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  1. #101
    Golden Split-Horn Jaquecz's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Canada, eh?


    I think all of you guys have a case of

    Honestly, what did you expect, them to say
    "Oh hey, yeah we're gonna go and take care of your problems, even though our TOS clearly states that we don't need to bother with you."
    I still think It's a case of backbone providers blocking the servers, otherwise the TWCers wouldn't be able to connect at all.
    Especially if their aim was to block off every foreigner out there.
    If your going to call racist just because you can't play waifu simulator you need to go do something else, most of us internet regulars probably stay inside all day but at least we don't bitch and whine when we can't play ONE game when there's plenty of other games either just as or more enjoyable to play.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by MidCap View Post
    Lumping everyone together for the actions of a few is the exact definition of racism.
    gurl no

    Quote Originally Posted by MidCap View Post
    I'm starting to INVOLUNTARILY become racist towards Japanese people now. They're small, sleek, and smart, and they probably think we're just a bunch of fat, loud idiots. I almost find myself hating them now. I was a good person before, and their actions toward me have made me worse. Turning the other cheek here won't change a thing, because they'll always think we're big, dumb idiots.

    I guess, having once consorted with Hitler, we gave them too much credit to show kindness and fairness. They're cold, calculating, evil bastards. Always looking upon others as the enemy while pretending to be your friend.
    oh, the hitler card? already?

    Quote Originally Posted by MidCap View Post
    I am never purchasing another Sega product.

    I know one person doesn't make much of a difference, but I can't support a company that won't give me the products I want.
    dat entitlement tho

    Quote Originally Posted by MidCap View Post
    Oh, I'm an ass?

    Did I team up with Hitler to try to invade the world? Did I make the first racist move?


    I didn't become bitter until THEY WRONGED ME.
    i can't even

    like i literally cannot even

    like the ability to even is gone

    it has physically left my body, and dissipated into the ether, forever gone from my existence


    Quote Originally Posted by Sychosis View Post
    Waifu loss has reached critical mass. Logic systems failing. Initializing fullretard.exe
    god someone close this trainwreck, DNR

  3. #103


    HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! All these trolls hahahahaha!

    China men do illegal business by grinding and collecting meseta's then selling them online. In order to protect their game Sega blocks off the China men.


    DDoS occurs and for some UNKNOWN reason, it just seems to be that most of the attacks came from foreign IP addresses. So again, Sega blocks off the IP addresses that were used in the attack.


    Then the Hitler shit AHAHAHAHAHA!!!


    I live in Australia, and our airports confiscate anything that seems to be of any danger or harm to our country (and I am sure this is the case in every country, and every country has different regulations they stick to) so according to the trolls, I guess when one of our security guys confiscates an item off of an offender, say for example... A PORN MAG, WE ARE ACTING IN A RACIST MANNER HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    No wait... I used the analogy wrong because In Sega's case, they (and effectively their customers) actually got attacked so it should be like this:
    I live in Australia, and our airports confiscate anything that seems to be of any danger or harm to our country (and I am sure this is the case in every country, and every country has different regulations they stick to) so according to you (the trolls), I guess when one of our security guys confiscates a gun off of an armed man from a foreign country shooting people... That is acting in a racist manner. According to the trolls, everything that disrupts them from their "FREEDOM" to do Whatever-The-Fuck-They-Want A.K.A WTFTW, is being RACIST or XENOPHOBIC. LOL.

    For the not-so-bright-people:
    IP used for DDoS = Gun that was shooting.
    IP ban = Confiscating of gun.
    The troll with their IP banned because their IP contributed in the DDoS attack = The troll that got their gun confiscated because he was shooting people.

    Such retard
    Much hilarious
    Very breathe difficulty

    Originally Posted by Sychosis View Post
    Waifu loss has reached critical mass. Logic systems failing. Initializing fullretard.exe

    ↑This didn't help me in regaining the ability to breathe while reading this thread, you almost killed me LOL
    Last edited by xllakallx; Jul 4, 2014 at 08:14 PM.

  4. #104


    I am thinking that maybe the DDoS attack was an attack outside of Japan, I don't want to point fingers but this is my theory, because TOS states we are not allowed to play on that server in the first place perhaps the Japanese people can see that as a clear violation of the rules, placing the blame on anyone outside of Japan.

    So in saying that it looks to me as if Sega could be in trouble, therfore could be sued/face legal issues for allowing this to happen in the first place, So the only way to resolve any legal issues Sega placed a ISP backbone Ban to the entire world except Japan. Problem solved. But who knows really its just me speculating a theory. ....

  5. #105


    All this talk about xenophobia should be based on how they're handling this situation, not what their actions are. They have no obligations with any foreigners whatsoever, and that is obvious. Nonetheless they haven't made the slightest bit of effort in communication about anything that might affect this vast world that exists outside of Japan's borders. Moral goodness is too complicated and culture-based be a factor in whether they should do/say anything, which seems to be the reason for all of the back and forth bullshit in this thread.

