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  1. #151


    Swords have way too much delay as-is. Charging Sword Gear is incredibly painful versus one mob/boss, Over End got changed to three swings instead of the signature overhead single swing, ungeared Ride Slasher is just crap and the only thing I get to look forward to is Rising Edge 16.

    We don't need a pre-charge unless it fills the damn gear to full.

  2. #152


    Ride slasher charges fairly fast, and is obscenely good at filling gear if you can land the hits.

    Just a tip, that's something I do...when I have a HU tree with sword gear which I haven't in a while.

  3. #153
    エターナルブレイバー milranduil's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    probably wopal TA


    Bumped might not get updated, so I'm supplying everyone with first few EQ times.

    White Day 2: 20:00 JST -> 6:00 AM EST (5 hours from now)
    TD: 22:00 JST -> 8:00 AM EST (7 hours from now)

  4. #154


    Quote Originally Posted by adios View Post
    Bumped might not get updated, so I'm supplying everyone with first few EQ times.

    White Day 2: 20:00 JST -> 6:00 AM EST (5 hours from now)
    TD: 22:00 JST -> 8:00 AM EST (7 hours from now)
    6 and 8 est? Well FK me being the western coast.

  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by adios View Post
    Bumped might not get updated, so I'm supplying everyone with first few EQ times.

    White Day 2: 20:00 JST -> 6:00 AM EST (5 hours from now)
    TD: 22:00 JST -> 8:00 AM EST (7 hours from now)
    I pray to god we get these same eq's later tonight (est) time.

  6. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by Aine View Post
    Since I don't see it mentioned anywhere, Sacrifice Bite (the new Sword PA) is an attack drain. After using the PA you get a bonus to damage (unclear if the bonus remains if you switch weapons), the longer you stabbed the enemy the longer the bonus lasts.
    hahaha so my theory was right in a way, i wonder though since the accumulated damage boost was not shown in the video, how much will it give. If you drain about 10000 hp from an enemy will it add 10000 to every attack for about 10-15 seconds? The damage looked relatively shit but so did shunka when they showcased it.

  7. #157


    lol now I wonder how will it work on bosses since you get really grab bosses.

  8. #158


    it might work like other PA's where if you try and grapple a boss some blue energy ball come out of nowhere and act as a grapple or it won't work at all xD

  9. #159


    Quote Originally Posted by adios View Post
    You are blatantly ignorant if you think charge time is not *part* of the problem here.
    Third paragraph, first line please. Read the rest if you can be bothered to.

    Quote Originally Posted by adios View Post
    Especially for FO/TE considering essentially every other class combo has access to step attack meaning faster travel (fk Aiming Shot cancel gtfo), you're already going to be behind simply because of that.
    If that's a problem, sub Fighter or Braver instead of Techer. Run Te/Fi for Elysion builds. This mainly only applies when you actually need to travel quickly, which isn't always the case. I've only found it warranted in TAs, where /Fi and /Br are better in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by adios View Post
    Throw on top of that the fact that FO/TE has to charge everything for a minimum of 1s besides fire techs (and let's face it if you're playing fire FO/TE... yeah don't), yeah you are useless.
    This isn't even factually correct, let alone as an argument. Every tech that gets a crafting recipe to reduce charge times also gets a charge time below 1s. That alone doesn't make them viable because the damage still isn't worth it. And how are you useless because you're slower at traveling? TD, most if not all EQs, AQs, XQs, all of those place far less emphasis on traveling than TAs, to a point it's inconsequential how fast you travel unless your MPA sucks for TD or you really want to gather as many crystals as possible for whatever reason.

    You know what would be a lot more useful? If you could actually wipe out mobs you Zondeel with a single shot. I'm sure better geared Forces are outputting better damage than I am, but right now, I barely fall short of three-shotting Goldorahdas in SH with my Fo/Te using Nafoie off a Talis. And this is with a little over 2K T-ATK, though the multipliers backing it could be better (FM1 at 5, FM2 at 1) If I could three shot them, or even better, two shot, I could wipe out large groups of them with Zondeel > 2-3 Nafoies and be able to maintain that for an entire spawn group using PP Convert and be raring to go for the next wave once the cooldown ends. I wouldn't simply be support, struggling to actually do anything once I do Zondeel all those mobs together besides Gifoie flinch lock mantises. But I can't output that kind of damage. And that has nothing to do with my charge time, or my travel capabilities. That is solely a flaw in my damage. Fo/Fi and Fo/Br could do better damage, but then PP Convert is lost, and Nafoie burns through PP too rapidly to be used for this strategy without PP Convert. Maybe, if I had a fire tree, I could make this happen. But I don't. And I don't intend to spend AC for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by adios View Post
    Then we can talk about Elysion, but then you need to be in melee range of stuff to Zondeel which isn't happening if again you don't have step attack to keep up.
    Zondeel with Elysion, genius. Next you'll tell me Gunners use Reverse Tap to help prevent Goldorahdas from hitting towers. That's not how any Elysion user should play. To even think of that is indicative of simply not understanding what Elysion is used for. It's really ironic that, with how obsessed some people are over Elysion on this forum, raving about the uses of it, you somehow managed to miss that someone using Elysion is never going to get in range for Zondeel, never intends to, and never needs to. You call me ignorant in the first line of your post, then proceed to tell me an Elysion user wants to get in range to use Zondeel. Give me a break, that's ridiculous.

    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    So you haven't even played gunner and yet you are one to talk about how it does or does not stack against fo/te? And how heel stab is somehow comparable to charging every tech?!
    You don't even use shunka where while you eat damage, you don't LOSE the PA if you get hit and continue to proceed with attacking the mob WHILE USING IT... you don't even know how you can be in middle of bloody sarabande and get "hit" and yet not actually get interrupted or take damage and get to peacefully finish your PA.. But can talk about how charging on force is perfectly fine?

