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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Emerald EXE View Post
    Hmm? When did they ever state that? No other CO is account based
    There's stuff from what's her name... The one that only unlocks after a certain matter board that gives client orders based on completing Advance, extreme quests etc..

    She has 1 order that gives the newer SH capsules as a reward that's account based.
    Laxedrane - Ship 10| Force-70 Hunter-70 Techer-70 Braver-70 Bouncer-70
    Darrin- Ship 10 Ranger-62 Gunner-65 Force-1 Techer-0
    Ismaire- Ship 10 Hunter-51 Braver-51 Bounder-1

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Kondibon View Post
    I don't think people realize this might actually lead to there being MORE money in the economy. People like my self who only did TACOs once or twice a week anyway are gonna be getting more money than we used to, AND there's still going to be the daily CO buffs so...
    Alternatively, TACO spammers won't be able to put as much Meseta into the economy.

  3. #63
    Garbage-chan Kondibon's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    In her garbage can.


    Quote Originally Posted by Mega Ultra Chicken View Post
    Alternatively, TACO spammers won't be able to put as much Meseta into the economy.
    The people who did TACOs every day just for money will probably be doing at least the easy Daily COs so I don't see that changing that much. This is why I think the minimum price for some stuff is gonna increase a bit.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Skyly View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong the lowest sell price used to be 10k and now its at 1k?
    It was around 6k a piece or so for some random weapon on the ground with next to nothing on it. RMT people abused the hell out of that to generate money so they nerfed it to 1/8th their original sell price IIRC.

    Quote Originally Posted by BubblyBoar View Post
    TACO nerf was fairly obvious once Ep 2 rolled around and they added more areas without adding new TACOs. They couldn't add more, because that'd inflate the economy they are trying to keep under control (and doing it many times better than 99% of MMOs).
    The Vopal TA was actually ready for release back in June. They held it though since Arks GP was announced around then and they didn't wanted the participates to get sidetracked.
    Last edited by Alenoir; Aug 26, 2014 at 04:21 PM.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by BubblyBoar View Post
    TACO nerf was fairly obvious once Ep 2 rolled around and they added more areas without adding new TACOs. They couldn't add more, because that'd inflate the economy they are trying to keep under control (and doing it many times better than 99% of MMOs). So either they had to add TAs without COs and no one would do them, or adjust TACOs so they won't inflate the ecnomy as more TACOs are added.
    They could've just changed it so that you had to do nab 1+2 to finish the 100k CO and coast + sanctum to finish the CO, quarry + tunnels to finish CO, etc.

    But I'm glad they didn't.

    TA's are shit.

  6. #66


    I think the main issue isn't that Sega nerfed TACOs worried about the economy.

    Economy's fine, in fact many people buy AC and sell many duplicate stuff, which in turn, makes people run TACOs to buy these things, and when the seller runs out, he does it all over again, this generates Sega a lot of money.

    The issue is grind. I know that for some people this is the norm, but grind is the bane of RPGs. Sure it would work 15 years ago as a way to extend the life of games but it just doesn't cut anymore.

    F2P games do that so that you hopefully keep running towards that carrot while paying some(or a lot of) cash. This kills the fun any game may provide.

    It seems Sega's been paying attention to that. I don't enjoy doing TACOs over and over, it's tiring and feel pointless and repetitive, a huge grind. They already reduced exp requirement for levels sometime ago so that it wasn't absurd to get from 50 to 65.

    Having TACOs as the only means to get meseta was going to kill the game sooner or later. Introducing new and interesting ways to get meseta is the way to go. TACOs can be fun, as long as they're not the only way to get money.

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by elryan View Post
    I for one, welcome our new weekly sugar daddy.

    Now I can finally do other stuffs instead of mindless TA runs every single day like an idiot.
    I'm not that fast, I need nearly an hour every time, mostly cause I am too lazy to dash more than a bit.

