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  1. #1
    ・ω・ ニャー TenebriS's Avatar
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    Default Oracle's Top Model contestant list

    Hello there guys and girls and welcome to thread that showcases not only one but all females of the Oracle top models. Don't worry if you don't know all of them it's because this thread is to appreciate every single contestant if top 10 or not!

    Before I start I really wanna say I was happy to see this many contestants for this event and I am thankful for every person that participated. Also please do not be upset if you did not get into the top 10, all of you did great work but sadly there is only place for 10.
    Each of you is an individual with a great design, interesting look and courageous enough to participate in an event where you have to out-fashion others. I am glad you did so and I'm happy to comment on all of you now.

    I start in pure alphabetical order throughout all races, I hope you don't mind that.


    This is a really cute design for a char, I like the way she seems to have a nice beach day with her toy floating around ready to start playing anytime. The colors of the outfit go well with the hairstyle and the turquoise of the ribbon fits nicely to the 2nd color of the outfit. An overall nice composition of a character in a cute styling on a char with a fitting height.


    The picture of this pose makes me think of a royal lady high atop a hill outside of her mansion waiting for someone, wonder who that be. But my fantasies aside this is a nice combination of earth tones in a character. That’s why the colors play so well together. The face has a nice structure and looks mature and elegant to me. The make-up is fitting to the rather old-fashioned clothing and let you forget about space-ships and dark falzes for a moment.


    This shrine maiden found a rather uncommon (at least to what I saw) combination of accessory and clothing. The nurse cap being a rather modern accessory to the nurses looks combined with this outfit really good and was well chosen. Showing her Duman-ness with the eye in a fashion so it fits to the 2nd color of the outfit was a good item and a subtle combination of character and clothing.

    Bambi Minaii

    This on even tho using a swimsuit made me think of a dress. The usage of accessory helped to create that illusion for me and created a rather interesting formal design. The warm colors of the character with the slowly fading day sky create an image as if she is going to beach party soon. Also the mag is nicely used as a it looks like a loyal pet accompanying her.


    I like the composition of this shot because it used an enemy in it, tho if you look at it you wouldn't think of it as an enemy at first sight. It looks more of like a summon which fits this oriental maiden style. Like an asian summoner of some kind. This piece sure is well done and the colors are fitting as well.


    The colors of this cast are really good, I think they fit well together and give it a machine-y look. The half hidden face and the long blonde hair also go well with the colors and the parts and give her a mysterious yet fascinating look.


    This one is going for a fiend-ish look with that wings and tail. Like some kind of succubus this dark haired beauty tries to seduce you. I do like the combination of these 2 accessory because they just fit so well together and they fit well to this kind of outfit too. Now if only the yellow would be replaced by a purple this would be awesome!


    Even the law enforcement wants to look good and this one even wanted to be a model. I think the combination of this outfit and the hat really goes well together and the dark hair is looking good with it too. The expression she has looks almost as if she is looking for a crime to happen so she can stop it, never resting and always ready to fight some baddies.


    When I first saw this I was surprised, does not happen every day you see an angel with a scythe. The overall composition of this design looks interesting tho. It’s very unusual for how we usually see Angels but the wings and halo still make it look angelic. A very paradox but interesting style.


    The schoolgirl look is a classic, and it usually always gets good points. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Nonetheless this one is well done with the posing and the earrings add some extra to it. On a side note, I always wished that the ribbon in the hair would change its color with the clothes.


    An interesting composition, the marks on the body seem to fit so well on the costume and the hair. The character itself to me has a sinister look and a really interesting design. I like the pose chosen for it and also the overall look of this character. Additional the horns fit so well to the hairstyle and seems like it belongs together. Really well done!

    Crimson Exile

    I thought this was a rather interesting Cyborg style. Half human and half robot but fully ninja. She could be up for anything but you wouldn’t know and that’s thanks to her mostly hidden face. The combination of those clothes and hair together with the CAST options makes it look great and the overall black/white makes the colors stick out even more.


    The name says it all, it’s an android from back in the days. Nei reborn in as a Caseal, appearing Newman and looking quite similar to what she used to look. I like the idea behind the char and the design is well done. The color combinations and accessory fit well together and the background fits really good as well. Nice done.