    You don't have the experience to compare.
    I don't have the firsthand experience to compare. That does not mean I don't have the knowledge or secondhand experience. The person I play with most plays both Gunner and Braver, along with Force. I play with Gunners and Bravers every day because they're everywhere. I see people tanking hits all the time. I tank hits all the time while leveling up Hunter on my Te/Hu. You know something? Not all classes have the same strengths. Why should Force or Techer get the ability to withstand attacks while charging? No class has that! You're getting flinched if you get hit whether you're a Braver preparing Shunka Shunran, a Gunner preparing Heel Stab, a Hunter preparing Ride Slasher, or a Fighter that wants more range on Deadly Archer. You get hit while charging, you lose it. That's how it works for all of them. So what if some attacks have super armor for those classes, and Force and Techer don't? They shouldn't get it! They aren't supposed to need it!

    Where do you get off on wanting techs to get super armor? That tells me straight up that you don't know how to play Force or Techer if you actually feel the class needs it. You pull out some of the most potent PAs of the classes you name without ever mentioning that numerous other, not-so-good PAs also have these traits. Shunka Shunran is not good because it has super armor. Bloody Sarabande is not good because it has guard frames. Bloody Sarabande is hardly even worth mentioning because it's Fighter's best mobbing PA, which it really needs given how laughably bad at mobbing it would otherwise be.

    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    The charging of techs was introduced because everyone cried that force did too much damage. It was not supposed to be this way, at least get your facts straight. I also been told that none of the PSO1 and PSU had charging techs either.
    I've heard only bad things about Force in the endgames of those two games, so this is moot. Not to mention they aren't even comparable with each other, let alone PSO2. They're all Phantasy Star games, but it's a lot like saying magic is broken in every FF game because it was broken in FFVI (of course, FFVI was broken in general, but that's not really the point).

    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    Charging techs are part of the annoyance I have with force and how it aggravates survivability versus PP; but that is the very icing on the cake of the split-element skill trees, low DPS and low survivability with no longer having any upsides.
    None of which were an actual factor when Force was top tier. You called me out on experience, but you're rapidly making it appear that you genuinely have no idea what Force was like when it was top tier.

    Quote Originally Posted by deahamlet View Post
    I play other classes. Telling someone that all becomes better when you "learn to play" is the last resource of having no real argument.
    Well gee, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say when I read you're having trouble with randomly using Mirage Escape when you don't mean to. I'd suggest getting a repair or replacement for whatever you use to play, but then, you say it doesn't happen for classes that have Dive Roll/Step for their dodge action. You complain about what I said, but saying you just need to get more comfortable with the class is the most polite thing I could chalk this up to.

    And let me make this perfectly clear: I am by no means suggesting Force is balanced, nor did I ever say it it was. I am by no means suggesting that Braver/Gunner are not broken, nor did I ever say they weren't. I am by no means suggesting that Force's advantages allow it to keep up with those two classes, nor did I ever say that they did. But, I will reiterate, those classes are broken. Why should Force be buffed to match them, and only Force, when they outclass more than just Force? Why talk like it's only Force that has a problem, when it's more than just Force that is underpowered compared to those classes?

    I seriously don't get why I have to keep reiterating this. I run into this way too often. Too often do I see people putting words in other's mouths during disagreements. You could sum up half my post as "I didn't say X, I said Y". Please, read my post carefully, and instead of trying to justify your stance, look at the shortcomings of other classes. I brought up the charging PAs in the first post because they are PAs that are good despite the charging mechanics. Why? Because despite Heel Stab requiring a flip and a charge, its benefits are completely worth it. That is what Force's problem is. It isn't super armor, it isn't frailty, it isn't the trees being split into different elements. It's that, for these flaws, they are no longer worth the benefits. The benefits need to be buffed. Damage buffs, charge speed buffs, AoE buffs, plenty of options, but not pointless buffs like granting super armor during the attack. That is not what techs are for, and to ask for it is essentially admitting that you are a bad Force, because it's actually a problem for you.

    In other words, I have every reason to believe that you are indeed a bad Force, because you are attributing its flaws to something that was never a problem in the past. Techs do not need super armor, they do not need guard frames, they do not need any of that melee stuff. Giving a tech super armor is by no means going to make them suddenly good again, which seems to be what you're suggesting by mentioning Bloody Sarabande. What a Force needs in its techs is better damage, better charge time, lower PP costs, better AoE, stuff like that. You have a problem with getting hit all the time? Use a Talis. You shouldn't even touch Rods in the first place outside of a few exceptions, and you shouldn't touch Wands at all if you're going Fo/Te, since you can't even equip Elysion without being better off as a Te/Fo or Te/Fi. Talis Tech Bonus has made Talis the best source of damage for casting, all else equal (save T-ATK).

  10. #160


    Quote Originally Posted by LonelyGaruga View Post
    Zondeel with Elysion, genius. Next you'll tell me Gunners use Reverse Tap to help prevent Goldorahdas from hitting towers. That's not how any Elysion user should play. To even think of that is indicative of simply not understanding what Elysion is used for. It's really ironic that, with how obsessed some people are over Elysion on this forum, raving about the uses of it, you somehow managed to miss that someone using Elysion is never going to get in range for Zondeel, never intends to, and never needs to. You call me ignorant in the first line of your post, then proceed to tell me an Elysion user wants to get in range to use Zondeel. Give me a break, that's ridiculous.
    Someone doesn't have a 50 Element Elysion to two-shot Goldrahdas with Wand Gear!

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