    It sounds like they're being assholes, and it wouldn't be irrational to assume some xenophobia is being thrown into the mix.

  6. #106


    wouldnt it have been better to ask if there was a ip block in place instead of assuming there was and asked to remove?
    ID: joshirosama

  7. #107


    They would likely just respond the same way.

  8. #108
    ダーク ファルス 【守護者】
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    Mar 2013


    They wouldn't have said anything about it. Most companies won't outright say. "LOL WE BAN YOU BECAUSE YOUR NOT CONNECT FROM X!" X being the country.

  9. #109


    The funny thing about this whole mess, is that the digital attack map tracked on the 17 of June aka armageddon an attack from Japan directed to France,

    and the other report from Japan came on the 19 while Japan was attacking U.S, no massive attacks came to Japan from outside sources in the period of ragnarok.

    In layman terms what does this mean?, it means Japan itself has enough botnets to be notorious enough to appear on the digital chart map.

    I'll just call it an internal job, ethnic cleansing from a probably really disturbed individual, Sega scapegoat solution is ban all gaijins. Blackhat hackers charge for their services (botnets) unless it does align with their own points of activism, it's not so hard to think the ransom of the servers was a measure to simply block all isps outside japan from the game servers, and sega complied since it works better for them.

    /me puts tinfoal hat
    Last edited by Belenger; Jul 4, 2014 at 09:18 PM.

  10. #110
    Serpent of Flame Keilyn's Avatar
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    It would be an international circuit court issue.

    The section of the terms of service was amended post-launched on the exclusion of foreigners and the declaration that the software package was intended for use only in domestic accessibility.

    Phantasy Star Online 2 is not the only software package in which Japanese launched open towards the public without declaration exclusion, later to be amended. It has actually earned the nation great distrust in their trade pursuits, causing only tangible trading to exist between nations.

    Under articles of contract law, specially in an international fashion it is still upheld that in order for a contract or agreement to be valid, both parties have to sign and receive copies. There must also be consideration on both parties. Alteration of contract after initialization requires voiding the previous contract and forcing all parties to sign a new contract.

    Amending a Terms of Service to include an exclusionary clause removes the consideration amended to a specific group of people. It throws into light the question of validity as a contract need not be fair, nor be equal, yet consideration must exist at all times.

    Consideration is a legal term meaning that in order for a contract to be valid, both parties must receive something of value. There are examples of when a consideration is not valid. Example is if you offer your house in a contract for $0. By contract law, the accepting of a value of $0 falls under a contract, but it is not a violation of law if one refuses to give up the house, due to a lack of consideration. An article received for free is called a "Gift" and not a consideration. The contract could be destroyed prior to the deed transferring hands, and not after, as the contract completes when all consideration is resolved, received and all terms are carried out.

    The logic of "It was included in Phantasy Star Universe and thus it should be clear for Phantasy Star Online 2 players to fall under the same terms" is not legally standing. Contracts must be specific, explicit, law abiding, and be enforced through proper legal procedures. This is a primary reason why they are long.

    A player like myself joined the game post-alteration and thus the new provisions affect me directly. I am not supposed to be playing and that is not a "Criminal Act" but more of a civil matter. Non-Authoritative contracts within a business can only at most bring civil charges upon one who demonstrates breach of contract. However, in the cases of exclusion of access, safeguards are to be in place to carry out the exclusionary clause in a uniform manner without discrimination or prejudice. Such statement is actually within international contract law within electronic software.

    What hurts the Japanese the most as international awareness exists of their wrongdoing is simply spreading across as many as possible the awareness of as many violations as possible across as many sectors as possible. There are many who refuse dealing with the nation due to their egoism and xenophobic mentality.

    I understand this forum is filled with people who are in-love with Japanese Culture, like myself. Some, as myself can read, speak, and write Japanese. There are also some Japanese here as well, some who are mainland Japanese, and others who are non-mainland Japanese which both fall under different set of national and human rights, which is unfortunate.

    My post deals more with legalities and direction. Not an attack against Japan itself. While the left side of our brain is our logic center and verbal side, Our right side is our perceptive side and what actually sends us the message of "It is what it is" and "what we see, is what we see" in the sense of eliminating the complexity and sugar-coating. It is the right side of our brain that says "This just isn't fair" when we are abusing our bodies and trying to satisfy the logic behind duty, honor and shutting up and not questioning orders, and yet our American Education focuses on intensifying the left-side of the brain, while ignoring the right side.
    PSO-2 Info: Ship: 2; ID: セツナヤキ; MCN: ケイリン
    "If you want a bridge between past, present, and future, search for the void and awaken it!"

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