    Another one of the androids, and another interesting design. This one is dressed properly for the Thanks Festa, ready to celebrate a great year in a great Fleet. The colors all go well with it and the rappy design on the yakuta goes nicely with the head-accessory and adds some cuteness to it.


    Staying true to her colors since the beginning Cyron fits well into the green environment of the Forest. She puts on an interesting combination of accessory and outfit. I think the pose is chosen fittingly to the character and makes the picture looks sort of natural.


    This is a very beachy look and therefor well done. Area, accessory and hairstyle fit to the theme and makes you think of summer. The combination of colors in this is rather interesting but good. It’s a kitten on a beach having a good time. I would probably have chosen another angle but that’s personal preferences.


    A plus-size model is a rarity but this one pulled it off quite nicely. The small picture of it seems very ironic tho. It was nice to see something out of the norm and the character has a nice face. Not much accessory but a good look doesn’t need it necessary this character pulled of something you don’T see everday. Thanks for trying!


    Taking advantage of the Duman race is a good idea. Red skin and horns, perfect for a demonic look. The tattoo fitting to the outfit was a nice touch and the pose of this picture is just great work. I find nothing unfitting about this char besides the earring, would have preferred the red version of them. Besides that It is a good entry.


    I thought of this to be a cute entry, seemed like a toy came to life. A very cute look with fitting accessory and even the weapon at her back make it look like a toy to me. Additional she is a Caseal where you can pull off that look with headparts. The colors are a ncie shade of blue fitting to the hair and eyes.


    A rather summery look I admit looks good. I like how the hat fits with the belt and the parts of gloves. Though I am usually not a fan of hats in the game I think it looks great on this character. With all the soft colors the intense blue of her hair sticks out a lot. Some like it, others not. I think it looks good. (Makes me think of sand and sea; the clothes in a sandy yellow and the hair in an ocean blue)


    This look is interesting, I like how the black seems to surround the colors of the outfit and make the colors stick out a lot. The pose is chosen fittingly and the wind giving the hair some movement just looks great. Her facial expression seals the deal, serious and mysterious.


    The idol look seems popular and I usually am not a fan of the outfit itself think that this character pulled it off quite good. The hairstyle fits to it in an interesting fashion and the colors work just so great on it, together with the pose and the lightning she IS an idol already. On a side note, I like how also the sticker fits nicely with all.


    Even tho PSO2 does not have beasts anymore I see quite a lot of them. This red fox stands out for its red color. I like red in general but this char just rocks the color, the yellow spots in this outfit are an eye-catch and keeping the hair in the red they are fits just so well. The pose is a rather interesting one but I can feel how she looks at me. Too bad the window is sort of in char but I guess such things just happen.


    This picture could be directly out of an advertisement for Vorpals new resort. The composition of light and posing just looks good and the dark bikini with skirt look relaxing and elegant at the same time. For the last part there is also the flower in the hair that fits onto the beach time perfectly. The best thing is the expression tho, it gives the picture emotion and warmth.


    This is really a sad lil angel. When I see it I just wanna hug it. The combination of accessory and clothing in this color scheme just looks awesome. I like the combination of it a lot, plus black wings and the wedding corsage makes it just outstanding great. The eye patch at first I thought seemed unfitting but when looking closer I thought its indeed fitting to the red eye on the other side and the overall style.


    This is unusual to me, because usually I see white and think of nice/innocent/good but this character takes the color white and makes it look evil and cold. Never saw a Person pulling off white in this way and that impresses me about this character. Not to mention that the overall colors just look great together and the parts selection is very well done.


    This character looks like straight out of hell and that’s why the place she is at is perfectly fitting. Besides having a perfectly fitting outfit, pose, area and hairstyle&color the eyes are one of the best thing at this char. They are kind of intimidating and make her look like there is hidden power that just wants to be unleashed onto someone. A really well done piece.


    I like how this Caseal seems to fit with her surrounding, earth tones and white as the part colors and a sunset orange lineshield just fitting to the sunset in the background. You could think that she is the personification of the place she is at and the pose gives her a rather mysterious look that makes you wonder what she is about to do. A really great combination of colors and parts that make an unique look.


    Nothings more relaxing than taking a walk in a quiet park, and this character looks like she is dressed for it and already there. The picture gives me a feeling of peace when looking at it and the person on it is the main reason. Even tho purple is an outstanding color in this area it looks just like it belongs there.


