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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Skyly View Post
    What seperates TWC from all other ISPs? I'm confused on what makes them so special
    TWC seems to be one of the ISPs currently going through KDDI, or so some people have told me.

    @GHNeko: This doesn't bother me any; this is something I have legitimate interest in as it is, so scouring the internet, looking for information on why I can't connect to some Japanese game was hardly a waste of time for me.

  2. #22


    Haha, all these theories man.


    People here are fucking desperate as shit dear god hahahaha.

    Atleast these threads are good for shits and giggles.

  3. #23


    Optimum goes through KDDI as well when going to and some other Japanese sites.

  4. #24
    Sega Stockholm Syndrome GHNeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TauAkiou View Post
    @GHNeko: This doesn't bother me any; this is something I have legitimate interest in as it is, so scouring the internet, looking for information on why I can't connect to some Japanese game was hardly a waste of time for me.
    Well this that wasn't aimed directly at you, but rather the whole entire PSOW community who's been scrambling to learn everything they could to try to come up with an explanation to attempt to find a solution for a problem that stopped them from taking another hit of PSO2. :V

    People (such as myself) have even gone as far as to put on a trench-coat, a fedora and triangle sunglasses; just to walk down the back-alleys just to meet up with our dealer in Japan.

    This is all quite hilarious.

  5. #25


    SEGA's way of removing everyone without IP banning, just not telling the address route to the carriers. That way they don't only get rid of the DDos attack source but also from annoyances like PSO-Hack as well.

    Instead of blocking the roads they just blew the highway.

    BTW GHNeko your point is?

  6. #26
    Sega Stockholm Syndrome GHNeko's Avatar
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    I need to have a point to my post in order to share my musings, observations and have some-what related; non-serious conversation? Essentially what a forum is for?

    Well I'll be.


    Snark aside, no. I don't have a serious point, or a point at all really. I'm having discussion that makes light of the situation by painting a caricature of PSOW.

  7. #27
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kairi_Li View Post
    So Sega needs to step up and let other ISPs know about the new route, or else we have to try and convince our internet service providers to take the band aid method of manually set a route to the destination IP?

    Man... I wonder if anyone at At & T would even be willing to set up a manual route...
    Just go ask(though if I remember, you're an aussie, so I don't know about ATT's customer service there).

    I personally had good service with them(in the US), and CANNOT WAIT to eventually switch back them from Evilcast.
    Miranda F Newman Fighter (PSO2: NG) Ship 2
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  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by LordKaiser View Post
    SEGA's way of removing everyone without IP banning, just not telling the address route to the carriers. That way they don't only get rid of the DDos attack source but also from annoyances like PSO-Hack as well.

    Instead of blocking the roads they just blew the highway.

    BTW GHNeko your point is?
    If it is, it's a pretty half-assed way of doing it. Not only is it failing to keep us out, a fair amount of players can still get in through Verizon or TWC. If SEGA was really adamant about it, they would have pushed KDDI, Softbank (Which actually IS Yahoo JP's backbone provider), and others to be more proactive about blocking foreigners. Furthermore, they would have also just stuck an IP block on the servers for good measure.

    Furthermore, if they did do this intentionally, why not do the same for SEA?

    However, it's clear that the only company still doing anything has been NTT.

    First, I don't believe that SEGA even did anything. Why? They had to deal with getting the servers back up, ARKS Fiesta, and a bunch of additional crap that week. They couldn't really do anything about the DDOS, and I wonder if they even know anything beyond the fact that the attack happened.

    When they did get the servers back up, even Japanese players were having issues. These were likely related to the same issue we are having right now, which had to be resolved.

    More then likely, on June 22nd-June 23, when the attack occurred, techs at NTT probably received word about the attack and stopped broadcasting routing data as a preventive measure.

    Approximately one week later, existing routes begin to be cleaned out of the major routing tables, leaving people who were previously routing through NTT's network without a route.

    Meanwhile, KDDI hasn't done anything, and people from Verizon have a route propagating through them. Some Comcast customers even seem like they got through for a moment, probably routing through KDDI for awhile. Verizon went out for awhile, but came back with a route through KDDI, which is still currently working.

    About two weeks later, service still hasn't resumed for many of the big networks because NTT still hasn't started publishing the routes yet.

    Honestly, the agency we might actually get a real answer from would be NTT, since it only seems to be effecting the players that are forced to route through them. (Which is to say, quite a good chunk of us.)

    Also, keep in mind that it hasn't even been a month since the attacks, either. If NTT set it to time out automatically, a month with no activity is probably a pretty good indication that the attack is officially over and the entry can be purged from their blacklists.

    Remember, everything I am saying here is pure speculation, derived from what I've seen happening over the last two weeks. Someone who actually does know more about networking then I do could see this and be like "haha what an idiot".

    What I really think people should do is calm down and either continue waiting it out, or if you are really intent on playing/ nothing changes, do the Amazon EC2 tunnel.

    As for PSO-Hack, they would just do their own VPN and it would be business as usual. This does absolutely nothing to them aside from posing as a minor inconvenience.

  9. #29


    best just vpn for now
    << Me

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Mystil View Post
    Just go ask(though if I remember, you're an aussie, so I don't know about ATT's customer service there).

    I personally had good service with them(in the US), and CANNOT WAIT to eventually switch back them from Evilcast.
    I live in Los Angeles now, so its AT & T in California.

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