    My Final Amount: 21.738 Million Meseta...or something.
    I can't count out only the Klotho money though, but I did SH/VH Tacos almost every day until now. And curse Sega for denying me my Final Taco Run. Special maintenance started about 90 minutes before my SH/VH cd ended.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_importer_ View Post
    Bah, my trick for cash is simple. Double the stuff you can carry using AC and pick-up everything in a quest. Sale standard stuff in NPC shops and using your and sale the good stuff to other players in your premium shop. Takes more time than Time Attack quests, but I get to enjoy the rest of the game.
    Simple but extremely bothersome and just as inefficient.
    I did the same, before I got anything decent to sell in my shop.
    Was super annoying to first pick up every crap hat drops (oh god, Darkers Den and it's 1 billion item drops) and then sort it out afterwards.
    Several times I had more crap I needed to NPC than the game allowed to sell at once.

    And I still made peanuts with it, less than selling a single halfway decent item in my Shop.

    Like 30k was a HUGE haul of items to NPC and now I barely sell anything in my shop below 50k.

    Quote Originally Posted by horseship View Post
    The real trick to making money is playing Fodder Maker Online 2, also Visiphone Refresher Online 2. Of course that gets boring, but so is spamming tacos every day. Though I agree that actually playing the game is enjoyable once in a while.
    Recently I get addicted to my shop lol.
    I just wanna make money quick and then spend it on epic gear XD.
    Accidentally bought a Gloam Rear unit for ranged classes for 1.5 mil before noticing Arm is somehow 8 million with any decent abilities.
    Resold it for 2.5 million.
    That stuff is just makes me wanna sell more stuff.
    I REALLY miss epic trades from PSO1.

    Quote Originally Posted by HeyItsTHK View Post
    Maybe just cosmetics. AC will still rule supreme overall. And you need premium still to get 10 and 11 star passes so
    Getting the passes is easy.
    Getting the 45 million to afford a really good Niren Kamui is not.
    I never passed the 29 million meseta mark even with a shop and doing daily SH/VH tacos and daily hard tacos for the past 1.5 weeks.

    And I don't splurge and I only buy stuff that isn't op. Only one I bought something for over 3 million, my Boulay Obs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Courina View Post
    well, here comes the 2nd economy cut from sega... 1st one is the junk nerfing years ago...

    i guess they not that happy seeing ppl selling stuff from scratch at playershop goes 10m+++ huh? prolly they worry that goin less ppl buy scratch to be selled due hardly anyone can afford stuff except those economist and who already super rich .
    obviously this will scare newplayer/newcomers , which are their prospected source of AC payers.
    Scratch sucks, I did it a couple of times and got 90% junk. Why do you think there are all these items to trade in for scratch items in the recycle shop?
    Cause most scratch stuff sucks and to get the good stuff you need massive luck or massive AC.

    Also, just thought about something, DOs must now give a ton of cash to make up for tacos.
    Well, unless tacos are good enough to cover half a week of daily tacos again.

    Cause with daily tacos you spent an hour or so (if you're slow like me) to get 600k.
    If you run Subdue Caterdra'n 10 times in SH it will takes like an hour, too (boss is in the 3rd area and all).
    Now, in order to make up for Lost Tacos you need 60k per run, per day.
    To make up for this tacos will probably have to give like 2.1 million (half a week's worth) or otherwise you will spend all day doing DOs just to get the same amount of money per week.
    And as long as Dudu still costs the same per try and doesn't get a big permanent boost, you seriously need this money.
    I only buy finished and still need a lot of meseta (doing myself would cost twice as much, if I was really lucky).

    On a side note, I pray shop minimum isn't lowered cause I pay for it and I would hate if I can't sell for more than a penny anymore cause idiots are too lazy to check prices, don't give a damn about profit and sell everything for minimum prices (happens too damn much).

  8. #68


    45 million for a Kamui? What?

    Mine cost less than 1m for 50 element and like 200k to affix it, +20(don't play FI enough to +40) cost me like 1m.

    45 million..what?

  9. #69


    Honestly another thing that must be taken into consideration is client order resets. If we could make enough money to purchase 12 AC items (only about 1.3m) from updated tacos, we could just keep spamming them. This will either cause SEGA to adjust the recycle shop, or greatly inflate the AC player shop market.

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Shiyo View Post
    45 million for a Kamui? What?

    Mine cost less than 1m for 50 element and like 200k to affix it, +20(don't play FI enough to +40) cost me like 1m.

    45 million..what?
    RNG is quite the fickle bitch.

    Anyway... think I'm sitting on 40mil. I don't know what to do with it... yet

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