    A rather mysterious picture of a desert dancer. The colors in the character seem all to fit well together and it all fits well to where she is. The pose she is doing is rather unfortunate to see her face but that’s technically not a bad thing as it adds to the mysteriousness of the picture. Tho I think the pose is a rather interesting one and makes her look as if she is interacting with her shadow.


    This woman looks very elegant in her black dress. I like how the hair, accessory and weapon put small accents of color into all the dark black. And even tho it’s a black dress I feel neither sad nor depressed. It has a feeling of elegance that I really like which is perfected through her pose. One thing I like a lot about it is the green eyes, which seem like you can almost not see it.

    Manta Oyamada

    This one pulls off the black dress quite differently. While the other had a feeling of elegance this one kind of has a sad feeling to me, the black dress and the weather that seems to indicate rain give that atmosphere. I like the Purple hair in mix with the dress and the usage of the glasses together with it, tho the pose is rather interesting and I cannot get to understand it.


    She looks like she is ready to explore this “new” planet (even tho that is the last boss area) and every corner of it. The picture looks dynamic and the outfit looks fitting for an explorer. The gray hair are a rare sight but seem to fit into it good. The tanned skin shows she is no stranger to exploring and the pose just seems like a last stretching before running off to explore. A really nice combination of all.


    had to look twice to see it’s a Duman I admit, but I guess each their own. I find the design of her rather interesting, while I think the star eyes often make the eyes seem empty here it makes they eyes look almost like CAST eyes with a nice transition of colors. The pose looks confident and fits the characters overall look. The area also fits to her looks and I think that makes the shot look really nice.


    You see at first sight that this is a newman hunter, no stranger to fights and skilled in the art of killing. We had it rather rarely that someone went for a mature look but Cornelia pulls it of greatly, her choice of clothing and hairstyle make her look mature, confident and skilled. She looks like a military woman who could defend herself in any situation and the pose just ensures exactly this impression.


    A interesting combination. I do like the combination of colors a lot and I think it goes really nice together. The whole look makes me think of fall which is a time I do like a lot and the surrounding area makes this feeling stronger. The posing in this one makes it look like a Postcard somehow.


    Another visitor of the Festa. The yakuta really gives that feeling and this one added a nice little accessory mask on the back of their head and a hairstyle that won’t clip with it. The posing and colors are good and make this picture look a bit more dynamic.


    By far one of my most favorite entries. This picture shows an excellent use of Posing, angle and usage of colors. The moment I saw it I thought of it as a great example of an entry. To be honest there is not much about this picture I would change. The colors, pose, area and angle are just perfectly done. Great work!


    The character looks interesting, I like especially the mix of colors. The posing is really fitting to the anime feeling this character gives, which probably comes from the kitten-maiden-style. Besides that the usage of accessory is chosen well-fitting to the outfit and nothing looks off. I also like how they eyes seem to match the ribbon.

    Nacho Cheese

    This is a natural looking female human, whenever I see the picture it feels like I am the mirror and she is dressing up in front of me. The pose is just really well chosen and the combination of colors in this is really good. The expression makes this picture much more lively and really well done, good work!


    A nice mix of posing and clothing. Even tho the hat and hair clip the pose hides this perfectly. Also the colors on this character are really fitting with the accessory. Doesn’t need much words to describe a well done picture.


    Really relaxing to look at this picture was a nice addition to the entries. I do like the colors on the outfit and how they fit to the place she is at. The whole picture has a nice feeling of home and is overall a great composition.


    This character looks almost like an android, the usage of outfit and hairstyle fits nicely together to make the look even more like that. The metallic blue of the outfit really goes well with all the black and blue and makes the overall look really fitting to an android or cyborg.


    She is such an innocent little thing, as much as the look goes at least. But she is really a cute little ?arctic fox? and pulls off the Neko look well. With white hair the ice blue dress is a good choice since it also goes well with her eyes, and the earrings look neat with it too. The pose is very lively and the whole area in its intense colors is too and makes this picture really good.


    One really nice picture, mostly thanks to its great mix of accessory and clothing. It gives her an unique look fitting to her hairstyle. I especially like the use of an instrument in this picture because it makes the picture as a whole look so dynamic. This is a really great entry I liked a lot.


