt to disprove him otherwise without examples or sources to show.
    disprove what? That Sega is dealing with gambling issues? I'm not trying to disprove that. I only show tried to show that theres no reason to think that its the case. I've given the example of runescape which is an EU game with the same "gambling" and showed that pokemons problems weren't because of laws. I'm not proving or disproving anything about this. I planted reasonable doubt and asked for evidence from him (you know the whole burden of proof thing). He then slightly changed his stance and then pretended that it was like that the whole time.

    If you think I did a poor job at showing that idea then thats fine. It's all part of conversations and debate. Theres no need for people to resort to 'hate' though.
    Last edited by reptile7383; Mar 26, 2013 at 09:02 PM.

  3. #73


    A) Don't remember when or where (I -think- it was on SEGA's Facebook page), but Edward said that SoJ was pulling the strings behind SoA/SoE.

    However, I don't see why people expect this to be good. I can't imagine being delusional for like the... 5th or 6th time.

  4. #74
    The supposive Gaijin Hero EvilMag's Avatar
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    Well...thats Edward. I don't believe anything that tool says.
    Quote Originally Posted by CelestialBlade View Post
    Bit off-topic, but I'm just sick and tired of "difficulty" meaning "stat boosts". It's lazy and boring.

  5. #75


    The problem here is that people keep trying to push the "burden of proof" onto each other when there's no substantial proof in either direction to be had. Sega's track record is pretty bad, there's no question about that, but it's circumstantial at best.

    I honestly don't want to go too far into this... whatever this is, so I'm just going to do my usual one-shot bit and go.

  6. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Totori View Post
    As for new players, it's a F2P game. WHO wouldn't come to try something with the known name of Phantasy Star Online's sequel, and it's free. That'll no doubt attract new players. And with new players the server will grow, because if they new players are pleased then they'll tell some others about the game.
    So it'll sell on name alone? Well what about player retention? It's free, so they won't play other free games instead?

    The servers getting shut down eariler than the JP ones, that's gonna happen they made the game first I mean come on.
    So the JP servers will start earlier and last longer, ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sierhiet View Post
    The game being moved to PC with an F2P pay style is huge. On top of what Totori said, the game doesn't constitute as failure if it releases later then it's native counterpart. I gave you atleast 6 different MMO titles that have done this, and have been successful in previous posts. It is "content flow" that is important, not so much how we start off in content. All the game needs to do is launch in manner the JP servers did, and stay on schedule like the JP servers have. Pushing content through Microsoft like PSU had to deal with, and console limitations is a nonfactor. If it launches with more content then the JP servers did in July, and there are minor tweaks to the RNG then it could be superior. The game will not get shut down early because the content is there, and the population will be there because we are on an F2P model.
    So basically what I said already, thanks for reading. So how come the JP servers didn't suffer all the same problems if it's such a nightmare to push content? And not every game went through Microsoft, yet still there was inferior service.

    As for GM support? You guys aren't really getting the best GM support on JP either, so what was even the point of mentioning that? They've opted to simply handle their problems through Chinese IP bans, or just unfairly banning anyone who seems remotely involved. We've had numerous posts on this. Edit: Let me just add. JP servers have been fine with what little GM support is available. I've answered your question. Now why do you think it will fail albeit this? Seriously?
    You really think we'll get the same "player feedback" updates? I mean, sure you need to speak the language, but at least players have an 'in'. They've even got little surveys that don't require absolute fluency to participate in. It may not be SoA's fault that they're not developing the game, but that's still a downside.

    Not every F2P game can stay afloat simply on account of it being free to play, and the AC shop is a terrible implementation of microtransactions. I'm worried prices and gambling will scare off many players, and the slow release of content, whether or not it matches 1:1 with the original release, will see the playerbase dwindle.

    It can fail on account of these changes just as easily as it can stand tall amongst the other online PS games that failed for totally unrelated reasons.

  7. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by reptile7383 View Post
    Wait what? Why I am now getting hate? Is it even possible to have a conversation on here without somebody hating on somebody else lol
    No one's giving you hate. I just feel it's necessary to point out, since you're focusing so much on Sierhiet's point about the gambling issue, that you very briefly attempted to argue that because you could play the finished game in Japan, it was obviously ready for western release.

    I don't mean to criticize, but let's be fair.

    Quote Originally Posted by UnLucky View Post
    So how come the JP servers didn't suffer all the same problems if it's such a nightmare to push content?
    I believe he's saying it was difficult to push content while operating under Microsoft, not that it's difficult to push content in general.
    Last edited by Narrillnezzurh; Mar 26, 2013 at 09:18 PM.

  8. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by AIDA View Post
    Gotta make this quick, I'm at work:


    A) There is NO PROOF that SOJ is pulling the strings behind SOA.

