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  1. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by gigawuts View Post
    Sega's only going to put so many man hours into this game and if you want PA balance you're going to have to lose a shitton of other things to get it.

    have fun with no updates for 8 months so you can feel good about yourself using rising flag, I'm sure nobody else will have a problem with that
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampy View Post
    Aside from the drama on this thread I agree with gigawuts. I rather have more content than make every single PA useable but make updates slower than they already are. I do agree more options in terms of PAs and techs would be nice but I rather future content that adds new content new PAs and techs that can stand next to other classes. The game has so many issues and it's nice that they are acknowledging that but they can only do so much without making the game stagnate even quicker just because they were fixing things they should have done from the start and neglect new content.
    You guys have got to be kidding.

    This is a completely false dilemma. All they need to do (at least with regards to PAs) is tweak numbers, which doesn't take anything resembling an appreciable amount of time to do. I can't even follow the logic that leads you from "fix the numbers" to "this will delay all future content!" They (now) have a dedicated balance team for a reason. If they didn't fix this shit they wouldn't be doing their fucking jobs.

    Hell, they don't even need a balance team. Just ONE guy who actually plays the game and has a decent grasp of basic arithmetic can do a better job than they're doing now (and what they're doing now is obviously just slapdashing whatever the crap numbers they "feel" is appropriate and letting come what may).

  2. #112


    fuck okay sorry guys reading back at things I did cause this mess, sorry Katsura and everyone I involved in my immature tantrum, honestly have no idea whats got into me >.<

  3. #113
    Community Manager Cyron Tanryoku's Avatar
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    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyrusticae View Post
    I can't even follow the logic that leads you from "fix the numbers" to "this will delay all future content!"

  4. #114


    in pso2 you have guaranteed rewards if you know how to spend your rl money correctly in game (not suggesting rmt either, entirely legitimate). pso2 is not actually always worth playing, but thankfully the game lets you know when it's worth playing.

  5. #115


    What builds are we even comparing Deadline builds to? Cause the SP limitation is pretty a pretty big deal. After grabbing gears, brave stance and ups, and PP slayer, you have 5 SP left.

    If you choose to put those into Critical Strike, if you switch to Wise Stance you're doing less damage than practically any build that has max Wise Stance Up. You'll also have the most marginal of damage upgrades with fulltime deadline over a build that put those points in Half/deadline slayer into Brave Stance Critical instead.

    If those points go into Wise Stance Up then the deadline buff is about equal or lesser damage for Kamuis and Knuckles with a Brave Stance Critical build with Fury Critical maxed. And if that extra SP on the Brave Stance Critical build goes into Wise Stance (Up) it should be basically a wash if you switch to wise stance.

    Against practically anything that Chase Advance applies to, a Chase Advance build wins outright in damage.

    You have to get pretty nuanced to say that a Deadline build wins versus other builds, even if you're constantly in deadline.

  6. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Crow View Post
    fuck okay sorry guys reading back at things I did cause this mess, sorry Katsura and everyone I involved in my immature tantrum, honestly have no idea whats got into me >.<
    Well, color me surprised. My apologies as well for being as abrasive as I was, I'm sure that didn't help at all.

  7. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by 9898 View Post
    in pso2 you have guaranteed rewards if you know how to spend your rl money correctly in game (not suggesting rmt either, entirely legitimate). pso2 is not actually always worth playing, but thankfully the game lets you know when it's worth playing.
    is this supposed to make any sense?
     <05:05:41> "Cicero.": ill just pussy play
    <05:05:43> "Cicero.": if i sense danger
    <05:05:45> "Cicero.": ill heal
    <05:05:54> "☿Futa_Fiend☿": yeah make joey proud
    pm 4 carry

  8. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyrusticae View Post
    You guys have got to be kidding.

    This is a completely false dilemma. All they need to do (at least with regards to PAs) is tweak numbers, which doesn't take anything resembling an appreciable amount of time to do. I can't even follow the logic that leads you from "fix the numbers" to "this will delay all future content!" They (now) have a dedicated balance team for a reason. If they didn't fix this shit they wouldn't be doing their fucking jobs.

    Hell, they don't even need a balance team. Just ONE guy who actually plays the game and has a decent grasp of basic arithmetic can do a better job than they're doing now (and what they're doing now is obviously just slapdashing whatever the crap numbers they "feel" is appropriate and letting come what may).
    If it was really this darn easy for them it'd already be done.

    It's not that easy for them. Either they don't understand their own game, or they don't care to act on what they do understand.

    Their job is to make money, and they're doing that. They're doing their jobs.

    They dole out stuff to each class because some people have to play as certain classes because they simply can't identify as anything else, but the motivator isn't balance; it's the money balance will bring. Anything more than the most basic of "balance" is completely superfluous and an unnecessary waste of resources in their eyes, and they're arguably right.

    Cyron already said it best: Sega.

    Don't like any of that? That's unfortunate, but you don't get to deny reality because you don't like it.

  9. #119


    im LOL'ed so hard at how the guy deleted his comment after seeing the apology just now, i just cant stop laughing XXXXXXXD

    check out my website below

  10. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Alukard View Post
    is this supposed to make any sense?
    back to the cave, son

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