    Once again a really great composition of a screenshot with excellent use of the area. This a very dynamic picture with a good combination of clothes and accessory and the area just looks so well on it, the green light on the char just looks great. The mix of colors is done nice too any they fit into the area. Good work!

    Project Astral

    I like this entry for its uniqueness. The character looks special and one of a kind, and even tho the “human” head the facial structure does not look all that human combined with that eyes and facemarks you notice it’s a Caseal. The colors are so well fitting and the butterfly in the hair is like the last piece finishing a great entry in this contest.


    The angle of this picture just compliments the whole character a lot, you see the face so nicely and the facial expression on it. The area and clothing fit good together and exactly that is a nice concept on this picture. I really like the design and the colors and think the picture is done really good.


    Partying with the rappies! Well what a nice shot, it really is nicely combined. The accessory in the hair is fitting to the style and color scheme of the outfit and the red eyes fit nice to the tie and armbands. It’s a well done style and the pose make it look so lively and nice, the picture really lightens my mood. Nice work!


    The composition of this picture is so nicely, besides a lil bit clipping it’s done awesome. The angle, the style, the throne and the room just make this picture a little masterpiece. I especially like how the colors of the outfit fit the throne.


    An entry with an UI, but that’s not really bad since this person made a nice style and chose a fitting area for the shot. The chosen pose is fitting to her and give her authority, and the whole composition is really complimenting the char. I like her face a lot because it seems natural, wise and warm.


    a cute little maid waiting your orders, wonder if someone ordered her to participate. It’s a lovely composition of colors on this character and its size give it some cuteness, I like the unusual choice of accessory even tho its colors are slightly different it fits well into the hair and that surprised me. The pose and area are really fitting to the outfit and make me think of those maid cafés.


    A mysterious picture that is well done, she hides so much of her face and you wonder why. The colors of the outfit and the outfit itself fit nicely to the hairstyle and the accessory of it too. It makes this one a mysterious figure and an interesting entry.


    I like the red in this one, it’s just complimenting her skin color. The picture is like a photo from vacation with one of the local sights, at least that’s what the area and pose make it feel like. Also the outfit looks much like it with the beachy and summery look.


    A rather nice entry where I must say I love the colors just so much, they are fitting with the outfit and make this character a rather unique but good looking one. I like the area and pose chosen because they seem to fit this character so well. Well done.


    These colors are really going well with each other and the character uses it on the whole. Besides the nice color combination it’s also a nice accessory and hairstyle used and they fit well to the pose that is done. Gives the team room almost the look of a classroom.


    This character has only one flaw, its sitting and I can’t see more of it. It’s a really great combination of outfit and accessory, the colors just go so well with each other it looks like it’s made for each other. The hair and face are fitting to the whole style to that makes it a great entry with an interesting style.


    An angelic Cast I really like the design of. The whole design seems to be based on angelic fashion and that’s really well done on it. The chosen place she is at is also great because it seems so high above the ground and makes it look really great.


    A look making me instantly think of springtime. It’s a refreshing look and it got done so nice because also the area was chosen perfectly to fit to it. I think what makes this look so perfect is the hair in the wind and that nice summer hat. A small detail is the earrings from the wedding corsage that make the style even better. Good work.


    This is a nice usage of the dress and skirt giving it the look of a black dinner dress instead of a swimwear. This is also very fitting to the rest of the character design and the chars face. I like also the pose chosen and the daytime of the shot it looks playful and tho could be happening at a date on the evening but who did she date then. Anyway, great work.


    A belly dancer about to belly dance is a nice idea. The composition of colors is really well done and I like how this character besides their deserty outfit kind of fits into the team room. The colors of the outfit do really fit to it and the outfit looks great with the rest. I especially like the rainbow hair accessory because I see it way to rarely.


    A really strong picture, the action in this picture is easy to tell. While not action like in BOOM-BANG-POW but rather the strong personality of the character. It’s a rather interesting combination of outfit and accessory which I find fitting to the character and the outfits color is really good looking in this shot. Good work.


    Sadly we did not receive a new picture so I will comment on this one. It’s a really dynamic shot that makes the character look good. The weapon takes a lot of attention once you see it tho. Besides that the colors are really nice and well-fitting together and the area gives this picture a nice touch.


    Summery beach looks are really the thing this year. This one did it quite nicely, the blue of the bikini really looks great on the alabaster skin of this character and the black hair make the skin and colors look more intense. The flower is a nice addition as always to the beach look.