    B) SOA is a group of about 6 people, all those other games you mentioned had DEDICATED teams working on them. Our "dedicated team" will likely be 1 or 2 people. (who don't work on weekends).

    C) If someone fails you over and over and over and over, you lose faith in them. This is SMART.

    D) Are secretly koolaidpitcher/boomadatigger?

    Should we be more positive? Yeah. Am I saying that I want PSO2 to fail in the US? No. I'm simply stating facts, like you are.

    You seriously trying to argue that the Owner and his managers have no control what-so-ever over a branch of their company that is basically a satellite office? That if a owner has a part of the company that is not performing up to their standards they wouldn't fire them?

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  9. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Narrillnezzurh View Post
    No one's giving you hate. I just feel it's necessary to point out, since you're focusing so much on Sierhiet's point about the gambling issue, that you very briefly attempted to argue that because you could play the finished game in Japan, it was obviously ready for western release.

    I don't mean to criticize, but let's be fair.

    You do realize that both of those statements were said in a semi-joking manner right

  10. #80


    It looks like a lot of the argument you guys are trying to push has been addressed and disproven by others, so I'm going to just comment on something key that wasn't touched on. Long post, but it should answer your question, thoroughly.

    Quote Originally Posted by UnLucky View Post
    So basically what I said already, thanks for reading. So how come the JP servers didn't suffer all the same problems if it's such a nightmare to push content? And not every game went through Microsoft, yet still there was inferior service.
    That isn't 'basically what' you said earlier. Your trying to make it as if the switch isn't a big deal, when it is actually the main component of the entire content issue.

    The JP PS2/PC servers where the only servers which did not in any way have to deal with Microsoft. They were handled directly by SoJ, did not need any translation, did not need any amendments to run on both Microsoft's and Sony's console, and did not have to go through Xbox Live for hosting rights. On top of that, the game launched earlier. That is why they were fine.

    US PS2/PC and anyone playing PSU via Xbox including Japanese natives had to deal with the slow content because content had to 1. Go to SoA for translation (for EN players) and then 2. Go through Microsoft for hosting rights. If you were playing PS2/PC PSU like I was, then you would know our content flow was tethered to the Xbox. That means no one gets anything until everyone can get it. The games were launched simultaneously, and content had to go from SoJ to SoA for translation and modification to Microsoft for hosting for Xbox players. When this entire process was finished, the content would move. No sooner. SoA had to manage it's region and servers as well as deal with Microsoft. SoJ only needed to build.

    Now let that soak for a second. Can you imagine the conversation at SoA at one point? It was either allow content to move freely on PS2/PC EN, and deal with having to split their already small task force in order manage both PS2/PC and Xbox separately which would create a dozen more problems (like Xbox plays complaining that PS2/PC were getting ahead) OR release everything in batches and keep the responsible team together. What do you think happened at that point? You don't have to because we already know.

    Now imagine a new scenario. Subtract Microsoft involvement. Subtract console micromanagement. Include only the fact that flowing content needs to be translated following launch. That is PSO2 EN.

    Quote Originally Posted by UnLucky View Post
    You really think we'll get the same "player feedback" updates? I mean, sure you need to speak the language, but at least players have an 'in'. They've even got little surveys that don't require absolute fluency to participate in. It may not be SoA's fault that they're not developing the game, but that's still a downside.

    Not every F2P game can stay afloat simply on account of it being free to play, and the AC shop is a terrible implementation of microtransactions. I'm worried prices and gambling will scare off many players, and the slow release of content, whether or not it matches 1:1 with the original release, will see the playerbase dwindle.

    It can fail on account of these changes just as easily as it can stand tall amongst the other online PS games that failed for totally unrelated reasons.
    Your right. Not every F2P game can stay afloat simply on account of it being F2P. I'd agree with the top if we didn't already have the SoJ servers to look at for reference. PSO2 is 'doing numbers'. You could argue fundamentals such as the JP audience being different and receptive to things differently in a few ways then the English. But at that point, it isn't about LOL SoA service is horrible, which your trying so hard to force. They would be giving us the same service JP received after launch 1:1. At that point, it all comes down to the consumer. And for all we know, they could indeed be making tweaks to the RNG to prevent this. But even if they DID'NT there is no indication the EN audience will not be receptive to the current model. Matter of fact, there is every indication that they could. Do you know why? Because we've got English players right now, such as yourself, paying MARKUP Webmoney for AC, just to participate on their foreign servers. And you continue to do so despite what happened to the Chinese, despite the ToS, despite some of you unrightfully getting banned already, ect.
    Last edited by Sierhiet; Mar 27, 2013 at 09:33 AM.

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