    A rather funny look which has a great combination of colors and accessory and also units. I like the composition if it because it’s rather unique and still good looking, it also makes me kinda think of Power Rangers. A nice and interesting picture for sure.


    I like the demonic look of this one while she still maintains a rather innocent face. The use of so much rather sometimes could end up too much but it looks great on this character and the whole design. The area she is at and the pose makes you wonder if she is planning to burn down the place. It’s really fitting a great work!

    Valkyrie Lovrina

    A great composition of outfit hairstyle and pose plus the area. I like the colors because they are subtle and light and make this picture really stand out for it. What I find the most interesting is the face on the character, while it seems smiling in the preview, the face itself kind of looks puzzled and it really fits to the mood of the picture. Good work.


    A great design for a mature and serious woman. The characters pose makes her appear with a strong personality and the outfit and colors fit to that impression. This one doesn’t need much words to be described as good work and strong person.


    You don’t always need high end PCs to be fashionable. That’s something Vinvin tries to teach us, and she is doing a great job at it. I like the colors and the design of this cast a lot it really has something about it that looks great. The area gives it a rather dangerous feeling and the slow walking makes this even more. A great work!


    A great android look I already liked in a previous event. She has a great design and the colors go all great together, the metallic look goes surprisingly well with the blonde hair. The area and pose makes it look like she stranded on this strange island and now has to look for a way home. Good work!


    These are really nice color combinations that fit so great into the area. The design and concept of it is a rather interesting one as well making her look really CAST like and still sort of human. The composition of parts, accessory and colors make this a great entry I was happy to see. Well done.


    Wondering if she freezes dressed like that. We had a lot of summer looks but this one is unique wearing the summer look in a winter area. But hear ears make her look wolfish so we don’t know if she might be resistant to the weather condition. The style itself and the pose is really sweet just the area is unusual. Interesting work.


    The skin makes her look like some entity, probably the local islands goddess and her style would fit to that. She seems like a confident person with this pose and it fits the outfit, accessory and face of the character. A nice entry that surely is very special.


    This cute maiden seems to have a good time at the Oracle fleets Arks Ship. The design of the character is really interesting I like the colors of the outfit and how they look with the hair. The accessories fit nicely to the outfit and style and the pose seems like she has fun, making the whole picture really nice.


    This is by far the most impressing picture of the contest, I like the whole pictures just so much. The dark aura around the character fits the design so much and the character itself thanks to the pose and effect looks like she just is casting a powerful dark spell. It’s a really great picture!


    It’s a rather nice look on this deuman, very tomboyish. The whole design fits well together, the accessory and outfit with the hair and the pose gives even more of the tomboy feeling. The urban area really adds to the character too. This is a well done picture.

    As always, this is only my personal opinion and I hope you don't mind it. If you do not like what I said or do not want to be shown here please inform me in a PM and you will be removed as soon as possible.
    For all the others I hope you did like what I said about you and once again thank you for being part of this event!

  2. #2


    Nice list of contestant, so sorted by name, not by race and name.
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  3. #3
    Curiously attractive for a fish man Zorafim's Avatar
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    ...good lord. That's a huge list.

  4. #4
    Community Manager Cyron Tanryoku's Avatar
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    Jul 2012


    -Sees Cyron-
    -/la shy2-

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Zorafim View Post
    ...good lord. That's a huge list.
    There was about 74 contestants if I recall, in the original thread about the event with humans and newmans having a total of 22/23 respectively, participating in the event.

    The colors I chose for my caseal was to contrast with the red coloring I used on the parts. The hidden face was mainly due to not really liking how she looked without the mask. Blunt and not really something I had planned on and the cast head parts, aside from some of the default heads, looked terrible on her, hence the long flowing ponytail.
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  6. #6


    And to think that at first there weren't enough Dewman entries.

    Hm, I kind of wish more costumes were covered. So many Ursula Repcas...

  7. #7


    Some really nice pics!
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  8. #8


    Thanks for taking the time to post all the contestants and even putting a comment on each one of them. Just goes to show the amount of effort you guys put into this~

    Thanks to the people who organized this event and congratulations to the winners~ :3

    Looking forward to the male version of this event. Even though I don't have a male character, I'm still interested to see what they come up with~

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